Microsoft Word & PowerPoint Assignment

Question Description

I have uploaded Question related “Microsoft Word & PowerPoint Assignment”. Inside the file attached there are 5 questions. Answer them all.

*** I have uploaded file named “5 Questions”.

ethics in research

Question Description


I need 8-10 PowerPoint slides about (ethics in research) what is ethics in research? and why we should use them? what is the benefits behind using it ? some examples for ethics in research

Questions about Hotel management

Question Description

easy questions………………….Questions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementQuestions about Hotel managementvv

Enterprise Risk Management discussion que.

Question Description

Q: Explain the best approach to ensure successful implementation of ERM? Please provide a few different elements.

DQ requirement: posting to be between 250-to-300 words. posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

No Plagiarism


Question Description

Read the Personality Theory Paper, and follow the instructions to complete the assignment.

Cite all sources used including the movie, (No assignmments will be accepted in this course without references and citations).

Submit your assignment.

Write a lab report

Question Description

Write a lab report follow the attached rubric and answer all the questions in the instruction file.

Using an online simulation to determine the charge to mass ratio of an electron. The simulation can be found at:

Civil engineering course (Statics)

Question Description

Civil engineering course (Statics) quiz 20 questions multiple choice have one and half hour to finish.

Engineering mechanics concepts; force systems; static equilibrium; centroids, centers of gravity; shear and moment diagrams; friction; moments of inertia.

Powerpoint presentation

Question Description

Please use PowerPoint presentation to answer 4 case study questions. They are 4 questions from a 1 page long case study.

Am going to upload the case study. You read and answer the question in power point

essay on the effect this coronavirus is having or will have on advertising

Question Description

Write a 1000 word essay on the effect this coronavirus is having or will have on advertising. If you see any coronavirus themed ads, shoot pictures of them and consider using them as illustrations in your paper.

I need the answer for those questions

Question Description

hi Every one i need the answer for this questions :

for session 9 you will find the answer and attach file with a question on page334

for Seesion 10 you will find the question in the file