Topic 1 Module Assignments

Question Description

Complete all questions in assignment section of Module. Assignments can be completed in Word documents and/or Excel spreadsheets.

Module 2: pages 8-10 *for Module 2 assignment you will need to use the self-checking Excel spreadsheet attached*

Module 11: page 105

I need a 10 pages papers report on Current progress in pipeline coatings

Question Description

I need a 10 pages papers report on Current progress in pipeline coatings. I want an academic researcher who can follow the guidelines to do the assignment. Everything is explained in details in the attached file. Thanks

2000 word paper on Epidemiology APA format

Question Description

I need a 2000 word paper written I have included all instructions and some sources you can also obtain other sources but please try to use some of the included, please follow rubric for best possible score. Thanks.

Wave Guides

Question Description

Derive the cut-off frequency for the folowing waveguides and obtain:

vp, vg, impedance ( ), and propagation constant ( ).

a) TM MODE (Parallel Plate)

b) TE MODE (Parallel Plate)


d=5 and W = 10 Calculate for

1. Rectangular Waveguide

2. Circular Waveguide

Discussion board 5.2

Question Description

Is the concept of performance evaluations passé? What type of motivation might Gen X, Y and Z want that’s different from Baby Boomers? Why? Interview family members or friends of these generations to validate your reasoning.

Critical Thinking

Question Description


ØIt is mandatory for the students to mention their references and sources.

ØStudents may refer their theoretical course content for the elements of Sustainable Development.

Word Limit – Minimum 350 words for each question

Writing references in APA format

need to someone help me to finish my project

Question Description

in order to finish this project, you need to be familair with some online sources and some social news. you need to make some graph , figures, and illuatration to meet those requirments.

more details i will upload.

Labor Management Tactics

Question Description

List and explain at least two competitive tactics of unions and two competitive tactics of management as outlined in your textbook. What are pros and cons of these tactics (at least one pro and one con per tactic).

FIN 288 Short Answer Assignment

Question Description

Please, write a 3-5 paragraph essay. In your own words, address the topic below. Use any outside sources you consider relevant.

What are some of the costs associated with the issuance of new shares of stock?

Calc II questions

Question Description

I have a few math questions that I need help with. Please make sure you show all the steps and solve in a calc II materials. Also, make sure it is correct. The questions are attached.