AD POLYTECHNIC Manufacturing Processes


Homework 4

1) Determine the shape factor for each of the extrusion die orifice shapes in the figures
(a) rectangular bar, (b) tube, (c) channel, and (d) cooling fins.

2) A cylindrical billet that is 100 mm long and 50 mm in diameter is reduced by indirect
(backward) extrusion to a 20 mm diameter. The die angle is 90°. The Johnson
equation has a = 0.8 and b = 1.4, and the flow curve for the work metal has a
strength coefficient of 800 MPa and strain hardening exponent of 0.13.
Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) true strain (homogeneous deformation), (c) extrusion
strain, (d) ram pressure, and (e) ram force.

LAPC East LA Walkouts Discussion


Identify and analyze the 2 (of the many) forms of racism/discrimination faced by students at the East LA high schools. (275 minimum word count)

Watch the video on the East LA Walkouts.  There is a movie called “Walkout” which was written by Moctezumah Esparza, which tells the story of the students. 

The East LA 13 (once you watch the documentary) includes Moctezumah Esparza (writer/producer/activist, also worked on the movie Selena) Sal Castro (teacher/counselor who passed away), Harry Gamboa (artist/Chicana/o studies Professor at CSUN) and was also my professor as well, among others.  Please take note of how these these students fought for a good education.

I need help with a task


Psych Meds Discussion

More and more patients are being diagnosed with mental illness. As nurses, we must stay up to date on medical management of psychiatric disorders. Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are common diagnoses your patients may have. Address all questions for your initial posting. Copy and paste the questions below in your original discussion posting. Provide a new paragraph for each question:

What is the role of SSRI’s in depression management?

How does the medication treatment differ for depression in an adolescent versus an adult?

What about patients that have co-morbid psychiatric disorders? What would you educate patients about who are taking multiple anti-psychotic medications?

gerontology db




In this DB, after watching the video Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) by Mitch Albom, answer the following questions. Refer to the video located under INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS. Discuss the following prompts related to normal aging and acute and chronic co-morbid physical conditions as they relate to Morrie.
• Discuss the modalities of reminiscence and life review and the significance of the life story of an elder.
• What inference can you make to improve effective communication strategies for older adults with speech, language, hearing, vision, and cognitive impairment.
• Identify the impact of culture and family values in providing quality care for older persons.

summarize plot theme tone and write poem


For this reading response:

1)  Read  “Walker Brothers Cowboy” by Alice Munro and the excerpts from Walden by Henry David Thoreau –

see attached PDF Files for each

2) Write a reading response. For each story, summarize the plot, main idea, and note its tone(s), and its theme(s).

3) Below the main idea, tone(s), and theme(s), create a short creative piece of Poetry (of at least 12 lines) that explores one idea or element from the readings that prompts you to think about your relationship to your changing environment of your life before you started going to school and now that you have been going to school.

nursing theory comparison


Nursing Theory Comparison Paper Due Week 7
Choose one grand nursing theory and one middle-range theory and have them
approved by your instructor. Write an 8–10 page comparison paper based on
your approved theories.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for
Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.
• After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write on this theory,
which includes an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it
could be applied in your own clinical setting.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for
Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range



3.1 Learning Outcomes:

Develop an immaculate understanding of the basic information needed to formulate technology strategies.

Identify differences in the types of innovation and the general patterns that characterize technology improvement trajectories and technology diffusion rates (including s-curves and technological discontinuities).

Identify the differences in individuals that adopt an innovation early and those that adopt and innovation later in the technology cycle.

  1. 3.2 Action Required:
  2. Watch the short video in the following link
  3. 3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Q.  What are some reasons that both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit S shaped curve?

3.4 Instructions

Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussiAon link below (Week3: Interactive learning Discussion)

Discussion response


respond to this

School nurses play a crucial role in managing infectious diseases in schools by implementing preventative measures, providing education to students, staff, and families about proper hygiene practices, developing protocols for managing outbreaks, and identifying potential cases of contagious illnesses. They are trained to recognize early symptoms of various infections and are responsible for conducting screenings to identify possible carriers of infectious diseases within the school community. School nurses also collaborate with local health departments to report confirmed cases of contagious illnesses, implement isolation protocols when necessary, and ensure that affected individuals receive appropriate treatment while minimizing the spread of the disease.

nursing research


Search Strategy

Summarizes search methods used and findings.

Defines inclusion and exclusion criteria

Review of Literature 

6-8 peer reviewed, current journal articles (within 5 years) with substantive data for your problem

  • Studies relate directly to the PICO question.
  • Succinctly summarizes articles on how they support, or do not support, stated problem.
  • Addresses strength of literature using an identified data stratification method (i.e. level of evidence).

Attaches a summary of the matrix outlining included works, study attributes, expert opinion, evidence level ranking, and significant findings

  • Provides a brief synthesis of the matrix findings in the body of the paper that includes support and contradictory findings in the literature review related to the problem.

7-1 Project: Project Submission


This course explores wellness and its impact on the world around us. Wellness influences society, and society influences wellness, creating a feedback loop between them. You will critically analyze a specific issue or event in wellness and how it impacts individuals and society using the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social science. From this enhanced understanding, you will be equipped to draw connections between wellness, self, and engagement with your community. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate clearly. These skills are often necessary to achieve personal and professional goals across many disciplines.
