FNU RN Job Market Discussion


Question: Conduct a search in several job listing websites for your location. Count the advertisements for RNs. How many employers are represented? Think of all the different healthcare agencies in the community. Do the ads represent most of them, some of them, or only a few of the potential employers of nurses? Of those listed, how many specify backgrounds or experiences beyond that which a new graduate would have? How many specify the shift or work schedule? If wages are noted, what is the range of wages quoted? Reflect on your own expectations for employment after graduation. How do your expectations compare with what you find in these advertisements?

Climate Change and Human Evolution


For this assignment I want you review certain parts of the Smithsonian websites Human Evolution Timeline Interactive. Once you have checked out the link that I have posted that shows how a specific changes in climate have coincided with major changes in our ancestor’s evolution I want you to go to the multimedia section and click on the video icon.[Link] Once here I want you to choose two videos to watch and then briefly summarize. For example, watch a video and discuss what the science is presents. Why this information is important to understanding out past? Can this help us in our present and future?

Book review


You have selected one of the designated books to read. You will now write a book review that expresses your motivation for selecting the particular book, the impression the book made on you,  information from another external, reliable source that either corroborates or contradicts the book, and how or why this book will or will not impact you. See Content Criteria on page 4 for more details. Note that your additional source should be from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.). Blogs, magazines, and newspapers are not considered professional resources.An external source is one that is not included within the course readings.

Be detailed


Discussion Board (DB) #2: Describe the intended target markets for your global business venture.

(1) Thoroughly describe the intended target markets (TM) for your global business venture. Describe the intended ultimate end-user based on the information provided in Chapter 3 of our textbook and describe the business-to-business (B2B) supply chain necessary to make your product/service available for household consumption (Chapter 4).

(2) Discuss what segmentation variables will be needed to identify, reach, and evaluate the viability of the target markets you have described above. What are your value propositions and how will you communicate that information through positioning activities?

This discussion builds off of the previous assignment

see attached for the more information

ASU Major Ims Network Components Questions


Assignment: VoLTE & VoWiFi

Please answer the questions below:

1. Name the major IMS network components and give a short Question of each function.

2. How is it ensured that a SIP-message can only be sent by an authenticated device?

3. What are “Preconditions” and how does the mechanism work?

4. Why are Asserted Identities required?

5. Why is header compression beneficial in VoLTE?

6. How are call forwarding settings managed in VoLTE?

7. How are emergency calls handled in VoLTE networks?

8. Describe the main steps in handing over an ongoing VoLTE call to WiFi.

9. Describe the difference between VoWiFi cellular preferred and WiFi preferred.

10. Why is “floor control” required in Mission Critical Push to Talk Communication?

week 3 LDS discussion


Week 3: Conflict is common in healthcare settings. Common team sources of conflict include hierarchical relationships, authority differentials, poor communication, negative or disruptive behaviors, and multigenerational interprofessional teams. Include the following sections Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail, cite relevant scholarly source:

1. Describe a conflict you have encountered in your nursing practice. Identify the stakeholders involved and their roles.

2. Analyze how the conflict was resolved. Which conflict resolution style was used?

3. Evaluate the efficacy of the resolution. Was the conflict resolution style used to address the conflict the most appropriate option? Why or why not?

4. Identify and describe your preferred mode of conflict resolution.

Spring 2024 Music Appreciation (MUS-110-2904)


The Discussion Assignment

Please watch the embedded YouTube videos entitled “John Cage about silence” and “John Cage – Branches” before completing this discussion board. In your opinion, what characteristics differentiate sounds from music? Does music have to be pleasing? Is an element of human organization necessary for something to be called music? Do you agree, or disagree with the thoughts of the composer John Cage, and would you consider his piece Branches music? This all leads to the very important question: in your opinion, what is the function of music? Please elaborate in a post giving YOUR opinion to this question, regardless of what you think the textbook would say.

Research topic:Transportation Challenges and Solutions


Research topic: Transportation Challenges and Solutions

Information Sources – Information is collected from library/internet sources and also from the local agencies (CALTRANS, SANDAG) and consulting firms. A number of journals available online are an excellent place to start. 3. Paper Structure – It is important for your paper to be well structured. Although each paper will be different, papers usually should have:

a. Problem Statement, including the significance of the problem (some form of statistical figures is encouraged)

b. Presentation of the most important solutions (technologies, results, challenges)

c. Evaluation of the current solutions (some form of an original Summary Table or Chart is encouraged), and discussion on any promising futuristic solutions

d. Conclusions.



For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number ‘ CASE NUMBER 2 FIND ATTACHED . Answer the following questions about your specific case number assigned:

Discuss the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the health of the patient you selected.

Utilizing the five assessment domains, which ones would you utilize on your patient in conducting a comprehensive nutritional assessment?

  1. Discuss the functional anatomy and physiology of a psychiatric mental health patient. Which key concepts must a nurse know in order to assess specific functions?

mental healthawarness


Section A 

Do a reasearch on mental health awareness, comparing individuals born and raised in the US and and another country in developing countries such as Africa. Explore global differences in mental health awareness and facing stigmatisation and discrimination. This will be a 5 page paper assigment.You can choose your own article but cross check with me first so were on the same page. 

Section B

Which will include strategies for minimizing mental health disparities. This will be a page 

Section C

If you were to intervew an individual born and raised in the united states and in another country what are 5 questions you would ask based on your resarch to find correlation.