Biology psychology research


To complete this assignment, open this Google Doc.

Go to File → Make a copy.

Read the instructions for each part, including any advice you may need on finding and classifying your sources using BEAM.

Fill in the grid on page 4 of the doc with your own sources and classifications.

If you get stuck, the document contains a section with advice on choosing a topic on page 2. There is also an example assignment by Dr. H at the end of the doc–you should NOT “borrow” any of these ideas, but you SHOULD consult the example if you are unsure about the style, structure, level or detail, etc. for this assignment.

0312 Social Work Learning Reflection


Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Make direct connections to the readings by writing a weekly response paper (bullet points are
fine) using the “4-3-2-1” format andelaborate on your bullet points:
? 4 things you learned (and elaborate on this new knowledge);
? 3 points that influenced you the most and why;
? 2 ways the material connects to social work and how/in what ways;
? 1 point you continue to question and/or struggle with and why.
Make sure to reference the specific articles that you are discussing in your bullet point. You can
reference the article by including the last name of the author and the publication date—the

unit 4 discussion minimum two paragraphs


Assignment Details

A firm’s capital structure determines its actual cost of capital, which is a critical measure in its valuation.

  • Evaluate the capital structure of the two firms that you have chosen as well as each firm’s riskiness. Discuss why the cost of capital must be used as the hurdle rate in all investment decisions.

In your replies to others, share stories related to the companies discussed, and evaluate the riskiness of their capital structure.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board, and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Exercise 2 – Managing Supplier Quality: Tiger Devices


Read the case, answer the questions and upload your answers to questions 1-10 using the attached Answer Sheet.  You must use the attached Answer Sheet to receive credit.  You must also add your initials to the file name of the Answer Sheet before uploading back into Canvas.  This is an INDIVIDUAL effort assignment and by adding your initials to the file name you are certifying it as your own work.

Your submission will be graded on a 50 point scale with each question being worth 5 points.  Presentation, grammar, punctuation and spelling are considered in grading.  I will be using Turnit Similarity software to protect the integrity of the assignment.

Cyber Security Question


Write a paper (this includes the title page and reference page) describing the evolution, trends, issues, societal concerns, and application of technology in your intended career field.You must have at least 1 reference each for the evolution, trends, issues, and societal concerns sections.  This is a total of 4 references.  You may not duplicate references.  Only academic, peer-reviewed journals are allowed as references. (CYBERSECURITY IT THE INTENDED CAREER FIELD)

You may only have 1 quote per section of 20 words or fewer.

You may only use first person in the application section.

Paper should be free of all spelling and grammar errors.

Paragraphs shorter than 4 sentences will be considered filler and result in style point deductions.

Labor Market Analysis


The chosen organization is Cisco.

In this assignment, you will evaluate a chosen labor market for your organization and assess the professional competencies and training needs of a labor market.

In your paper,

Assess the labor market from which your selected organization may draw candidates for open positions.

Explain the population, including its demographics and education levels, and how much training may be required to prepare new workers from this pool for five positions in the firm.

Use regional economic corporations, U.S. Department of Labor, or other sources to provide data.

Explain the pros and cons of allowing for remote or international employees.

Discuss at least two ways the labor market may impact the process for determining employee compensation.

CJA 3190-DIsasters and Criminal Justice


Of the following scenarios, pick 2 that you would want. Please explain why you picked the 2 you did and not the others.

1. Receive $10,000 in cash today.

2. Receive a free house of your choice, but you can never move, nor can you sell the house.

3. Receive free groceries for the next 5 years.

4. Receive 2 free cars of your choice that will never break down, but you can not sell them.

5. Receive free health care for the rest of your life. 

6. Have no hearing but can play the most beautiful music the world have ever heard.

7. Have no sight but can paint the most beautiful paintings the world has ever seen. 

The Seasons



1. Changes of the seasons play a large part in our yearly plans and concerns. The seasons have inspired music, stories, poetry, art, and much groaning from students during snowstorms. Search online to come up with some examples of the seasons being celebrated or overcome in fields other than science.

2. When Earth’s Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun during June, some would argue that the cause of our seasons is that the Northern Hemisphere is physically closer to the Sun than the Southern Hemisphere, and this is the primary reason the Northern Hemisphere is warmer. What argument or line of evidence could contradict this idea?…

system and industrial engineering trade studies and ultillizing analytic hirachy process (AHP)


Task 1: NASA Trade Study Example

1) Objective:
a) Analyze a NASA trade study example related to selecting an engine system for a space craft.
b) Apply the AHP method to prioritize and select the most suitable engine.

2) Steps:
a) Problem Definition:

i) Describe the trade-off scenario (e.g., type of engine, existing or new, hint research large-
scale rocket motors; Aerojet, SPACEX, AVIO, Orbital ATK, Blue Orgin)

b) Criteria Identification:
i) Identify relevant criteria (e.g., environmental impact, cost, energy efficiency).

c) Pairwise Comparisons:
i) Create a matrix to compare criteria pairwise (using relative importance).

d) Weight Calculation:
i) Calculate criteria weights based on the matrix.

e) Alternative Evaluation:
i) Evaluate each fuel option against the criteria.

f) Ranking and Decision:
i) Determine the best option using AHP.

Psychotherapy PMHNP


Psychotherapy is one of the core elements of the scope of practice for the advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner, yet many healthcare organizations psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners are not including psychotherapy as a job function.  Many PMHNPs as not being permitted to allocate their practice time to providing psychotherapy.  The initial role of the psychiatric-mental health advanced practice nurse was developed in the context of a psychotherapist.

How do you see the evolution of the role of a psychotherapist for PMHNP over the next 10 years?  Will this role continues to be an essential component of the scope of practice for the psychiatric -mental health advanced practice nurse?  Why or why not?