Part of being a good manager is staying up to date on the latest news, trends, laws, financial happenings, and international situations impacting business. If you look at your newsfeed, you will see many articles that directly relate to the material we study every week. Make it part of your daily habits to check in and review the top business-related articles.

Identify an article in the media within the last six months that relates to a topic from this week’s assigned reading. You can look at reputed newspapers, journals, online publications, and other sources. The APSU library is an excellent resource.

Once you identify an article, submit it along with a paragraph that addresses the following.

  • How do you relate this article to the material we covered in the course?

HMGT 495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare


Staying abreast of issues, trends, and research in healthcare is important to the success of the healthcare professional and the community at large. For this activity, you will:

Locate a current article related to healthcare and specific to the healthcare sector that you are most interested in. Ensure that the article comes from a credible source of information.

After reading the article in detail, write 1-2 paragraphs that will serve as a summary of the information contained in the article and your analysis of that information. This should demonstrate an understanding of the material, independent analysis, and critical thinking skills.

  • Spend some time locating a group on LinkedIn that is specific to your area of interest or the sector of healthcare that you are wanting to work in. Join that group.

Find and provide an advertisement or other persuasive appeal (from any medium).


Persuasion and Attitude Change (2-parts)Find and provide an advertisement or other persuasive appeal (from any medium). Consider if it was persuasive to you. Ask a few others to look at it and consider their reactions too. Analyze the methods it uses to persuade. How do the advertisement and your reactions relate to social psychology?

Attitude change: Identify an attitude you have now that you used to view differently. Describe your attitudes at both times. The attitude can be anything from big-picture attitudes like the nature of justice, to political attitudes like racial tensions, to everyday attitudes like a preference for one product over another. Consider the ways attitudes are defined; what type of attitude was, and is, this attitude for you? Describe your process of attitude change using social

4 kids clinical


CategoryItemValueClient InformationSitePrivate PracticeAgeAdult (18- 64 years)GenderMaleVisit InformationStudent Level of FunctionSupervision – Level 2Category of CareDirect Patient CarePractice ManagementType of visitConsultationDiagnosis1 Personality DisorderStudent Notes

53 years old male with no past psychiatric history who presents to the clinic accompanied by his wife complaining of visual and tactile hallucinations over the past week. Wife reports that patient had the same presentation 2 years ago and refused to get psychiatric treatment. Treatment: 

-Start Risperidone 0.5 mg BID 

CategoryItemValueClient InformationSitePrivate PracticeAgeChild (0-12 years)GenderMaleVisit InformationStudent Level of FunctionSupervision – Level 2Category of CareDirect Patient CarePractice ManagementType of visitConsultationDiagnosis1 Personality DisorderStudent Notes

10 years old male who was diagnosed with schizophrenia 4 months ago by the school psychiatrist and has been in treatment since the. Mother reports an improvement on symptoms. Treatment: –

Continue with Fluoxetine 20 mg daily

2 Discussions


Week 6: For this week’s discussion, complete these tasks:

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study.

Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each.

Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal study and explain why that developmental design is preferred.

Week 7:For this week’s discussion, you are to find an experimental research article in the University library. After reviewing the article, you need to provide an annotation to the class. In the annotation, be sure to include the hypothesis/hypotheses, methodology (i.e., including participant pool, measurements, data collection process, data analysis process), results, and discussion. You will also need to attach the article to your posted discussion.

Public Health College public health question


Create a Staffing Plan

Your staff is your most important asset and will make your grant intervention come to life. As such, your portrayal of how they will accomplish their work as part of your grant intervention is paramount to your success. Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research how to write a staffing plan. Based on your research, address the following:

Create a staffing plan that shows the number of full- and part-time staff, including contractors and volunteers, who will implement your chosen public health intervention in response to your chosen FOA.

Deliver the staffing plan in an outline form, briefly describing each individual’s job title and responsibilities.

Include an organizational chart showing where these positions reside and to whom they will report.

Policy Evaluation of Chicago’s, IL 20 Plan to combat and end homelessness


The major assignment will eventually be a 12-14 page formal program evaluation using the CDC evaluation framework.  One of the first steps in this process is to develop a proposal. The proposal will center around the program evaluation of Chicago, IL 2.0 Plan to combat and end homelessness. I am including a hyperlink to the CDC evaluation framework for your review on what the 6 steps of evaluation are.

4. Please use 3-5 sources. You must use the source which is attached below. Even though you are citing sources- it should not take away from your writing. The majority of your paper should be writing and not cititations.

  • 5. Your paper should pay special attention to APA formatting. And will be organized in the following way:


Formal Business Report


Conduct research regarding the manner in which varying domestic and foreign governments can or have taken action to impact Global Logistics and Transportation. Resources contained in the Bellevue University Online Library Database System are highly recommended.

Create a formal business report for your current supervisor (or a past supervisor). This report will identify, compare and contrast one instance each where domestic and foreign governmental action impacted Global Logistics and Transportation. Conclude your report with your thoughts as to what your organization can learn from your report.

If governmental action over Global Logistics and Transportation issues is not a topic of consideration for your current or past organization, complete this assignment as if you did work for an organization for which governmental action over Global Logistics and Transportation was relevant.

Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal


Assessment QUESTION

Students are required to submit reflective journal entries at specific points throughout the course. These reflective narratives help students identify important learning events that happen throughout the course and the practicum.

Write a reflective journal  to outline how your experience at your practicum site related to the following reflective questions:

Based on your practicum experience, describe leadership behaviors you have observed from your preceptor and from other leaders at the practicum site.

Discuss leadership behaviors you have demonstrated during your practicum experience to communicate a consistent image of the nurse as a leader.

  • Reflect on the leadership skills you have gained during your practicum experience. Describe two leadership areas in which you would like to further improve. Discuss one way in which you will work to improve in these areas. 

Please follow instructions and provide APA Format with References and citations-Laa


Case Study – Read and respond (2 page minimum) to the following article by answering their initial question – “Why should academics and practitioners be interested in understanding the impacts of big data?”. Identify what your organization can learn about the potential value as well as pitfalls of improperly leveraging big data. What types of data does your organization struggle with analyzing and how could big data technologies assist? In reviewing table A1 in the article, which value dimension might most apply to your organization and why? Which issue dimension?

Fosso Wamba, Akter, S., Edwards, A., Chopin, G., & Gnanzou, D. (2015). How “big data” can make big impact: Findings from a systematic review and a longitudinal case study. International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 234–246.