Answer 5 Questions


Please answer these 5 questions that I will post below. The last two questions require a short video to be watched which I will attach as a link. 

Part I

1. What are some of the main factors that are associated with health disparities?

2. What are some of the major differences in the health of populations living in high income countries compared with the health of populations living in low-income countries?

3. How do structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction help us understand illness and health care?

Part II

According to the short videos below answers questions 4 and 5.

4.  How do you explain the rising death rates among middle-age white Americans, especially those with low education? 

5. How can we relate deaths of despair with American capitalism?

Module #3 DQ Case Studies


Case # 5 – “Post-Interview Surprise” – page 70

1. How might a positive decision impact the internal culture of the school?

2. How might a positive decision impact the relationship between the school and its community?

3. Is it appropriate based on the criteria of merit and worth to consider these types of behaviors in making a hiring decision (and is it ethical and is it legal)?

Case #6 – “New Teacher Induction” – page 73

1. In what ways does the culture of the school impact what a new teacher experiences during the first two years in a school?

2. What are some steps a school leader might take to make the experience of newly hired teachers positive?

3. What role do professional teachers have in making the experience of newly hired teachers positive?

Financial Analysis Project: Cash


Please be reminded – this project is to be done as a regular paper, with a header page – PLEASE DO NOT USE MEMO FORMAT

Using the same two companies that you identified in previous assignments, analyze cash conversion cycle and free cash flow.

Submit any Excel templates you use and prepare a 2-3 page analysis of what you have learned about the company regarding its cash conversion cycle and free cash flow (the page count does not include references or the header/title page).

Reminder: Again. This assignment is analyzing the TWO companies you have chosen in the industry of choice (10-k files attached below). So there should be separate files of submissions for each of the companies, meaning 2 excel spreadsheets of the calculations, and 2 analysis files(docx) for each company.

CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language


CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Spring 2024

Assignment 1


Question 1: What would be displayed if you output each of the following

sequences of ASCII codes to a computer’s screen?

24 33 38 39 20 34 35

Question 2 (20 points): Find the word-length 2’s complement representation of each of the

following decimal numbers

(a) 33

(b) -54

Question 3 (20 points): Find the byte-length 2’s complement representation of each of the

following decimal numbers

(a) -78

(b) 89

Question 4 (20 points): Each of these 16-bit words can be interpreted as either a 2’s

complement number or an unsigned number. Find the decimal integer that corresponds

to each interpretation.

(a) FF FA

(b) 53 A2

Question 5 (20 points): Each of these bytes can be interpreted as either a 2’s complement

number or an unsigned number. Find the decimal integer that corresponds to each


(a) FF

(b) 53 



1. As discussed in the book and in the powerpoint presentation, there is the myth of adolescence being a time of strife and turmoil,. Do you agree? What was your adolescent period like?

2. Additionally, review the information below as well as the powerpoints. Share your thoughts on identity crisis, parental involvement, substance use, eating disorder, and suicide. How would you address these issues with teens and parents, especially now during COVID-19 restrictions? How useful was the information in the twelvetalks link (review the wheels and gender identity sections? How would you use those resources to talk to teens, parents, and your family members?

teen suicide prevention.pdf

adolescence and identity crisis marcia erickson.pdf

stages of development teens.pdf

Kindergarten Math lesson plan format


Student  One –  Autistic

Student Two – ADHD

Part 1

You are conducting Lesson 1. You can upload any lesson plan format that you are using in the schools. If you are annotating, please make sure that you are annotating keeping your success criteria in mind. 

Part 2:

Please make sure to add in a section at the bottom how you are scaffolding for your two focus students and identifying how you will be informally assessing through the lesson in order to inform your instruction. 

Suggested Format:

Part 1: Lesson Plan:  Created and Informal Assessment (I suggest something simple such as a checklist with students name listed on the left and success criteria at the top that can be checked off)… 

Part 2: Scaffolding for 2 identified students  – Student  One –  Autistic. Student Two – ADHD.

HLT 314 Discussion questions


Discussion 1: Select one area of health policy and describe the impact that policy formation places on direct patient care delivery. What component of the policy area you selected could be improved to provide better care or patient outcomes, and how?

Discussion 2: View the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” video.  

This video was developed just as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to as ACA) was due to be implemented. Now that the ACA is operational, contrast the information from the video with actual outcomes and provide your assessment of whether the stated goals of the ACA are being met for direct patient care. Support your position using sources inclusive of peer-reviewed literature as well as governmental statistics (state or national) or other nonpartisan resources.

data as evidence


your Final Project consists of four written assignments that culminate in the submission of your Final Project to your Instructor in Week 11. Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 will focus on key elements of inferential tests. In the Final Project submission, incorporating cumulative feedback you receive from your Instructor on preceding assignments, you will compile these elements into your Final Project.

The four parts of the Final Project are:

Part 1: Descriptive Statistics (due in Week 3)

Part 2: Inferential Test – t-test Statistical Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 7)

  • Part 3: Inferential Test – ANOVA Statistical Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 8)

Part 4: Inferential Test – Correlational Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 9)

  • The following will be added in for the Final Project:
    Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix

counseling 120


Read Chapters 6 & 7 in College Success. Write a one-page double-spaced journal reflection summary of these chapters. You must have a minimum of one paragraph per chapter. Please answer these questions in your one page summary reflection.

1. What did you learn and how will you apply this to yourself and your college and career success?

College Success TextbookLinks to an external site.

This link will open in a new window. If you want to work in the window within Canvas, click on the next item in this module titled “College Success Textbook.” Once you are in the Book, make sure to click on the “Contents” icon in the left menu bar so that you can see the table of contents of your book.

Please answer 2 Discussion Questions, then write 2 peer reviews for each discussion question


Please answer 2 Discussion Questions, then write 2 peer reviews (with examples from google scholar) for each discussion question

DQ 1 :

It is very important to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Speak with your manager or the HR manager regarding the business’s goals and requirements for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Share what you learn. What challenges do they face and what is the company doing to address those challenges?

Job: Team Lead
Work: Fashion Industry
Company: Zara

DQ 2:

Businesses often have a set of core values and culture that they strive to promote and maintain. However, individuals have their own sets of values and culture that they bring to the organization. How can a business embrace individual cultures and values and integrate them into the overall business culture and values?