ECPI University Investigating Careers Questions



In this assignment, you will select an article that presents information on one of the below forensic careers. The article must be from the last twelve months and contain information on how an individual from one of the forensic careers below was able to affect a criminal case. ARTICLE SELECTION IS: FIREARMS EXAMINER.

Draft responses to the questions below, which will address the information found in the public investigations article you selected for this assignment.

  1. Provide a brief summary of the skills, education, and training necessary to go into this forensic profession.
  2. Explain the role that this forensic profession has in the investigative team in crime scene management and forensics.
  3. Examine whether or not observation plays a critical factor in this investigative team member’s daily duties. Explain.
  4. Describe the impact issues with methods used to collect evidence (legally or procedurally) could have on this role’s analysis of the evidence. Justify your opinion

GCCCD Art Appreciation 100 Questions


This part of the exams tests students on their knowledge of course content from Modules 1 through 3.

Number of attempts: One (1). Once you click “Take the Quiz” the timer will start.

  • If you start the test by mistake, please finish it. There is not the opportunity to reattempt it.
  • If you lose power, you can log back in and complete the quiz as long as you have time remaining.
  • Take the test after you have viewed the lectures (in this case, lectures may be in PDF/PowerPoint form). The questions derive from these lecturess.
  • The test is timed and attempting it without preparation may undermine your success.
  • There are 15 multiple-choice questions in the test. Choose the BEST answer.
  • You will see one question at a time.
  • There is the opportunity to go back to a question if you need to.
  • You may consult your notes. But, take the test independently.
  • Time allowed: 30 minutes

Forum: Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees


In our professional experiences, most of us have been frustrated with coworkers that didn’t know everything they needed to know and cost their employer money(or their coworkers time) needlessly. A good plan for onboarding and training can engage employees and save money.

Discussion Prompt (150 word minimum on your training program)

Think about a time when you wished your coworkers had received more training in their positions. Then, use the ADDIE method to develop a training program for those coworkers, using your own knowledge as the basis for that training program. If you haven’t been employed before, or if you don’t remember an instance where coworkers needed training, create a fictional scenario.

Once you’ve created your own training program, review three training programs created by your classroom peers. Did they complete all the steps of ADDIE? Did they give you any ideas about your own training program?

Review the below information


Obtain the most recently annual report of a publicaly owned manufactoring or merchandising corporation of your choice. Do not select a bank, insurance company, financial instituation, or public utility. It would be appropriate to select a firm that you know something about or have an interested in. If you dont see a direct link to Investers on the home page. look for links such as Our Compay. About US, or Site Map that may lead you to SEC Filing, Finicial Information or annual Reports. Most companies allow you to save or print an Adobe Acrobat version of thier annual reports. Provide Introduction.

Attach a word document with a link to the annual report you selected and answers to the following questions:

a. Who is the Chief Financial Officer

b. What are the names of the directors?

c. Which firm conducted the audit?

d. What are the names of the financial statements provided?

Masters Research Project-2


Use a formal draft of what I have included below. That was my research paper. Use that paper and Consider providing a brief mention of the specific industries or sectors that are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats to enhance context. To enhance clarity, briefly mention how these cyber threats impact businesses or individuals. Consider adding a brief conclusion to the introduction that summarizes the main objectives and sets the stage for the subsequent sections. Additionally, consider expanding the reference list to include a broader range of sources, including recent publications and industry reports.

Note 1: Need proper citations and more references including links as well as more evidence. you can add research papers for evidence not only included papers. Please refer above information.

Note 2:Name is Formal draft submitted by end of week 7.docx (Attached below) that was the paper I needed to include the matter in that paper.

HMGT 420 Healthcare Facilities Management


Review Discussion Articles: 

How to measure customer satisfaction: 4 key metrics

Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Services and the Techniques Used for its Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review and a Bibliometric Analysis

Discussion Prompt

  • Identify a real healthcare organization (hospital) within the United States. Based on the available current patient satisfaction and structure of the organization, develop a justification and plan for one initiative directed to improve patient satisfaction with service delivery. The articles offered should only be used as reference points. You may also use other credible research sources as well.

As part of your justification and plan be sure to identify: (1) the purpose, (2) goal of the project, (3) key stakeholders, team/multi-disciplinary group members, and (4) their roles related to impacting the patient satisfaction.  Also, be sure to add a brief QUESTION of why these departments are key to the success of the project.

Havard university question


Darin is experiencing personal financial problems. The amount of income he receives from his corporation is barely sufficient to cover his living expenses, the payments due on his mortgage, various credit-card debts, and some loans that he took out to pay for his son’s college tuition. He would like to file for Chapter 7 liquidation just to be rid of the debts entirely, but he knows that he could probably pay them off over a four-year period if he really budgeted and used every cent available to pay his creditors. Darin decides to file for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 7. Are all of Darin’s debts dischargeable under Chapter 7, including the debts incurred for his son’s education? Given the fact that Darin could foreseeably pay off his debts over a four-year period, will the court allow Darin to obtain relief under Chapter 7? Why or why not?

group work video discussion post


Module 5 Discussion Prompt 

You should watch the group work video and the video lecture for this week’s class. 

Now that you have watched Julius in his role as the group leader and evaluated his skills for beginning the middle phase of group work, you will continue your skill development for the working phase in groups. You will continue your work by looking at activities in groups as well as activity groups. Additionally, you’ll consider how the worker manages the emerging informal roles of the group members. Julius will be the illustration of your learning.

In your post this week, share with your peers what you thought while watching this case study video.  

How did you see Julius use process versus content?  

What skills does Julius use to avoid doing individual work in group context?

How does Julius manage obstacles and/or illusions of work?

How does Julius terminate the session?

Geographic Information Question


Download the assignment files. Remember to use the desktop versions of Google Earth and Excel, not the browser-based versions. You only need to upload your completed answer sheet document as a .pdf. Convert word to pdf.Links to an external site.

We are changing the assignment process slightly. There is now a dedicated file for you to fill out answers, called student answer sheet. This will make it easier for TAs to grade so they don’t have to keep scrolling through all of the questions in the submissions.

Assignment 3 – Volcanoes SP24 student question sheet.pdf


– These are the questions

Assignment 3 – Volcanoes SP24 student answer sheet.docx


– This is the document you need to complete and upload as a .pdf (updated 2/20)

economics Teacher Proposal


Imagine you are a high school economics teacher.  You want to convince your principal that tourism should be included as part of one of your courses to show students a practical application for learning the discipline of economics. 

Based on the cost / benefits of tourism, please draft a proposal to include tourism in your class utilizing the following analytical framework. Your proposal may be in the form of a written or visual essay.

Identify why tourism is not currently included in your economics class

Discuss the gap including tourism in your class will fill

  • Explain why is tourism a good proxy for economic study
  • Give details on how you would work tourism into your economics class
  • What types of examples would you share with students?
  • What activities would give your students?

When developing your proposal, consider what arguments you would use to convince the leadership of the school to include tourism in the course.