OPS/571T Discussion Question

Question Description

This is a discussion question 175 words or more.

  • If you were starting a new software development company and could locate it anywhere in the world, which place would you choose?
  • Provide an explanation of the variables you would consider in selecting the country and justify your rationale.


Question Description

I have uploaded a Zip file which has a couple of screenshots from the article because i couldn’t download a PDF or Word version. And I also uploaded a pic for the questions I need you to answer from the article only.

No plagiarism Thank you 🙂

Microsoft office 365 access assignments

Question Description

1st Assignment

Chapter 4 notes have been loaded on the Content page. Please Answer questions 4.1, 4.2, 4.8 & 4.12 from the Review Questions list on page 309-310.

2nd Assignment

In the Loose leaf pages, Module 6, Access Projects Complete the Inventory Database Assignment (pages 140-147)

From slavery to freedom

Question Description

Chapter 8: Antebellum Free Blacks

Essay Response (2 Paragraphs)

Read the entirety of the posted lecture for Chapter 8 titled, “Antebellum Free Blacks.”

Write a two-paragraph response essay related to the following question:

What were some of the opportunities (paragraph 1) and challenges (paragraph 2) facing Free Black Communities?

Find sources and write anotatedbiliography

Question Description

find 4 credible sources. Then write annotated bibliography for each.

I want to use those sources to support my debate side which is ( Face to face classes are better than online classes)

I will attach Evaluation form you can use for each source.

250+ words discussion post, APA format

Question Description

How do laissez-faire, statist, socialist, and the welfare state systems differ? Trace the evolution of each system from its core ideology to present and provide examples of each system. Be sure to explain why the state is a good example of each.

Please cite information APA format

Read chapter 24 of (production process book )and answer the following questions.

Question Description

Read chapter 24 of (production process book )and answer the following questions.

Complete the following assignment on a word document and submit it on Canvas.

What is GMAW, GTAW, adn PAW?

Describe each process in detail.

List any 6 differences between the 3.

use the file upload to answer it

Cloud Computing Paper

Question Description

Create a paper that discusses how Sarbanes-Oxley affects those organizations with a cloud presence and what areas they need to be cognizant of to ensure compliance with the law.

Minimum of 500 words, sources must be cited in APA format and must have clear organization and flow.

Topic 2 DQ 3

Question Description

Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment. Post your idea and basic thoughts about the topic using the assignment details from Topic 3. You should provide thoughts to your peers about their topics and ideas that may assist them in completing their projects.

I need an excel project

Question Description

Create an excel table with financial ratios. You should include at least two ratios from each of the five categories listed in the financial statement ppt. That means you need to collect ten ratios for each year and thirty ratios for the last three years