Developing Individual Team Members – DB


After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Launch Discussion Board link under the Assignments tab for this unit to open the Discussion Board and make your post.

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Assignment Details

Team and leadership experts can perform at least two different roles. One is the role of a consultant. The other is the role of a coach.

Have you ever had a leader who was also a good coach? Reflect on the techniques used by this leader.

What were some of the attributes that they possessed? 

  • Discuss a minimum of 1 attribute that seemed to be most important or most crucial to being a good coach.

To get you started, think about how this pertains to your work, sports, church, or school history. If none of these apply, think of how leadership works in your family structure. Did any of the leaders in these contexts give you coaching? Reflect upon the techniques used by this leader. What were some of the attributes that they possessed? Discuss at least 1 attribute that seemed to be most important or most crucial to be a good coach. 

CTA – Traits, Skills, and Behavioural Approaches to Leadership


Question Requirements:

This assignment has three parts:


Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website ( to determine your leadership style.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:
?    Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style; Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
?    Based on the readings you did this week on Leadership Styles, describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style (provide in-text citations)
?    How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment?


?    Which of John Maxwell’s  21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership most resonates with you and why; please provide an example of why.
?    Describe a KSA leader that embodies one of the 21 Laws and describe why (provide at least two sources)


In the article by Nitin Nhria assigned this week, the author states that “as the world shifts, so should leaders”
?    In what ways have you, or will you, shift as a leader?
?    Describe how SaudiVision2030 is shifting KSA. How is the leader enabling this shift?


Accident Analysis


Choose a significant accident. For example…

Title (0 marks)

Give the title of your accident

Part 1 (20 marks; maximum 400 words)

Give an overview of the accident, including the technical or engineering failures that might be relevant. 

Part 2 (40 marks in total for part 2; maximum 800 words in total for part 2)

Describe the wider systems issues that contributed to the accident. These include

2.1 Physical/actor events, decision, process and conditions leading to event 

2.2 Supervision and organisational factors leading to event

2.3 External (governments, societal, policy, commercial pressure) factors leading to event

Part 3 (40 marks; maximum 800 words)

Design, training, process and culture solutions. Ways that the accident could have been averted, or changes that have been introduced since to manage wider systems issues that led or contributed to the accident.

For your answers, feel free to include links to other material, or images / figures / tables (Canvas will include these in your word count).

Building a service flower


Assignment Topic:

Building a service flower

0.1Introduction Introduce your service company:

• Explain the location of service

• What is the core service here in your PBL

• What is your company objectives

Who are your competitors

0.2 Facilities services- Covering LO 4

2.1 Give more information about your service.

2.2 Explain how to take your service order- write in steps.

  • 2.3 Describe the billing details shown in the invoice documents in your service.

2.4 Explain the payment methods used.

What is your service gap (limitation) and how to overcome this limitation

0.3 Enhancing services.-Covering LO 5

3.1 Consultation Services …………….

3.2 Hospitality Services …………..

3.3 Safekeeping Services ………….

4.3 Exception Services …………..

  • Services gap and your recommendations

0.4 Conclusion: Covering LO 6

Finish off your report with a concluding paragraph about the role of supplementary services in your company.

Think about the recommendation you have made would give the company sustainable competitive advantage.

Assessments: Some notes to remember:

• Make sure your title page has all components (Date / Page number / Title / name of college and department/ your name and ID)

Table of content

• All pages are numbered

  • • Clear structure of the report:

• Table of Content


-Facilities services

– Enhancing services

–  Conclusion Introduction

– Facilities services

–  Enhancing services

–  Conclusion

– References

  • Front matter and presentation (Headings, sub-headings, spelling, title page, page numbering)

SCSU Internal Attacks Firewall Protection Lacking Questions


1. Briefly describe the threat, including its medium, delivery mechanism, type, typical targets, et cetera. Describe where and how it is likely to breach the identified network. Consider importing the network diagram into Visio (or other appropriate tool) and marking the incursion points that you describe. You will need to do this to achieve the distinguished level for its associated criterion. Paste the updated diagram into your assessment document. Describes where and how it is likely to breach the identified network and shows it on a diagram.

2. Defense Attack [Name of attack]

Describes a typical defense against this type of attack in detail that demonstrates a solid understanding of the attack.

3. Policy to Prevent [Name of attack] Attack

Describes why a policy is an effective deterrent for preventing a specified network attack and includes a specific supporting example. Found via an Internet search.

4. Practices to Effectively Enforce Security Policy

Describes practices that would effectively enforce a security policy and includes supporting references from professional sources.

5. Characteristics of [Name of network security threat]

Describes the characteristics of a specified network security threat in great detail that includes specific perils that it poses.

6. Conclusion

Provides a fully convincing logical argument in support of conclusions or recommendations.

Professional Pursuits


Then, complete the following:

Select an applied branch of social psychology: psychology and the law, forensic psychology, military psychology, health psychology, environmental psychology, etc. In your initial post,

Discover relevant theoretical perspectives.

Discuss basic research applicable to solving real-world problems in this domain.

Explain a minimum of three specific, relevant social psychological concepts.

Predict cultural considerations that may impact the application of this insight to diverse contexts.

Formulate original ideas for the application of insight from social thinking, social influence, or social relations to a career proceeding from your selected branch of applied psychology.

Your initial post should include an explanation and analysis of applied social psychology. Structure your post using complete Body ParagraphsLinks to an external site., and consider using headings to organize the various required components of the prompt. (See APA Style ElementsLinks to an external site. for guidelines regarding the use of headings in your writing.) Your initial post should reference, at minimum, three scholarly sources in addition to any applicable course resources. Additional Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. are encouraged.

Textbook: Aronson, E. (with Aronson, J.). (2018). The social animal (12th ed.). Worth.

Law individual project


Topic Domestic Violence: Your goal is to educate law enforcement to use best practices in the investigation of domestic abuse cases. Include the following topics in your PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides with notes and links to video for self-paced review:

  • How to approach a domestic violence situation when responding to an emergency call
    • When the parties should be separated
    • How to interview parties
    • What information needs to be in the report and why
    • How to best help a victim
    • What laws protect victims, including the use of protection orders
    • Why victims return to abusers
    • Length of time it may take to stay away from their abusers
  • Arrests
    • The legal standard that is needed to make an arrest in a domestic violence case
    • What evidence should be collected at the arrest
    • Whether dual arrests are effective law enforcement
    • How to assist domestic violence victims
      • Reluctant victims
      • Help for victims
  • Signs of child abuse and categories (e.g., physical, sexual, and emotional)
  • Difference between the terms abuse and neglect
    • Legal Question of neglect
  • Use of guardian ad litem
    • The legal standards that must be met in a child’s removal from the home
    • Termination of parental rights
  • Requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
  • Role of court-appointed special advocates (CASA) in child abuse and neglect cases
  • Role of Social Services in abuse and neglect cases

Benchmark – Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum


Assessment Question

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a holistic perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum by including the following:

Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.

Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing and are consistent with the Christian worldview.

Reflect on your overall state of health from a holistic perspective. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health, well-being, and self-care. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum. Describe how you might improve your self-care practices and overall wellness using evidence-based strategies.

  1. Discuss at least two specific options and resources available to you in your community or virtually to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

Activity 32: Non verbal Gestures



This forum activity looks at the communication mishaps that transpire through nonverbal gestures and how you might avoid such mishaps by being aware of how nonverbal gestures convey cross-cultural meanings that are not universally recognized. This ties into this week’s learning goal to explore how communication differences impose barriers to cross-cultural effectiveness.

Initial Post Instructions 

Watch a Youtube video on nonverbal gestures around the world. Post a link to the video and discuss gestures you found differed the most from the meaning of nonverbal gestures used frequently in your culture. such as the thumbs up gesture and its various meanings.

Please review the following resources for this activity:

You may select a video of your choice to watch on nonverbal gestures around the world. Or you may watch one of the videos listed below.

The Secret Language of Culture

The Definitions of Hand Gestures Around the World

  • At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

Marketing Strategy, 2 Case Study Questions. Detailed Responses


Task: Provide analysis that is rooted in the business question depicted in the case.

Response Should Be:

-Detailed yet Strategic

-Addressing business holistically

-Grounded in course material

-Rooted into the critical thinking and marketing analysis

Case 1:

A leading fast-food chain is experiencing declining sales (-10% vs L52W – last 52 weeks) in the midwest region of the US ( Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin).

Task: Suggest consumer and business insights that can help analyze the factors contributing to the decline in sales and develop strategies to reverse the trend.

Consider factors such as changing consumer preferences, competitive landscape, pricing strategies and operational efficiency.

Additionally outline a comprehensive marketing mix strategy (7P’s), to effectively support foot-traffic and sales in the region.

Case 2:

A Multinational technology company is planning to introduce a new smartphone targeting the youth market.

Task: Develop a segmentation strategy to identify key segments within the youth demographic, considering factors such as Demographics, Pyschographics, and Behavioral Characteristics.

Propose a targeting strategy for the new smartphone and a positioning strategy for the new product line, Including identifying the target market, unique value proposition, key messaging and brand archetype.