real 192 ray



1.  Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ homework assignments. Are you allowed to turn in late work?  If so, why, if not, why not?  What is the penalty for late work? How many percentage points do you lose for turning in late work? What is the deadline for turning in late work?

2.  Also, regarding the syllabus, what are the attendance requirements for this course?  What does the syllabus say about logging in every week? What is considered excessive absence?  What is the very last day, per the syllabus, to complete the online final exam for this class ?

3.  Please define Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy, which U.S. government agency is in charge of Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy?  (Do not respond by simply saying the government or executive branch).  You need to name an actual government agency who oversees Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy, they are different agencies.

4.  What are the 3 policy tools the Federal Reserve uses to control the supply of money ?

5.  What are the three (3) specific policies that increase the supply of money?   What are the three (3)  specific policies  that decrease the supply of money?  Respond to these questions separately, do not lump your answers together.

Need help with problem over DME production process/sizing major equipment


a) Use the skills you acquired (diagrams and conceptual chemical process design) and provide a detailed process Question for the DME production process. Review Douglas’s method and provide detailed information about process chemistry, input/output stream structure, recycle structure(s), separation systems, utility, and the possibility of heat integration. You can use calculations in Part “b” for a more detailed and specific Question. (limit: 500 words)

b) Use engineering heuristics to size the following major equipment:

– E-201, E-202, E-203, E-204

– P-201 A/B, P-203 A/B

– R-201

– T-201, T-202

– V-201, V-203

Follow (step-by-step) heuristic rules for each piece of equipment and provide sufficient details and reasoning for your calculations. Compare your findings with specifications reported in Table B.1.3.

NOTE: The whole concept of heuristics is to make an engineering-based estimate based on well-accepted rules of thumbs. If any required information for part b is missing, use the stream table, process diagram, and database available (Aspen Properties or a simple Google search – with mentioning the reference) to make a logical estimate. 


E-201 => The temperature for MPS can be found in the text (Page 215) or from Aspen. To estimate Q, calculate the sensible heat and heat of condensation. Even if your numbers are not close to those from the equipment summary, I want to see your cal

UNIT 7 568


Topic: Dermatological Case Study

RB is a 27-year-old female who presents to the primary care clinic for evaluation of a rash on her right arm. Possible causes range from insect bites to smallpox, but most likely the problem will lie somewhere in the middle of that continuum. The differential diagnoses tick away in our heads as we begin our evaluation of RB. The rash is vesiculopapular, moderately erythematous and localized to the right forearm. There are excoriated areas indicating scratching due to itching. She reports that the rash started this weekend. The rash itches day and night. No other family members have a rash. She has never had a rash on her arms before. No one in the family has a history of asthma, allergies, or eczema. She reports no new soaps, perfumes, lotions, creams, detergents or other topical agents being used at home. You notice there are no burrows. The rash is in a linear distribution. Her activities this weekend included pulling weeds around the fence and trees in her yard. Her vitals are: blood pressure 123/74, respirations 20, pulse 68, and temperature 97.9.

Case Questions:

What additional assessment information should be obtained?

What are the differential diagnoses for this patient?

What management will be recommended for the patient?

What patient education should be included?

Public Health1


Activity: Design your own medical care system.

Congrats!  You were just elected President of the United States!  First up on the agenda is to roll out your new plans for the US’s medical care system called, “[insert  your last name here] Care”.  Sounds nice!  Now, tell us about [Last name] Care and why you think it will work.  (Note, you should watch Video 1 and read Chapter 26 before completing this Discussion).

Draw a visual of your Health Care System Plan (see example below from Ashely Hodgson’s Video 1). Take image of it and upload (try using a google drive link to share image).  NOTE:  Your new Health Care System Plan can be a modification of existing models, or completely radical, or just brand new, but it should be reasonable!

people, government, government insurers, private insurers, doctors, hospitals, other (justify)

Briefly describe your plan in words.

  • What about it do you think will be effective? What about it do you think may be ineffective? Who are all the parties that pay for medical costs associated for health care in your system? Is there room for private insurers in your health care system? Briefly, why or why not? Does your health care system operate differently for those with pre-existing medical conditions? Briefly, why or why not?

Project Week 1 Leadership


Identify a clinical certification used in a clinical setting. See Week 2 lesson for examples.

Identify a target population of RNs in a clinical setting that is unaware of the benefits of certification on patient outcomes and leadership skills. Population needs to be two or more RNs from the identified clinical setting for which the certification would apply.

  • Example:
  • i.Certification: CNOR (Certified Nurse Operating Room)

ii.Target population: Operating room registered nurses

iii.Setting: Operating room

  • Answer the questions below about your progress in the Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis assignment.

i.Review comments about your target population and clinical certification from your instructor in Grades.

ii.If your target population and clinical certification are approved or not approved, it will be marked in the Assignment Comments.

iii.If not approved, follow your instructor’s directions for next steps. You may have to resubmit your information.

Please answer this then progress to second part thank you.

  • Please address the following areas on the provided template:

Identify a problem (diagnosis) based on your assessment

Important: The problem you identify will be utilized in Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the Direct Care Project.

Write the problem diagnosis (See template)

i.Process to obtain clinical certification

ii.Cost of application and testing

  • iii.Requirements prior to certification
  • iv.Examination QUESTION

v.Renewal time and process

  • vi.Required items for renewal
  • i.From Chamberlain Library

ii.Full Text only

iii.No more than 5 years old

iv.In English


vi.Include the permalink

Intro to Film Studies


Part 1 (Grand Budapest Hotel)

Describe how camera movement is used in a particular scene to increase the feeling of energy or tension within the scene.

In your analysis, be sure to describe the action and camera movements as clearly as possible, including the specific movements used. (ex. pan, tilt, dolly, etc.)

The climax of The Grand Budapest Hotel includes a black and white scene of Zero, Agatha and Gustave travelling on a train.

  1. Why do you think this scene is shown in black & white, rather than color? What meaning does the use of black & white convey?

Are there other moments in the film that led you to your answer?

  1. Part 2 (Good Fellas)
  2. Identify one editing technique used Goodfellas (1990) that breaks from continuity editing?Describe an exact moment in the film, then analyze why it is used. How does breaking the illusion of continuous time and space fit with the story the film is telling at that exact moment?

In scenes when Henry is hopped up on drugs and feeling anxious about the drug deal, the editing rhythm changes. A quicker paced editing rhythm,along with moving camera shots, convey Henry’s speedy, anxious state of mind. Pick one of those scenes and do a shot-by-shot analysis of the dramatic impact of the editing and camera movements.

Create a Cover Letter


Create a Cover Letter
PURPOSE: Cover Letters allow you an opportunity to  convey to an employer why you are the best candidate for a position.   Unlike your resume, they allow you to use persuasive writing to tell  your story.  Cover letters are especially helpful if you are a newer  professional as you can explain your excitement and willingness to learn  in a way you can not do in a resume alone.   KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS:  After doing this assignment  you will better understand how to create, update, and modify your cover  letter for specific job postings.  You will also have a better  understanding of business writing styles.   TASK:  Create a professional cover letter that can be used when applying for an open job posting.  

Use the information from lecture to be sure to include the basic components and correct formatting as discussed in class. 

  • If helpful, you can use a job posting from Handshake to create your targeted cover letter for this assignment. 

Use these resources to help you with your Cover Letter: Cover Letter Outline 

 Download Cover Letter Outline, Cover Letter Example 1.docx   Download Cover Letter Example 1.docx, Cover Letter Example 2.pdf 

 Download Cover Letter Example 2.pdf

Advanced Principles in Global Supply Chain Management



Time Context: TIME PERIOD January 2020 until Present (January 2024).

Chosen Company: Aston Martin

Identify the challenges that this organisation has or are facing through their supply chain.


– A) Briefly introduce and describe the organisation (who they are and what they do) (100 words)

– B) Briefly describe how and why their business and customers are affected by the challenges. (200 words)

– C) Identify the key elements in their supply chain (the main vital suppliers and/or customers) (100 words)

Main Section 

– A) Identify what the chosen organisation did or needs to do, to secure their supply chain and enable continued trading. (300 words)

– B) Identify and describe any strategic actions that the business and/or supply chain have taken (describe the expected outcome of the action). (300 words)

– C) Describe the key current risks to the organisation (provide a risk register). (300 words)

– D) Assess the key risks, and the strategic choices that the focal organisation has implemented. (300 words)

Conclusion and Recommendations 

– A) Findings From Section 2, discuss whether the risks were foreseeable, and how might the organisation have done things differently. (200 words)

– B) Conclusion and Recommendations Is the chosen organisation likely to be successful and with hindsight, would you have changed the strategic choices of your chosen organisation 

Populating Truth Tables with Boolean Functions


IMPORTANT: You will need to use the drop down above the code, below, to select “” and paste your PA2 code in that file in order for your PA3 code to work.

For this assignment you will be provided with a function callf2(f,p,q) whose input is a function and its two arguments, and returns the value of the function applied to the arguments. You are also given a “main” to test your code.

Your task is to implement three functions: eval_tt_f2(f) and equivalent(tt1,tt2) and is_tautology(tt).

The function eval_tt_f2(f) will, given a two argument Boolean function f as input (one of the functions you created in, return the truth table for f. Use the function make_tt_ins(n) function you implemented in to create a list with the inputs for the truth table, and then use callf2 to append the truth value for f to each row. For example, evalttf2(iff) should return:

[[False, False, True], [False, True, False], [True, False, False], [True, True, True]]

The function equivalent(tt1,tt2) should return True if tt1 and tt2 are logically equivalent and False otherwise. For example, equivalent(eval_tt_f2(PA2.implies), eval_tt_f2(PA2.nqIMPnp))
should return True.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Her I have written the code but I am getting erros, please see the attached (feedback) picture. I want it to get it modify and get the full marks.  

Module 5 Discussion


The discussion questions listed below are directly related to Module Learning Objectives (MLOs) for this Module and to Course Learning Objectives (CLOs).  Discussion Question Response posts must develop an argument that answers the questions posed, relate it to the course material [lecture materials, primary sources and textbook readings] as evidence, engage with your peers’ answer and reasoning, and meet the expectations for spelling, grammar, length, and citations. 

All citations in history use Turabian Manual of StyleLinks to an external site., the Chicago citation quick guide for student research papers. The Author-Date citations are sufficient for discussion questions. Please be sure to use the Discussion Board Rubric as you craft your responses to the questions and to your two (2) classmates.  This rubric 

will be used to grade your responses.

Discussion Questions:

What factors after 1939 led to U.S. involvement in World War II?

How did government, business, and labor work together to promote wartime production, and how did the war affect each group?

How did a war fought to bring “essential human freedoms” to the world fail to protect the home-front liberties of Blacks, Indians, Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans?

Describe how the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 created the framework for postwar U.S. economic and foreign policy.