Module 7 learning


Your learning reflection this week will be based on Chapter 6 and Appendix B from the textbook and the following five you-tube videos: 


thoughtful and specific responses that convey that you fully read Chapter six and watched the five videos.

A. Chapter Six (Beyond the Mythical Norm: Considering Race, Class and Gender)

– After reading Chapter 6 and reviewing Appendix B in the textbook, select fourtopics/quotes/concepts that stood out to you and provide a thorough explanation of why it stood out to you. (Use separate paragraphs for each topic.)

B.”A Conversation with Black Women on Race”

– Share at least two insights from the video that stood out to you.  (You should have at least one paragraph for each insight.)

C. “A Conversation with Native Americans on Race”

– Share at least two insights from the video that stood out to you.(You should have at least one paragraph for each insight.)

D. “A Conversation with Latinos on Race”  

– Share at least two insights from the video that stood out to you.(You should have at least one paragraph for each insight.)

E. “A Conversation with Asian Americans on Race”

-Share at least two insights from the video that stood out to you. (You should have at least one paragraph for each insight.)

F. “A Conversation with White People on Race”two insights from the video that stood out to you.

Campbellsville University Understanding Big Data Concepts


The instructor will have activities in the classroom discussing the topics for the session, including, but not limited to:

Discuss the “V’s” of Big Data is which are the most critical based on different cisrcumstances? 

Identify the differences between structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. 

Review some of the Big Data products/tools. What business problems do they solve effectively? Do they have limitations to their effectiveness?

  • Information on these aforementioned topics will be presented by your professor during this class.
  • Individual/Group activities will also be determined by your professor and the outcomes of those activities will be submitted in this space. Some of those possible activities will include:
  • Group Case Studies

Full-Class Case Studies

Individual Deliverables

Class divided into subgroups to advocate for certain points-of-view on a topic in a point-counterpoint discussion with other groups

Group presentations

  • Any other activity as determine by the instructor
  • Whatever the instructor chooses for you to do, there will be at least one artifact generated from the classroom activity that will be uploaded to this Classroom Activity Assignment representing individuals or assigned groups. This may include a word doc, spreadsheet, presentation or any other artifact as designated by the instructor. At least half of the participation grade will be tied to this in-class activity and will be graded by the instructor.
  • You will need your own laptop in the classroom for this activity. Please make sure it’s charged and ready to go.

big policy project


Legislative history, aka what solutions have been offered before

Take notes WHILE YOU RESEARCH: create a document where you paste links of potentially useful articles, so that you can read them later. Note dates of those articles.

You are looking for:
what government action has been taken before? Because it is PUBLIC POLICY, it has to be government (city, state, federal). [e.g. sanctuary city is the city level, contradicting federal level.

did any scientists or social scientists contribute to the debate?

What solutions by private organizations have been adopted before?

Research process:
Do you want to find the history or to write the history? To find published history: 1. Library of Congress; 2. Law Librarians’ Society Legislative Sourcebook. 3. Google; 4. Specialized paid databases (ask librarian); 5. Free access databases (see attached image for the list)

The complete paper should have citation TWICE:
1. inside the text “according to” the end full citation: Author, Title, Publisher, Date, url. Note: for government sources, use issuing agency (house, number, session, year) for “author”

The actual paper should:

  • report what action has been proposed or taken on fixing your issue; Include dates! Are these actions federal, state, city, private organizations, wards?
  • identify who is mainly proposing solutions
  • evaluate: are these actions/policies sufficient? are they working? Why or why not?

General tips:
The tone should be civil and constructive
Legislative history is interpretive
Look for original intent

Background and Literature Review for Academic Research about Wireless EV Charger


I need Background and Literature Review for survey research aims to investigate technology management practices in the deployment of wireless charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs). The study seeks to assess the current status of wireless charging technology implementation, identify key technological challenges and opportunities, explore strategies for technology integration and standardization, and investigate stakeholder roles and collaborations in driving innovation and adoption. The research will involve a structured covering various aspects of technology management, targeting a diverse sample including EV manufacturers, charging infrastructure providers, technology developers, policymakers, and researchers. Data collection will be conducted online from IEEE, Google scholar and EV charging summits and conferences. Statistical analysis will be employed to identify common themes, trends, and patterns in technology management practices, generating insights to inform recommendations for enhancing technology management in wireless charging deployment. Ultimately, the findings of this research can facilitate the adoption of wireless charging technology and support the transition towards a sustainable transportation ecosystem. The importance of this research lies in its potential to address critical challenges and opportunities in the deployment of wireless charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs). As the automotive industry increasingly shifts towards electrification, ensuring the availability of efficient and convenient charging solutions is paramount. Wireless charging technology offers significant advantages in terms of convenience and scalability, potentially overcoming limitations associated with traditional wired charging methods.

Appendix B


is assignment is treated like a discussion. It is due Thursday night but you do not have to reply to any of your peers. You will then have a couple of days to review how other peers did their Appendix B. Review the instructions below very closely. 

Review Johns Hopkins Nursing Online Evidence-Based Practice Course Modules 5.  Note: completion of modules is vital to your success in these assignments.  

Using the document supplied below:

1. Review all the sections of the form and fill out the areas based on the articles you found for your Appendix A.  If you did not find a specific level of evidence, then place N/A in that table box.  Summarize the combined articles in each level of evidence and indicate the general quality of evidence.  The summary should include general content from all articles at that level and not each article individually

2. Identify (highlight) the pathway to translation based on your understanding of all the evidence you found.

3. Place bullet points of your recommendations for the change(s) that will lead to your policy change for nursing patient care practice. Once your form is complete:

4. In the Reply – Indicate your PICO question first then use the “insert” tab – “document” – “upload document” – “upload file”- find your saved Appendix B Summary of Evidence Fall 2023 word document from your computer.

HMGT 400 Research and Data Analysis in Healthcare


The dataset provides Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and herfindahl index categories, please use the herf_cat variable to answer the following questions:

Note: “The Herfindahl–Hirschman Index is a commonly accepted measure of market concentration used by antitrust enforcement agencies and scholars in the field. The HHI is calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in the market and then summing the resulting numbers” (NASI, 2015; pp: 14-16).  Read more from here:

For this exercise you do not need to compute the HHI, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. However, try to learn more about this you will need that to report your findings.

Using the dataset from week 1 exercise, answer the following questions.

Comparing the following information between hospitals located in high, moderate and low competitive markets below. (Table 3)

What are the main significant differences between hospitals in different markets? (use Anova test)

Using density curves or boxplots, compare hospital cost and revenues across the three markets. 

What is the impact of being in a high-competitive market on hospital revenues and cost? Do you think being in a high-competitive market has a positive impact on hospital net benefits?  What about the number of Medicare and Medicaid discharges? Do you think hospitals in high-competitive market are more likely to accept more Medicare and Medicaid patients? What is the impact of other variables? 

MGT560 Discussion Module#09


respond following question:

You have been selected to open two  subsidiaries of organization XYZ. The headquarters of the organization  is in the KSA. The organization is dedicated to the production of mobile  devices. One of these new subsidiaries will be located in Mexico and  the other one will be located in Denmark. 

As you can see in the image below, which  is from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, there are differences and  similarities among the countries. Leaders should attempt to understand  these differences to create effective organizational strategies.  Specifically, these cultural dimensions can help leaders determine  business approaches, how to address negotiations, and can aid in  creating strong management and leadership styles.


Source: Hofstede Insights. (2021). Country comparison.,mexico,saudi-arabia/ 

In addition to Hofstede’s Cultural  Dimension Theory, the GLOBE research has identified six global  leadership behaviors that are considered important in different  cultures. These leadership behaviors are as follows:
?    Charismatic/ Value-Based
?    Team-Oriented
?    Participative
?    Humane-Oriented
?    Autonomous
?    Self-Protective

1.    Based on Hofstede’s cultural  dimensions, briefly describe the similarities and differences between  the dimensions in Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico.
2.    Analyze how the  cultural dimensions of the three countries (i.e., Denmark, the KSA, and  Mexico) impact leadership styles, leadership behaviors, and the  decision-making process of leaders. What factors most greatly impact  leadership qualities?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook.  Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 



To continue the work of program development, the macro social worker must select a change approach to use. Ultimately, the social worker must develop a potential solution to identified problems by the organization and the client. It is important that the solutions address the identified client system problem. Depending on the problem, the social worker may encounter resistance to change due to members seeking to maintain the status quo. The social worker must also consider the amount of time and risk involved in the proposed change process. Typically, the more change that occurs, the more challenging the process is due to possible competition for resources and power. The change approach chosen and the timing of the proposed change is also vital to the social worker’s success. In this week’s Discussion, you choose a change approach and apply it to macro interventions.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources on change approach.



Required Readings

  • Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
    • Chapter 9, “Building Support for the Proposed Change” (pp. 267–298)

Post the following:

  • Describe the change approach you can use for your Week 7 macro intervention to include policy, program, project, personnel, or practice.
  • Explain why this is the best choice to make for your intervention.

What if Romeo and Juliet had to be told according to the rules of Greek Theatre?


You know the story of Oedipus and you know the rules of Greek Theatre we’ve looked at the limits those rules placed on the telling of the story. For instance, it had to start less than an hour before its end, and it had to move in unbroken time. It could not show any violent episodes from the story.

You know the plot of Romeo and Juliet, which demonstrates that Renaissance Theatre was very different. What if Romeo and Juliet had to be told according to the rules of Greek Theatre (one setting, continuous time, no violence, etc. etc.)? That’s the topic of this essay. Of course it would cause enormous problems, but why? Be specific about what would be lost, what would be distorted. Romeo and Juliet has been a perennial crowd-pleaser for over three centuries… how would a version written according to Greek rules affect an audience?

Suggestion: it would be a good idea in your introduction to mention that there were these two very different styles of theatre, Greek and Renaissance… then give a very quick synopsis of Romeo and Juliet, written for the Renaissance style. THEN present a Thesis Statement about what the effect on a modern audience might be if Romeo and Juliet had to be told in the Greek style. (Would they be bored? more excited? more confused?)

answer the following 4 question


1.Short Essay Question: Provide two writing strategies that you will use to improve your literature review paper quality/paper grade. Feel free to discuss items like:

a.What you plan to do to prepare BEFORE writing your paper (like outlining your paper, seeking library help, etc.)

b. What you plan to do WHILE writing (like reading articles a few times to find the important elements, learning how to use proper APA formatting, etc.).
c. What you plan to do AFTER completing your first/final draft (like asking other people to review your paper, going to the FIU writing center, etc.).
d. Etc.

2. Short Essay Question: As you know, you are required to identify a 5th peer-reviewed and published article for Paper I. Look at the article you found (Note: If you have not found it yet, this is the friendly reminder for you to do now). Describe that article below:
a. Why did you pick the fifth article you chose?
b. How does your article link or relate to your Study One hypotheses?
c. In general, what is the article about?

3. Short Essay Question: What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses if there are more than one) for Study One? Do you agree or disagree with the hypotheses? (Note: We provided it to you!).

4. Short Essay Question: How does your paper header differ from your paper title? Give me at least two differences.