Every day we read alarming stories in world news. The overall goal of your three assignments is to combat distressing news and disinformation using information literacy and the concept of global citizenship. You will achieve these goals:

Gather factual, scholarly information on the problem to combat disinformation and to build public awareness (Assignment 1)

Compose a public service announcement (PSA) that will inform a broad audience of well-sourced information and data (Assignment 2) 

Compose a realistic action plan with well-vetted resources to encourage public engagement and global citizenship (Assignment 3) 

  • It all begins with a Global Studies problem. Start by perusing the news stories in our lesson content: Global Studies Topic Options. Pick one story that strikes your interest and then proceed to the next part of the instructions. Then complete these steps: 
  • Open a document and add your name.
  • Indicate the news story you selected using a full reference in Chicago format. The story must be from the Global Studies Topic Options list.

Local four scholarly, peer-reviewed articles on this topic in the online library. Here’s how:

Open the APUS Trefry library page, making sure you are logged in. 

Enter your search terms. You can mine these from the article you picked. 

Select “peer-review” in the menu on the left.

  1. Use filters on the left menu to narrow the dates (2018-present is recommended).
  2. You can search here as well: It is recommended to select “open access” so you can access the article immediately.

4. Cite the four sources in a list using full references in Chicago format.

5. Next: For each of the four sources, tell us how you know the source is reliable. Comment on: 

The author

  1. The journal and its review process

The database where you found the source

diversity assign. M



This week, you will consider your own cultural background and how it impacts the care you provide to your patients.

For this written assessment we will focus on cultural competency, humility, and health inequities. First, complete this week’s readings and learning activities.

Then, address the following questions on the template provided.  

Define and describe health inequalities. How would you advocate for patients, families, and communities? 

Discuss your results for each of the test (a brief response for all 6 of the tests). 

Discuss if you are culturally competent or have cultural humility. Or are you not there yet? Why? What are your next steps? 

Points: 40


  1. Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.

  1. Style

Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

  1. Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.



You have been asked to lead a ten-person team within your department. You know that several of these team members have not worked well together on previous group projects, so you have decided to put the team through a series of team-building activities.

Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to re-use the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue.

–   Define your top three goals or objectives for the team-building activities for the scenario. Defend why those goals are appropriate. Also assess at least two other possible goals and justify why they did not make your top-three list.

–   Select two articles that discuss whether team-building activities really help. Briefly note what you learned from the articles. Did they guide you to select the best activities, or did they warn you away from certain activities? Justify three best practices for team building activities that emerge from the articles.

–   Team dynamics include both productivity (task) and cohesiveness (relationship) components. Identify three team building activities and assess the extent each influences on productivity and cohesion. Evaluate how cohesion and productivity are linked.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

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4.4 Implicit Bias Test Activity #3 (GRADED ASSIGNMENT) 

Done Start Assignment

Task Explanation: Unfortunately, racial matters in the U.S. go a long way. Although socially constructed, race, racism, prejudice, and discrimination are part of the social problems we face worldwide. The task for this week is Harvard’s Implicit Bias Test, which has been administered in law enforcement agencies nationwide and the findings have been shocking. For this week’s assignment, go ahead and take the  Implicit Association Test (Links to an external site.). Although the Implicit Bias Test is usually discussed in connection with race, it can be applied to a number of groups.

This assignment will enable you to examine how you feel about certain groups (i.e., gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, religion, colorism, weight, age) and how this impacts how you view family membership. I hope you find the experience eye-opening and enlightening. Feel free to talk about this with loved ones and share the test with them as well. I hope you find this to be a learning experience. 

Assignment: Take the Implicit Association Test (Links to an external site.) examining any group of your choice. Once done, consider your test results and your perceptions towards that given group and how that may shape your current ideas and beliefs on family and relationships. This is not an easy task. Some folks introspect, but others may be in denial. You don’t have to reveal your test results to me. Simply write a couple of paragraphs analyzing how biases towards a certain group can impact our or others’ opportunities or life choices and in connection to chapter 3, write about how socialization and culture have played a role in the development of certain perspectives about certain groups. 

Discussion an reply


Initial Post:

In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2)?of the historical selections below: 

The Lewis and Clark Expedition 

The Missouri Compromise 

Independence of Texas 

Mexican War of 1846–1848 

  • The California Gold Rush 
  • Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following:  
  • Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800–1848? Explain why. 
  • Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list above.
  • Use your own words. Use 2 scholarly sources. APA format. Cited.

Reply Post:

The two historical selections I chose this week are the Lewis and Clark Expedition and The Missouri Compromise. Both selections were impactful to the Western Expansion during 1800-1848.

    In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark out to explore the western lands, including the Louisiana purchase. They traveled from St. Louis, MO to the pacific coast. During their travels, they interacted with Native Americans tribes in attempt to establish trades (Corbett, 2023).

  •     The Missouri compromise was an agreement passed in 1820 to address slavery in Western territories (Iber, 2003). Missouri remained a slave state and Maine a free state. The goal was to maintain a balance of free and slave states and to establish a line where slavery would be permitted. 
  •     I would consider the Lewis and Clark Expedition more impactful on Western Expansion because this journey that Lewis and Clark took was specifically to explore the western lands. The expedition lasted two years, in which the men explored the lands, found routes along the land, discovered plants and animals upon the lands and met with Native Americans and offered trades with them. This expedition gave a great deal of valuable information to lay the foundation of the Western Expansion.

Information Technology Question


nswer one of the following questions for your initial post. Check back at least two other days and respond to at least four of your classmates posts. Be sure to visit your own initial post and respond to any responses received on your own post. If you choose to answer more than one of the questions below, please create a new post for each question answered.

Please address your responses to classmates with the classmate’s name for whom you are responded. (i.e. – Thank you, Susan. I agree with your assessment and I would like to add that….. or Thank you, Isa. While I understand what you are saying, I have a different perspective. I think that….) Be respectful in your responses and use positive language. 

Please respond to a classmate that doesn’t yet have a response. In this way, everyone should have at least ONE response to their initial post.

There is 250 word minimum to the initial post and at least 150 words in your responses to other students. It is required that you respond to all instructor questions. 

Please list the question # you will be referring to in your initial post. (i.e. DQ1. I found that …..)

The rubric is attached for your review. 

Topic: The Agile Manifesto and Intro to Agile, The Difference Between PMI and Agile, The Scrum Team and its role, Artifacts and Sprints


In your own view, what are two of the most important differences between PMI’s traditional methodology and the agile methodology?


What are the differences between the traditional project management team and the Scrum team? Discuss how teams might look in a hybrid environment.


What types of artifacts are found in the agile methodology? Also discuss sprints and what might be included in them.

INF 220: IS Principles


Final Project IT System Recommendation

For the Final Project, you are asked to write an eight-to ten-page research report (typed, double-spaced) in which you describe a company of your choice, the nature of its business, a specific product or service, and how that product or service is produced and distributed by the company and then recommend the information technology system you think should be in place and why. Address the following questions in narrative form (according to APA style). Be sure to provide examples and supporting rationale throughout the paper.

Company Background and Information Systems

What is the name, nature of business, and specific products or services of your chosen organization?

How are the products or services produced and distributed by the company?

  • Why are information systems essential in managing the organization’s business?
  • Describe the existing information systems supporting the major business functions of the organization (e.g., sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, accounting, human resources, etc.)
  • Information Technology Recommendation
  • What is your recommendation for the information technology systems you think should be in place and why? Your recommendation should include the following:

Information needs:

What types of decisions do users need to make by accessing the information systems?

  • What are the different levels of information groups?

Need for system automation

  • Benefits of the proposed system (savings, quality improvements, faster processing, etc.)

Types of database data elements (data, images, photographs, sound, video, etc.)

  • Networking and interactive processing
  • Centralization versus decentralization
  • End-user computing needs

Your recommendation to develop or acquire the system software

  • Potential Security Threats
  • Describe the various threats and security threats to the proposed information system. What security controls are required to address the threats?
  • Social, Political, and Diversity Impacts
  • Summarize the social and political issues raised by the proposed information system.
  • Discuss the impact of diversity to the development and management of the proposed information system.
  • Conclusion

Team Leadership Best Practices – IP


You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below.

Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project.

This week, you will develop a plan by thinking about how to develop teams in your workplace. What analysis can be applied to teams? In other words, what needs assessment can you do at the team level? How will you enhance the performance of teams?

Planning and Execution

How cohesive is your team? (Cohesion is a measurement of relationship, togetherness, and belongingness experienced by the team members.)

What evidence can you provide to support your conclusions about team cohesion? Are there any pieces of evidence that might contradict your conclusion?

How might you increase the amount of team cohesion (in essence, what intervention methods, such as role-playing and so forth, would you use)?

  • How productive is your team? (Productivity is a measurement of task fulfillment by team members.)

What evidence can you provide to support your conclusions about team productivity? Are there any pieces of evidence that might contradict your conclusion?

How might you increase the amount of team productivity (e.g., what intervention methods would you use)?

  • Who needs to be involved in the team development plan for it to be a success?
  • What is the time frame for implementing your plan?
  • Prepare a 5-page team plan that addresses the following issues:

What is the organization you are working with (to remind your readers)?

What is the team cohesion need that should be addressed, and what is the intervention for that need?

  • What is the team productivity need that should be addressed, and what is the intervention for that need?
  • Who will need to participate (at any level) in the training and development initiative?
  • When will the initiative take place?
  • What is the basic schedule for rolling out your initiative?

My assignmnet


Exam Content

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various?client presentations?to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.?In this assignment, you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.Review the following case study: Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety.?Clinical Case Studies,?19(4), 239–257.Assume you are an intern at a behavioral health clinic that addresses concerns of immigrants and refugees who have crossed borders and cultures to live in the United States. You have been asked to prepare a summary of how you would assist the client in this case?with her depression and anxiety issues.?Your supervisor wants you to summarize the situation in this case,?since next week she would like you to begin assisting with actual client summaries. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of both anxiety and depression as well as clinical and sociocultural perspectives, which are applicable to all of the clients at the behavioral health clinic.Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word analysis of the case from a sociocultural perspective.Include each of the following in your?analysis: 

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety. 

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy. 

  1. Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client. 

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case?

M1 6401 Response


I learned that I would need a detailed QUESTION of the subject to create single-subject research. To move forward with this research, I would need to gather info about this student’s issues through watching his behavior in the class room over time, and then create measurements around this behavior. Again, this research would be measured over time. Having the social worker observe this client for two weeks as indicated can help him/her create proper measurements and find the information needed to assess the client, and then come up with appropriate interventions.

The data might indicate the child acting increases during the week and then is better at the start of the week. This information could explain that something is happening in the classroom and not at home that might be affecting his behavior. 

The cause indicated may be ADHD. At this point, no one really knows why the student is behaving this way. We are at the beginning stages of this case, where we are exploring and doing research. I think after some testing, observing, research and information gathering, the student might be diagnosed with ADHD. If diagnosed, there are methods that can be used and services the boy might qualify for in his district. 

I would also like to know about his relationship with is family at home. Does he get attention from his mother? Is it negative attention or positive? Also, what was his attachment style like as an infant? Did he get attention as a baby? I would like to know how he is treated by this teacher in the classroom. Is he supported, heard and validated? I would like to know if he can qualify for special services like tutors and SIEDs.  (ilana)