Discussion 6

Question Description

What are the similarities between the customer-tracking systems that casinos use and the guest portraits that stores (i.e., Target) develop? Are these systems good or bad? Why?

After answering the questions, read your classmates’ posts and make at least one comment.

Answering the questions: 3 Points

Making a comment: 2 Points

Media – Mass Communication Theory – Consept paper

Question Description

Type of the paper: a concept paper

Your job is to write the first part of the introduction. And then move to the second part and write three subheadings, under each subheading – you will find all the required information mentioned

Please check the file for more inforamtion

Education RICA case study

Question Description

I have attached two RICA case studies, and a case study templet.

Pice ONE of the RICA case studees to fill out the template. Use the RICA case studies to fill out the template. The template explains exactly what needs to be filled in. USE the template.

MGT312 – prepare a Decision Making and Problem Solving Worksheet answering the following question .

Question Description

I want to correct the answers in the word file and add the mind mapping and all that is needed through

And all other requirements.

  • Referencing is necessary and student must apply APA Referencing Style.
  • NO MORE THAN 10% plagiarism !!
  • The rest of the instructions are in the file

Please answer the following two questions about the diasporas

Question Description

There is no word count, but make your points clear

According to Jana E. Braziel in “Diaspora: An Introduction,” what is the relationship between Diaspora and Global capitalism?

According to Khachig Tololyan in “The Nation-State and its Others,” how do diasporas complicate the idea of the nation-state?

Assignment 1: Complete Final Project Step II

Question Description

Assignment 1: Complete Final Project Step II

    • A brief description of how you will recruit two participants
    • A protocol that includes the invitation, informed consent (using the verbatim document from the Walden IRB), interview guide (revised based on feedback from your Instructor and classmates), closing statement, and peer debrief paragraph

Module 5 – assignment 2

Question Description

With reference to domestic retail packaging issues, some of the factors that may affect primary and secondary packaging decisions include?
(Ch 14)? (Ch 14 from International logistics: The management of international trade operations, Pierre A. David, 5th edition)

Submission Instructions:

  • Complete your task on a word document – maximum 1-2 pages.

IT project planning

Question Description

Please see this website it has all the reading assignments and notes needed to complete this assignment.


– Please see all the readings under the “Assigned Reading”

– Then do the assignment under “Do One assignment: Plan an EHR Implementation”

You can skip “What do you know?” and “More” sections

Compute[ T] _{alpha}^{alpha} for the given basis alpha

Question Description

The following matrix A is the matrix of a linear transformation T:mathbb{R}^n rightarrow mathbb{R}^n with respect to the standard basis.

Compute left[ T right]_{alpha}^{alpha} for the given basis alpha.


alpha=left{ (1,0,0,0), (1,1,0,0), (1,1,1,0), (1,1,1,1)  right}

Journal summaries

Question Description

The four articles I will upload and the template guide of what the summary needs to include you basically have to answer the questions. If you can when you finish the first one can I read it to make sure it’s correct. This must be done on time!