MIS 303 Visualization and Written


Question 1       Technology Trends       

Suppose you (the CIO of your company) have been asked to speak at the monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in the Washington D.C. area.  Your audience will be business managers and executives from a range of industries.  You have been asked to talk about the emerging technology landscape the 5 technologies you believe will have the most impact on business in the next five years and why.  There is so much change right now companies do not know where they should focus their resources and time. This is broad but at the same time you have to prioritize.  Do not use a list straight from some of the articles you read.  I want you to think and synthesize.  Think about all the technology topics the teams presented and synthesize for yourself what you think will be most important for companies to pay attention to in the next 5 years.      

You do not need to write the speech. You can decide the title for your talk.  I want you to give me your five main points of the talk and a brief reason why it is one of your points.  I want to know what your thoughts are.  Make sure that the points integrate.  After you write this answer come back to it later and think about it again from the audience perspective.  Will they walk away with some value that will make a difference?   

OR (let me know which option you are doing)

You could do the same speech as above but assume you (CIO) are attending a conference in your industry and you are presenting this talk to an audience in your industry.   

Question 2  C-Suite and the CIO                                               

For an organization of your choice describe the C-level organization for that company and who the players are.  Who does the CIO report to and how would you describe his role and position in the C-suite?  You may find this information in the databases in the library such as Mergent Online. You might choose a company you would like to work for or the company you work for now or have worked for in the past. You may use a chart if you want.    

Question 3             Chief Data Officer                                        

Suppose you have decided to interview for a newly created position in your company (gov., non-profit, law firm, university, etc. or you can choose a company).  The position is Chief Data Officer.  You feel that you have the vision and expertise to lead this effort in the industry that you know well.  

In preparing for this interview comment on your response to the following questions (but be brief):

First set the stage what company, size, some background on the company, etc.)

Why do you believe you would be the best candidate for this position?

Describe your “big vision” picture for this role and /or the high-level strategy.

Why do you think it is important for the company to move in this direction (hire a Chief Data Officer)?

Where do you see the strengths and weaknesses now in terms of data and information management?  Do you see information/data as the company’s most important asset?    

How will you integrate your efforts with the CIO and Chief Digital Officer (if there is one)?

Security is a big concern for data management.  How will you address the security issues?  

What are the major obstacles in terms of buy-in for the organization, employees, and C-level executives?  How will you address “change management”?

Describe the first areas you will focus on where do you see the low hanging fruit and early wins?  What are the critical areas to address early on?

Based on where the company stands today (in your opinion) where will we (the company) be in five years from a data / information management perspective under your leadership?  

What question do you wish you had been asked in this interview?

  • Question 4  Chief AI Officer                                                                 
  • According to the article you read on the CAIO role, 11 % of large companies have already hired a CAIO and another 22% are expected to do the same this year.  This trend will continue.  Find an example of a company who has hired a CAIO and describe their responsibilities and who they report to.  Give the name of the company, the name of the CAIO, responsibilities and who they report to.   Do not use the ones in the articles.  

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