need atlas 300-400 words 2 references

Question Description

(a.) Why can an IT governance archetype be good for one type of IS decision but not for another?

(b.) When does cloud computing make sense for a large corporation that already has an IS organization? Give an example of when cloud computing might make sense for a start-up company.

(c.) Does a captive center resolve the concerns managers have about outsourcing to a third vendor? Why or why not?


eletrical engeneering subject

Question Description

Almost all of the real world electronic systems are designed with a help of one ormultiple finite state machines. This project considers a finite state machinecontroller for a ‘coin to bills converter’ machine. To help needy children, agenerous company has decided to offer $1 food voucher for every 70 centsdropped to the machine. You are required to design the state machine for thespecifications provided below.

please submit in same docs with apa and references

Question Description

1. What are the two major challenges in the problem of text analysis?
2. What is a reverse index?
3. Why is the corpus metrics dynamic. Provide an example and a scenario that explains the dynamism of the corpus metrics.
4. How does tf idf enhance the relevance of a search result?
5. List and discuss a few methods that are deployed in text analysis to reduce the dimensions.


Question Description

Using Case Studies from Weeks 12 and 13 you will want to select 2 case studies and post to important risk challenges per case study. Be sure you have completed the Week 14 video lecture on Risk Challenges before proceed.

You are not required to provide response posts this week but in your assignment post you need to provide thorough, well written and supported responses.

Linear Circuits 1: Use Superposition to find Vx(t) and Ix(t)

Question Description

Questions attached

1) In the circuit in Figure 1, VS(t) = 40 cos(10,000t) volts. Use Superposition to find VX(t).

2) For the circuit in Figure 2, VS(t) = 100 cos(1500t) volts. Use Superposition to find iX(t).

3) For the circuit in Figure 3, VS(t) = 24 cos(500t) V and iS(t) = 0.5 cos(100t + 15˚) A. Use Superposition to find VX(t)

Power Eectronics II Assignment

Question Description

6. A buck-boost regulator has an input voltage of Vs = 15v. The duty cycle, k = 0.4 and the switching frequency is 20kHz. The inductance, L= 200µH and filter capacitance, C= 250µF. The average load current, Ia = 1.75A. Determine the;

  • Average output voltage, Va
  • Peak-to-peak output voltage ripple, ΔVc
  • Peak-to-peak ripple current of inductor, ΔI
  • Peak current of the transistor, Ip

​SolidWorks Assembly (101 level class)

Question Description

SolidWorks Assembly: Fabricate a functional prototype as a SolidWorks assembly, in which at least one intended function of the final product is realized

Description and sample been attached

the sample has Wind Turbine SolidWorks Assembly

I need grain cart SolidWorks Assembly you can do same as the sample but with a grain cart

Power Electronics

Question Description

  • A buck-boost regulator has an input voltage of Vs = 15v. The duty cycle, k = 0.4 and the switching frequency is 20kHz. The inductance, L= 200µH and filter capacitance, C= 250µF. The average load current, Ia = 1.75A. Determine the;
  • Average output voltage, Va
  • Peak-to-peak output voltage ripple, ΔVc
  • Peak-to-peak ripple current of inductor, ΔI
  • Peak current of the transistor, Ip

bullet point

Question Description

5 slides PowerPoint

Question Description


I jest need 5 slides on PowerPoint.

You will find everything of the files just do the schedule and budget and what the next steps.

this two:

  • Review impacts on schedule and/or budget
  • Present next steps

you will see the next steps on the same schedule.

Also please I need notes for every slides what I need to say?

Thank you