need two different copies min 400 words each 2-3references and citations must both in different docs

Question Description

After you have read Chapter 3 and listened to the Chapter 3 lecture read Case Study 3-2 The FBI. Answer question 1. What do you think were the real reasons why the VCF system failed?

Note: All posts are required to have in-text citations and scholarly references per our syllabus. You are also required to reply substantively (see Post 1’s note for examples) to at least one fellow student. Failure to do so will result in increasing points off as we progress! Do not plagiaries. Do NOT copy anything from Course Hero or similar site. Doing so will result in a zero. Submit only as a post NOT as an attachment so your classmates can respond to you! Post in your own words. Please let me know if you have any questions.

hari sari

please follow instructions and complete work on time with 7 references

Question Description

There are guidelines and discussion in the video lecture on doing an annotated bibliography. This is an intensive research assignment and you will have two weeks to complete. You need to start your research this week. Complete an annotated bibliography using the guidelines and assignment criteria discussed in the video lecture. A sample template is provided.for you to follow.

The instructor will be applying SafeAssign to all submissions. You are expected to provide the annotation to the references in your own words.

You are allowed multiple attempts but only the latest attempt submitted on or before the due date will be accepted and graded. Any assignment returned with a grade of 0 will allow the student to complete the assignment with a maximum grade of 80% awarded on the redo assignment.

System Engineering: Conceptual Systems Design

Question Description

Please complete the following questions and short case study:

  • Why is the definition of system operational requirements important? What type of information is included?
  • What specific challenges exist in defining the operational requirements for a system-of-systems (SOS) configuration? What is meant by interoperability? Provide an example.
  • What is meant by a common function in the functional analysis? How are common functions determined?
  • Why is the development of technical performance measures (TPMs) important?
  • Why is it important to define specific mission scenarios (or operational profiles) within the context of the system operational requirements?
  • Comanche Helicopter Case Study
    • Description of the helicopter
    • What was the mission of the system?
    • Why was the program started?
    • What were the main reasons the program was cancelled?
    • How could this program have been saved?

    I uploaded this chapter material, it might help you. see the attached fi

Please describe, in a few complete sentences the science behind this rapid freezing of the solution upon tapping it on the counter.

Question Description

Bonus points possible –> All correct submissions will receive 10 points on their homework grade. I’m looking for complete, thoughtful responses (in a few complete sentences) with clear articulation of a few main points. Hint – the description on the video is basically worthless when it comes to explaining it. Partial points or zero points for submissions are possible.

Answers to be submitted via the Assignment feature on bCourses.

Entries are due by 12:10P on Friday Oct. 11 and we will cover the real reasons for this when we reach that topic….

Please describe, in a few complete sentences the science behind this rapid freezing of the solution upon tapping it on the counter. Please keep the answers short and concise and provide references (as necessary) for your answer.

Report Writing

Question Description

My major is Control & Instrumentation System Engineering

The report is about Industrial Cybersecurity (Problem & solution), (Causes, effects & recommendation)

I didn’t choose a title so far (choose a title / topic which has elements of both your major, and the theme.)

  • Report
    • 1500 words (±200) (500 words today, more 300 on wednesday, the rest on friday)
    • Six sources
    • APA6 referencing
    • 2 Outlines
    • 6 sources 2 of them are books
  • Progress Report (due in 10 Oct)(I have sample)
    • Introduction
    • WORK COMPLETED (i.Sources ii.Preliminary outline iii. Source evaluations)
    • The Report Overall
  • Reference and In-text citation
    • Choose 6 of your sources 2 of them are books, and use citation machine to write the full reference.
    • Read your source quickly, identify some relevant information, and write 3 sentences (summary/paraphrase) with an in-text citation.

need 400-500 words with full apa format 3 references and replies to fellow students with references and citations

Question Description

Chapter 12 presented the approach Intuit uses to measure the effectiveness of their ERM, and chapter 15 presented the process the City of Edmonton employed to develop and deploy their ERM. You are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement their ERM. They have decided to start over and develop a new ERM for their current organization. Would you recommend that the base their new ERM on PM2 Risk Scorecard or ISO 31000? Explain why you would choose one over the other.


Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 2 references on the initial post and one reference any response posts.

Proper APA Format (References & Citations)/No plagiarism


Critical Issues in Transportation

Question Description

Review this Transportation Research Board (TRB) “Critical Issues in Transportation, 2019” to learn about the most pressing transportation issues facing the nation: CriticalTransportationIssues-Pedersen-2.pdf

  1. Are these the right topics?
  2. Are there any missing?
  3. Would you drop any?
  4. What specific issues under each topic need research?
  5. What insights would you like to offer on the topics proposed?
  6. How do we get policy makers to address future and emerging policy topics?


  • Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
  • Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.)

Material and energy balance of Cumene production process (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING)

Question Description

The calculation should cover overall mass and energy balance (mass flow rates, enthalpies, and temperatures) of allstreams. Hand calculations must be used in details. For mass and energy balance around the reactors, use theextent of reaction and the heat of formation methods ONLY.


1- Mass & Energy balance for all streams (conditions of all streams should be stated)

2- Heat of formation method is the only accepted method to calculate the enthalpies for the reactors

3- Extent of reaction method is the only accepted method to calculate mass and energy balance for the reactors

4- all assumptions and equaltions must be stated

The problem statement and the PFD is attached. Material and energy balance must be calculated based on the attached Process Flow Diagram.

I need to write a laboratory report. It’s easy and it’s all about reading and organizing the structure of the report, you won’t need to use math it’s mostly writing and providing information and shouldn’t take more than 2 hours.

Question Description

I have all the files attached for more details. Please check the lab report first so you can read about the experiment and understand everything. Then, please read the lab instructions in order to write the report with fully organized structure. You will also need to check the data. If you read the experiment and the lab instructions everything will be easy and clear to start working. You will have all the files on a zip file contains everything you need to know. pls do really good work bcoz this report is worth 15% of total grade. follow the report experiment and the template and format report and in last page on bottom there is grading criteria pls follow that.

please apa need apa 3 references with citation and need two responses to other two fellows with citations AND REFECESREN

Question Description

Chapter 12 presented strategic planning and performance with Intuit. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Key Risk Indicators (KRI)? How does an organization come up with these key indicators? Do you know of any top-down indicators? Do you know of any bottom-up indicators? Give some examples of both. In what way does identifying these indicators help an organization? Are there any other key indicators that would help an organization?


Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 2 references on the initial post and one reference any response posts.

Proper APA Format (References & Citations)/No plagiarism