need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 2-3referenceseach with citations and apa pleaatleast 600 for 2ndn

Question Description

1)By using an example, demonstrate the value of the Box-Jenkins Methodology. Please make sure to discuss the impact of seasonality.

DQ requirement: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Wednesday and you must post two additional post during the week by Sunday. I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

2)For this assignment, please provide responses to the following items:

(a) What is the value of performing text analysis? How do companies benefit from this exercise?

(b) What are three challenges to performing text analysis?

(c) In your own words, discuss the text analysis steps (i.e., parsing, search and retrieval, and text mining).

(d) What are three major takeaways from this assignment?
Your assignment should include at least five (5) reputable sources, written in APA Style, and 500-to-650-words.


About structural Engineering

Question Description

These assignments START with book exercises but are modified so follow THESE directions

  • Pick ONE historic infrastructure project listed in Homework problem 8.11 page 155 of your text.Answer points 1,3, 4, and the following “ what other infrastructure systems were needed to make your selected one function (i.e. a bridge needs roads etc…) about this project in a well-formed ~½ page response.At the end of your response, provide a list of the websites from which you gathered information.List each website on a separate line.
  • Take a photo of a piece of infrastructure on the campus that you believe neededthe involvement of a structural engineer.In your response you will (a) identify the infrastructure, its location on campus, and describe its role (ie., a dorm is to house students), (b) describe what role you think the structural engineer in particular played in your selected, (c) include your infrastructure photo in the response.(3-5 sentences total should suffice).

please follow instructions carefully apa references and count of words and citations must

Question Description

For your midterm assignment, please make sure to read Chapter 6 of your textbook.

Please provide comprehensive responses to the following:

(a) In the use of a categorical variable with n possible values, explain the following:
1. Why only n – 1 binary variables are necessary
2. Why using n variables would be problematic

(b) Describe how logistic regression can be used as a classifier.

(c) Discuss how the ROC curve can be used to determine an appropriate threshold value for a classifier

(d) If the probability of an event occurring is 0.4, then

1. What is the odds ratio?
2. What is the log odds ratio?


– Typed in a word document.

– Please write in APA Style and include at least Five (5) reputable sources.

– The complete paper should be between 800-to-1000-words.

testbook :EMC Education Service (Eds). (2015) Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data, Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Discussion on Emerging Threats & Countermeasures

Question Description

In today’s world, both government and the private sector are struggling to provide a secure, efficient, timely, and separate means of delivering essential services internationally. As a result, these critical national infrastructures systems remain at risk from potential attacks via the Internet.

It is the policy of the United States to prevent or minimize disruptions to the critical national information infrastructure in order to protect the public, the economy, government services, and the national security of the United States. The Federal Government is continually increasing capabilities to address the cyber risk associated with critical networks and information systems.

Please explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities, protect against intrusion attempts and better anticipate future threats.

You must do the following:/ Requirements:

1) please explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities, protect against intrusion attempts, and better anticipate future threats.

2) need minimum of 500 words with at least 3 references.

3) APA format/ No plagiarism

​Locate at least five scholarly peer-reviewed papers and at least three industry sources such as Websites, whitepapers, or reports that contain information on others’ attempts to address or better understand the problem you identified.

Question Description

Your goal is to find out what knowledge is already out there related to solving or better understanding this problem. These numbers are a minimum. If you can’t/don’t get the whole picture with these eight resources, find more.

Compose an initial post in which you address the following:

•A short recap of the problem you identified

•For each reference,

    • The full APA-formatted citation
    • A summary of the major points or key takeaways related to solving or understanding the problem

Do not use Wikipedia or similar sites. Do not use blog posts unless they are official publications of the relevant companies or their employees (e.g., Mark Zuckerberg’s blog would be an appropriate source for information about Facebook).

Response Posts:

Comment on the responses of at least two classmates. Address the following:

  • Given the problem, are the references presented appropriate and thorough enough to give a complete picture of the state of the art in addressing it? Why or why not?

lab report for Introduction to lab equipment and simple logic

Question Description

i did some work, please update my work and finish else. there is a sample in files.

Lab Report: Lab reports should be written as a team. Only one report is required per groupand scores are shared between partners. Your report should include analysis and answerany questions that are directly asked in the instructions. You will also need to attach alldata generated from your experiment to your lab report. You must write a reportexplaining exactly what you did in the lab and the results of your experiment. Your reportshould include:

  • ● Introduction – What is the purpose of the lab?
  • ● Procedures – Bullet pointed procedures briefly explaining the steps you took asyou executed your experiment.
  • ● Analysis – This includes data, circuit diagrams, printouts, and answers to questionsfrom lab, and also includes a description of your results.
  • ● Conclusion – In general, discuss what concepts/principles the experiment(s)utilized and anything that needs further discussion.

please apa 2-3 references 300-400words

Question Description

1)Chapter 7 discusses situational awareness. Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do occur. There is a rising realization that in addition to considering prevention and protection, controls that address detection and response are necessary to improve security posture. Please describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.

B) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)


please follow instructions carefully must to be peer reviewed references topic last week i selected in docs

Question Description

Week 4 – Annotated Bibliography


As you work to gather information about your research topic, a helpful tool to create/use is an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography can help your sort out the articles you collect by writing short summaries/evaluations on the articles. The main purpose of an annotated bibliography is to: summarize, assess, and reflect. It is also used to inform you of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources. Your annotated bibliography can help you to write your literature review section of your research paper.

Assignment Requirements

Submit an annotated bibliography with at least 15 peer-review sources related to your research topic. 10 peer-review sources must be within 3 years old.

Annotated bibliography must include reference and an annotation where you have summarized, assess, and reflect on the reference.

Document must be in APA format

If you need help, look to this site:


please min 400-500 words each and 2-3references with citations and please APA

Question Description

1)Chapter 18 presented the importance of culture and enterprise risk management with Blue Wood Chocolates. What are the challenges in developing and implementing an ERM framework for Blue Wood? Are corporate objectives and strategy important when implementing a risk strategy? How does corporate culture influence it? How can a bad or good culture within an organization be detected? If bad, how can it be changed. If good, how can it be encouraged to continue?


Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 3 references on the initial post and on any response posts.

Proper APA Format (References & Citations)/No plagiarism

and need two responses to others student in others docs separately references and citation each atleast two paragraphs on same topic

​View the National Geographic video and answer the question

Question Description

View the National Geographic video on the Boeing 747 Assembly Plant in Evert, WA.

1. How did Boeing reduce their development cycle for the 747-8?

2. What does the term Flutter mean as described in the video?

3. How did Boeing cure the Flutter on the 747-8?

4. How closely must fuselage sections be aligned for final assembly?

5. What does the alignment pin do?

6. Once the Fuselage is assembled, how is it counterbalanced to keep from tipping backwards?

7. How many bolts hold each engine?

8. In an emergency, how are engines designed to break away?

9. How many kilometers (km) of wiring is used on the 747-8?

10. The 747-8 is primarily a fly-by-wire aircraft. What are the other Redundant systems built into the 747-8 in case the fly-by-wire system fails?

11. What are the steps in painting the fuselage?