Substation system

Question Description

You are an automation engineer at an X Power Enterprise Company, which owns several substations. Because of deregulation and the increased need for economy and reliability, the company intends to upgrade its old SCADA system. The present system in the substations has legacy RTU’s hardwired to meters and protection relays for analogue measurements and to breaker and switch status information.

The RTU communicates with the SCADA master (at the control center) using a propriety vendor protocol over a serial communication link.

Control room at master station has only HMI’s for visualizing measurements and status, but no EMS system. Corporate office (non-operational) engineers do not have access to the system.

Starting at the substation, explain your concept for modernizing the SCADA. Explain the logical steps to begin with, and then complete your system such that it becomes capable of automation, and is able to perform advanced EMS functions such as AGC, can provide both real-time operational data, and enterprise level non-operational data. Remember that no two SCADA systems are the same, so you have room to suggest any reasonable solution. Explain what you would use for substation equipment, for protocols, for communications, and for SCADA applications at the Master substation.

Draw a conceptual diagram of your complete systems and label it.

Keep your answer within two pages.

Mechanical Engineering Seminars

Question Description

This is Presentation about

Autonomous Car

I need it 10 slides. included video and pic

here is example

Today world is running behind the time and the technology improves rapidly along with the time, so the topic of self-driving cars is introduced. By this we can save the time and we can do other works (for ex. Office work etc).While travelling without concentrating on driving the car. Many of us use cars everyday but unlike aero planes which have been flying on autopilot for decades cars are still driven manually just the way they were driven 100 years ago this talk will introduce the trans-formative concept of a self-driving car. Self-driving cars are expected to improve the load safety and mobility of those who currently cannot use conventional vehicles and better comfort to consumer. In this we discuss the self-driving cars (i.e. autonomous).

A self-driving car is capable of sensing its environment and navigation without human input to accomplish this task the vehicle is usually outfitted with a GPS unit, inertial navigation system and a range of sensor including laser range finder radars and video. The majority of self-driving cars are capable of making intelligent division by maintaining on internal map of their world using GPS system.

If you have any questions just text me

please follow the instructions must be apa references and citations

Question Description

Project Part 1 Task 1: Risk Management Plan

For the first part of the assigned project, you must create an initial draft of the final risk management plan. To do so, you must:

  1. Develop and provide an introduction to the plan by explaining its purpose and importance.
  2. Create an outline for the completed risk management plan.
  3. Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.
  4. Research and summarize compliance laws and regulations that pertain to the organization.
  5. Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk management.
  6. Develop a proposed schedule for the risk management planning process.
  7. Create a professional report detailing the information above as an initial draft of the risk management plan.

Write an initial draft of the risk management plan as detailed in the instructions above. Your plan should be made using a standard word processor format compatible with Microsoft Word.

Evaluation Criteria and Rubrics

  • Did the student demonstrate an understanding of the competencies covered in the course thus far?
  • Did the student include all important components of a risk management plan in the outline?
  • Did the student demonstrate good research, reasoning, and decision-making skills in identifying key components and compliance laws and regulations?
  • Did the student create a professional, well-developed draft with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation?

need please min 400-500 words apa 2-3references with citations and apa

Question Description

1)This week we will discuss what is required to really make visualizations work. Berinato (2016) notes that the nature and purpose of your visualizations must be considered in order to start thinking visually. Berinato combines the nature and purpose into a 2×2 matrix that defines the following four types of visual communication: idea illustration, idea generation, visual discovery, and everyday dataviz. Select and discuss one of the four types of visual communication: idea illustration, idea generation, visual discovery, and everyday dataviz from Berinato’s 2016 article.

Remember your initial post on the main topic should be posted by Wednesday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 2 following posts should be commenting on your classmates’ post on different days by Sunday 11:59 PM (EST). You should end the week with 3 total discussion posts.

A quality post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” Maybe you should state why you agree with your classmate’s post. Additionally, post some examples or find a related topic on the internet or University’s library and comment on it in the discussion post.

Reference: Berinato, S. (2016, June). Visualizations that really work. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…

please apa with citations and 3 references and 400-500 words and please need same topic as response to other two students 150-200 words

Question Description

In chapter 9, the reading covers the ERM approach in Higher Education (HE) environments. While the case study on ERM implementation for the University of Washington (UW), and in chapter 6, we covered the ERM implementation for a for-profit organization.

Please give your view on how ERM adoption and implementation in the HE and UW specifically environment differs from the for-profit like the case in the LEGO case study. Please cite examples from chapter 9 readings.

To complete the discussion assignment:

  1. Create a new thread by Friday and explain how ERM adoption and implementation in the HE environments and specifically for the UW differs from the for-profit settings.

Please discuss at least four points or aspects in which the implementing ERM in the two environments differ. Please remember to submit your initial post by Friday.

  1. Select AT LEAST 2 other students’ posts and comment with a substantive response. Responses expected to be informative and add value. A typical response is about 150 to 200 words.

I am trying to encourage a dynamic discussion and knowledge-sharing environment. Please consider giving other students enough time to review and respond to your post.

Analyzing Two Southern California Modernism Buildings

Question Description

Analyzing Two Southern California Modernism Buildings

Art & Architecture






Paper details

*The research paper will be about analyzing two Southern California Modernism buildings as well as finding similarities between those two buildings:

1) Gehry House (1978) By Frank Gehry / Architectural Style: Deconstructivism.

2) Sheats-Golstein House (1963/89) By John Lautner / Architectural Style: Organic Architecture.

*Things to look at: Materials/ Environment (Landscape)/ Scale/ Geometry/ Domesticity/ Critical Assessments Include the architect’s analysis on the building as well as your own.

*Required textbooks to cite from: Reyner Banham, Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies, 1971. Monographs on Lautner (such as John Lautner Book by Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange).

**Thesis should be clear, should focus on: materiality, geometry, context, and neighborliness. ( material and geometry connect us to the world?)

**Discover striking similarities between the two buildings (Gehry house + Sheats-Goldstein house).

**Mention: How the Gehry house “Kitchen” was inspired by John Lautner’s Schaffer house “Kitchen”. (The wrapping in the Schaffer House “Kitchen” defined the perimeter by giving it a sense of expansiveness/spaciousness)

**Do minor comparison between the Gehry House (by Frank Gehry) and the Schaffer House (by John Lautner)

Project Management

Question Description

I have done a project I need help of figure out the right way to develop a project management of building 4 concrete pads. the project has the comment on every section with the points 80% is done need to be adjusted with the rubric requirements and comments. moreover, I need to add the closeout report for it based on the rubric guidelines of each section and fix the previous one based on the rubric guideline and comments. it needs to add WBS and Gantt chart.

1- rewrite the project based on the comment.

2- make WBS of the project.

3-Gantt chart of the project.

4- write the last part ” closeout report ” by using the new information.

the new information: “You have not been able to work on the project the weekend of Sept.7,8 and the weekend of Sept. 14,15 as it has rained all days of both weekends.

The weekend of 28 and 29 is right before a number of exams for the college students. They will NOT be available to help that weekend.”

all by using the guideline.

need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 2-3referenceseach with citations

Question Description

1)consider how we can apply regression analysis to a business situation. Let’s take company sales as an example. We know that the sales performance of products and services is affected by marketing, demand, economy, reputation, and so on.Does this mean that company leaders should apply statistical analysis to determine the right mix of components (i.e., marketing, demand, and so on) that affect sales performance? In addition, discuss the importance of regression analysis in statistics?

DQ requirement: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Wednesday and you must post two additional post during the week by Sunday. I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

2)Explain how cookies can show that a user has visited a site if that user’s history has been deleted.

Optional: install Windows Historian and see the sites visited by a particular user.

Use your own words. Attach your WORD document here.

need to follow instructions and please work before dead line no time to extend

Question Description

Discuss in 500 words or more the top 5 details that should be included in your cloud SLA.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions. It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like). Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. Please do not use attachments unless requested.

Safety Program: Evaluation

Question Description

6CT1: Safety Program: Evaluation

To assess a program, the safety professional needs to determine what areas of the program need to be reviewed and how to review them. Each program has its own needs; no two programs will be exactly alike – because no two industries or companies for that matter are alike. Think about the differences in how you would evaluate a Respiratory Protection Program and a Confined Spaces Program for Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing.

For this modules assignment:

  • Create an outline that includes at a minimum the following areas:
    • what areas of your Respiratory Protection program will need to be reviewed (permits, assessments, monitoring equipment, exposure monitoring results, etc.)
    • how they will be reviewed (is it an audit, is it management review, etc.),
    • what lagging and leading indicators you will need to consider
    • how often the areas of the program should be evaluated.

Remember, every last bit of the information you are looking for will be in the OSHA Standard. Remember to document the regulations where the information is located. Upload your assignment in a Word document to Blackboard.