safety program management , Elements of a Safety Program

Question Description

4A1: Elements of a Safety Program

Utilize the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard to identify the elements that you are required to include in your program for Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing. Incorporate the elements that you identify from the standard into an outline. Be detailed in your research – your goal is to create a document that could be used to prevent a catastrophic event.

For Example: If I were to create a Confined Space Program, I would complete an outline with the following areas identified from 29 CFR 1910.146.

1910.146 Confined Space Program

Table of Contents

  1. Objective
  2. Background
  3. Assignment of Responsibility 29 CFR 1910.146(i)
    1. Employer
    2. Program Manager
    3. Entry Supervisors 29 CFR 1910.146 (j)
    4. Attendants
    5. Rescue Team
    6. Entrants/Affected Employees
  4. Training 29 CFR 1910.146(g)
    1. Training Frequency
    2. General Training
    3. Specific Training
    4. Verification of Training
  5. Identification of Hazards and Evaluation of Confined Spaces 29 CFR 1910.146(c)
    1. Survey
    2. Hazard Reevaluation
    3. Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment
    4. Hazard Controls
  6. Entry Permits 29 CFR 1910.146(f)
    1. Key Elements of Entry Permits
    2. Permit Scope and Duration
  7. Entry Procedures 29 CFR 1910.146(h)
    1. Prior to Entry
    2. Opening a Confined Space
    3. Atmospheric Testing
    4. Isolation and Lockout/Tagout Safeguards
    5. Ingress/Egress Safeguards
    6. Warning Signs and Symbols
  8. Emergency Response 29 CFR 1910.146(k)
    Attachment, Example Confined Space Entry Permit
    1. Emergency Response Plan
    2. Retrieval Systems and Methods of Non-Entry Rescue

Assessment Rubric:

Identification of Safety Program Elements

  • Levels of Achievement
    Criteria Novice Competent Proficient
    Element Identification Weight 75.00% 0 %Learner identified some elements (less than 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 50 %Learner identified some elements (over 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 100 %Learner identified all elements of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements.
    Regulation Documentation Weight 25.00% 0 %Learner did not document the areas where the information was found within the regulation. 50 %Learner documented some of the areas where the information was found within the regulation. 100 %Learner documented the areas where the information was found within the regulation.

need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 3referenceseach with citations and apa

Question Description

1)An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Chapter 6 discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

2)For this assignment, you will write an essay on the video for this week:


In this essay, you will explain how Steganography works in the world of data security. Discuss the many benefits as well as challenges or drawbacks in using steganography to secure data. Provide a real-world scenario on steganography. In addition to the video, choose one other scholarly reference to support your discussion.


  • Submit in a Word document.
  • Include cover page
  • Must be a minimum of two pages (excluding references and cover page)
  • Appropriate APA format is required.
  • Properly cite and reference any borrowed resource(s)


Safety Metrics and Leading and Lagging Indicators

Question Description


Discuss which metrics you feel are the most important. Which ones do you feel will help you improve your safety program through the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle? How would you utilize three of the metrics you have read about to improve your safety program. No grammar


. In an APA formatted 3-page minimum paper (not including cover page and references), discuss the following information:

  1. Analyze leading and lagging indicators, and determine which route is more effective in preventing workplace safety incidents.
    1. Define leading and lagging indicators.
    2. Provide 2 to 3 specific examples of each indicator.
    3. Explain how these specific examples of indicators will help a company prevent workplace safety incidents.
  2. Evaluate how each of the indicators are effected by the three levels of organization hierarchy:
    1. Management
    2. Front-line Supervisors
    3. Workforce
  3. Re-evaluate the leading indicators chosen and discuss the barriers to successfully implementing leading indicators into a safety program.

You should have at a minimum of two resources referenced. Remember to cite your work using APA formats. If you need help formatting your paper in APA style, please refer to Purdue Owl. You do not need an abstract for this paper.

5 Safety Metrics You Need to Start Tracking

OSHA3896_The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management _PSM_ Facilities.pdf

A Short Guide to Leading and Lagging Indicators of Safety Performance

4 Key Metrics Every Safety Department Should Track

Safety Metrics and Leading Indicators

Safety Drivers: The First Level of Leading Indicators

Process Safety Metrics

one page writer about the master plan , I already did the master plan schedule , so u just did one page writer up

Question Description

Following our discussions on Masterplans, you shall complete a Masterplan for this assignment using the template provided (modify though as you see best fit for you). Determine courses that would enable you to successfully graduate with a Civil, Construction, or Environmental Engineering B.S. degree from SDSU. Illustrate pre-requisite courses. Select technical electives in line with your anticipated desired focus areas. Due to scheduling this semester, we have not yet discussed internships and professional organizations (examples are ASCE or ITE) and the FE Exam for EIT licensing, but please do your best to integrate these important elements of your education into your semester by semester plan.

Prepare a one page write-up to accompany your Masterplan to discuss why you selected the concentration courses and how this degree will help you achieve your career goals. Explore and discuss how these courses build the necessary skills to fulfill the ASCE Body of Knowledge (BOK2) for Civil Engineering. (available at ). Also include discussion on your intended extracurricular involvement, such as professional organizations, positions desired to be held, and goals in obtaining internships while in college and taking the EIT (Engineering-In-Training) exam. Include the timing of these various elements and how they correlate with the schedule of your Masterplan. It is recommended that you take the FE Exam for the EIT in the second or third semesters PRIOR to graduating.

​As a PhD student, you will ultimately produce new knowledge that will aid future scholars and practitioners. This research begins with identification of a problem, which you will either attempt to solve, more fully define, better understand, or otherwis

Question Description

To this point in the course, you have reviewed strategies, successes, and failures related to IT in at least 9 different firms. Synthesize this knowledge into a concise “problem statement,” which begins with the phrase “An unsolved problem in the field of IT strategic management that could be addressed by additional research is…” Follow up with 2-3 paragraphs that support the existence of the problem and its negative effects on its stakeholders

Some things to keep in mind:

  • A problem is something that is going wrong and it causes negative effectson stakeholders such as researchers, professionals, or the public.
  • The mere existence of some negative-sounding condition (e.g., a “lack” of something) doesn’t constitute a problem. There must be some negative effectsas a result of this condition.
  • A problem is not a goal (e.g., “An unsolved problem is … better using information resources.”).
  • A problem is not a question (e.g., “An unsolved problem is … how to determine what information resources are underutilized”).

Support your response and all factual assertions with appropriate scholarly or industry sources with proper citations in APA format. Remember that opinions are fine but they must be rooted in facts. Do not approach this as a journal entry filled with your stream-of-thoughts. Do thorough reading on the topic before responding and use what you’ve read as evidence to support what you post. Do not use Wikipedia or similar sites. Do not use blog posts unless they are official publications of the relevant companies or their employees (e.g., Mark Zuckerberg’s blog would be an appropriate source for information about Facebook).

working as developer please provide how enterprise risk management helps to my organization job and how this course will help

Question Description

  1. Executive Program Practical Connection AssignmentAt UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment:
    Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
    Requirements:Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.Practical Connection Assignment.docx

please follow instruction below and take peer reviewed references please need on time

Question Description

Your will select a big data analytics project that is introduced to an organization of your choice … please address the following items:

  1. Provide a background of the company chosen.
  2. Determine the problems or opportunities that that this project will solve. What is the value of the project?
  3. Describe the impact of the problem. In other words, is the organization suffering financial losses? Are there opportunities that are not exploited?
  4. Provide a clear description regarding the metrics your team will use to measure performance. Please include a discussion pertaining to the key performance indicators (KPIs).
  5. Recommend a big data tool that will help you solve your problem or exploit the opportunity, such as Hadoop, Cloudera, MongoDB, or Hive.
  6. Evaluate the data requirements. Here are questions to consider: What type of data is needed? Where can you find the data? How can the data be collected? How can you verify the integrity of the data?
  7. Discuss the gaps that you will need to bridge. Will you need help from vendors to do this work? Is it necessary to secure the services of other subject matter experts (SMEs)?
  8. What type of project management approach will you use this initiative? Agile? Waterfall? Hybrid? Please provide a justification for the selected approach.
  9. Provide a summary and conclusion.
  10. Your written paper must have at least 10 reputable sources and 10-to-15-pages.
  11. Please write the paper in APA Style.

need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 2-3referenceseach with citations and apa

Question Description

1)For this written assignment, answer the questions below in a typed document. Outside sources should not be necessary, but if they are used, cite them using APA format.

1. What other strategic processes are closely tied to ERM?

2. What three kinds of risks are identified within the City of Edmonton?

3. What two criteria must be balanced in a successful ERM model?

4. Who is responsible for dealing with and mitigating risks?

5. To what body must the City’s strategic risks be reported?

As part of this assignment, there is also a discussion board. Participating in the discussion will help you test your understanding on concepts used for the assignment questions.

2)A percentage of your grade is based on your posts on the Discussion Boards. You must post at least three times. One post should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion board, should be a minimum of 300 words, and should be posted no later than Thursday to give peers an opportunity to reply. The other post should be a thoughtful response to another student’s post, and should be a minimum of 100 words. In addition to the questions below, feel free to talk about any personal experience, thoughts, or ideas that are related to the discussion.

  • Critical national infrastructure services need a defense in depth scheme that is developed with many considerations. Briefly explain at least two of them.


soil mechanic lab report

Question Description

First of all, watch the attached video to see what I worked on in the lab ( and ( ). In addition, the data is attached as well to show you the results that I got. by the way, I was in group 8 in Lab 2 which means you should use this results. You can get started with the analysis and lab write-up with the data. Remember that when plotting the liquid limit data, the x-axis should be plotted in log scale. Add a logarithmic trend line to your chart. You can then use the equation of the trend line to determine the liquid limit which corresponds to the moisture content for 25 blows. Display the trend line equation and R^2 value on the chart. Label the chart axes. Also, if there are some data points that you think you can defend as outliers (bad data), you can exclude those test results from the data used for the trend line. However, I want to see the outliers on the chart. This will require having two data sets on the chart. Let me know if you have any questions about plotting the data. I can easily give you some pointers in a zoom meeting online during office hours.

Instruct an individual that has no experience but acceptable knowledge or understanding through a complex physical and or technical task relating to your field or previous experience. which is civil engineering.

Question Description

  • 1,500 words
  • Explain the purpose of the task or procedure, its necessity or importance, and any variations or complications that might be relevant
  • List any required equipment or materials
  • Use complete sentences, provide details, and be sure your thoughts are organized
  • You may use bullets or numbered steps to help organize the process, but as previously stated, each step should be complex, thoroughly explained, and utilize complete sentences
  • Whether or not you utilize your task from the earlier instructional assignment, you must submit an annotated rough draft of your instructions that demonstrate your corrections and substantial revisions (with marked changes, comments, and plans)**
  • Use headers or sections to break up your writing
  • Like any form of writing, this should have a clear opening and a clear closing (begin by explaining the purpose and explaining what the specific task does, end by outlining what a completed process should look like, what further work might be needed beyond this task, etc)
  • Supplemental visuals are allowed but will only be viewed as supporting materials, the focus is on the text
  • Cite any outside sources or previously mentioned supporting images or materials in MLA format

**You can demonstrate your drafting and revision process by including a link to a Google Doc with annotated first draft in your submission OR by submitting two appropriately titled files**