spark reading focus

Question Description



Book reading is spark CHAPTER 4

    • Understand how self-evaluation drives excellence
    • Explore why accountability is so rare
    • Recognize how by owning our mistakes we inspire others and create a culture of candor
    • Realize that every path to overcoming challenge starts with accountability
  • READ Chapter 4, provide one insight from the reading that you found interesting or helpful and why you found that point significant. Then, answer at least 1 of the following questions from the chapter
    • The authors state that blaming someone else (for problems) has become a cultural norm. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Share your perspective.
    • Can you recall a time in your life when demonstrating accountability was challenging? What were the circumstances?
    • What are little things you can stop or start doing to develop your ability to demonstrate accountability?
    • Sean shares a story of how he felt after making, and having to disclose, a significant mistake to his team (when he had failed to plug in his g-suit, causing him to lose consciousness when flying). Can you relate to this story? Share an example of a time when admitting your mistake was difficult for you, but valuable for others.
    • A leader’s actions under stress are mentioned again in this chapter as Courtney shares, “Stress has a funny way of bringing out unhealthy, unproductive emotions.” How does stress impact your personal behavior as a leader? How will you become more accountable to minimizing others’ exposure to your stress reactions?
    • At the end of the chapter, the authors share that, “The more consistent your ability to be accountable becomes, the more consistent success becomes for you and the teams you are a part of. ” Why do you believe there’s such a strong connection between accountability and success?
    • We have reached the midpoint of our SPARK Experience. How is this book and/or our group having an impact on you?
  • Reading Focus:
    • Why intentional action matters
    • The importance of imagining a future that is consistent with your values
    • Awareness that continuous learning allows you to clarify your path forward
    • By understanding we have limits to our capacity, we recognize we have to say “no” to some opportunities in order to say “yes” to others

    READ Chapter 5, provide one insight from the reading that you found interesting or helpful and why you found that point significant. Then, answer at least 1 of the following questions from the chapter

    • In this chapter of SPARK, the authors are encouraging us to envision the difference between where we are today and where we want to be. Angie, Sean and Courtney discuss how they don’t support a “quit your job and change your life” mentality. Instead, they suggest deep reflection on how you want to direct your life so you can achieve a better future. Then, you can make the small choices necessary to get you closer to living the life you want to lead.
    • What are simple aspects of your life that you’d like to change?
    • What are the commitments you recognize you need to make in order to move in this positive direction?
    • If you think about your professional self five years from now, what’s one thing you want to be true? How will you go about making that happen?
    • Was there a story or example in this chapter that you could relate to?
    • Why can it be difficult to imagine or re-imagine our future?
    • The authors talk about how humans are not machines and that we have maximum capacities. Do you find it challenging to say “no”? What are your best practices for saying “no”?

  • Reading focus:Chapters 6 & 7 explore the concepts of service-based leadership and confidence. From the reading you will:
    • Learn how by understanding and meeting the needs of others you’ll build the trust needed to lead.
    • Realize that service to others can happen in the simplest ways.
    • Become aware of how insecurity can often accompany success.
    • Recognize that confidence comes from within as well as the steps to build it.

    After reading the Chapters 6 & 7, provide one insight from the reading that you found interesting or helpful and why you found that point significant. Then, answer at least 1 of the following questions from each chapter

    • What did you know about service-based leadership prior to reading this chapter? Is this a practice that you’ve heard promoted before?
    • Our instincts for self-preservation and self-focus can be pretty strong. Overriding these instincts and instead working to understand and meet the needs of others can be challenging. Why do you believe it’s challenging for you to be a service-based leader at times?
    • Angie shares the story of “Coca-Cola,” a tough, demanding — yet compassionate — leader who had no problem holding others accountable to performance standards. How did this story impact you?
    • Courtney shares that the presence of service-based leadership can be palpable. Have you ever worked for a manager who was also a service-based leader? How was that experience valuable for you?
    • Angie, Courtney and Sean challenge us to create our own leadership laboratory and focus on serving others for at least ten minutes a day. What would you do and what type of impact do you think it’ll have?
    • One particular challenge of being a service-based leader is follow through. We can have great intentions to take action on behalf of others, but then neglect to do so. Why does this happen, and how can we prevent it?

Safety Program Management

Question Description


  • Coaching

    (1) Review the following case scenario, and record a Techsmith video training presentation that provides an example of how to coach a co-worker observed not following the procedures discussed in the case scenario

  • .Case Scenario
  • Wildcat Welding has hired new employees. Joe is very excited about this new group of employees. They are young, fresh out of the local college welding program, and eager to go to work. The youngest of the group is an 18 year old, his parents put him through the dual-credit program where he could learn how to weld to help repair things around their farm. Everyone else in the shop is at a minimum five to eight years older. Joe realizes he is going to have to keep an eye on “Jr”. Jr, however, turns out to be the least of Joe’s worries.The second week on the job, Joe notices Jr. is welding on top of a horizontal tank. He has moved from welder’s helper to welder in less than a week and works hard to stay “up” with the more experienced welders. Joe also notices, Jr. has on a safety harness and lanyard tied off to the tank ladder (attached ladder), welding hood, steel toes, FR shirt and pants, gloves, and leather gauntlets. While Joe is watching Jr. weld on the tank, Joe notices Jr.’s arm is on fire. Then, he glimpses Ruben running out from behind the tank back towards the side of the shop. Jr. notices the fire and puts himself out before Joe could get over to him. Joe asks Jr. if everything is okay. Jr. tells him that he isn’t burned but just singed his shirt. He also tells Joe that he will be more careful – he just doesn’t know how he caught his shirt on fire like that. Joe laughs it off, and tells Jr. that he is doing fine, and that he can’t count the number of times he has burned his shirts welding. Joe goes back to the office. You walk out on the floor while you are inspecting the facility for hazards and notice Ruben running back up behind Jr.’s tank with a can of ether in his hand. He climbs up a few steps on the ladder, and sprays the ether up Jr.’s arm. The vapors from the ether catch, and burn a line up Jr.’s arm and underneath his welding hood. Jr. jumps, and slides off the side of the tank and is left dangling trying to put the fire out. Joe comes out into the shop to find out what the commotion is, and helps rescue Jr. You explain to Joe what is going on, and he explodes on Ruben. Later, Joe asks you to train their employees on coaching techniques when they observe a co-worker acting un-safe.NOTES:
    • Write a few questions that you would present to Ruben, while trying to coach him on his risky behaviors.
    • Your video should be less that five minutes long. You may have someone stand in as “the co-worker” where you don’t have to play both rolls.
    • Techsmith – if you have not used Fuse or Techsmith before, please see the syllabus to set up your account.
    • Have compassion! Make a concerted effort to coach your co-worker, make sure you are not “chewing” them out.
  • (2) 2CT1: Where did Union Carbide’s Leadership Stand

    Read the attached article.Warren Anderson Died Unpunished Survivors of Bhopal Gas Tragedy SayConsider the module reading in comparison to the actions of Warren Anderson.Create a one-page creative graphic that summarizes what the leadership actions of management should be versus the actions of Warren Anderson.Include the following:

    • Title / Topic
    • A concise statement of your comparison between what the leadership actions of management should be versus the actions of Warren Anderson.
    • Three or more quotations or paraphrase from the two text that relates to your comparison.
    • An analytical response to each quotation or paraphrase.
    • Two or more graphic representations or visuals that interpret the quotations or paraphrase.

    You may use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, or if you are feeling adventurous you can create a free account at! Remember though … keep it to ONE PAGE!Warren Anderson died unpunished, survivors of Bhopal gas try ..

    Read more at: Anderson died unpunished, survivors of Bhopal gas try ..

    Read more at: Anderson died unpunished, survivors of Bhopal gas try ..

    Read more at: Anderson died unpunished, survivors of Bhopal gas try ..

    Read more at:

Structural and Environmental Engineering Background

Question Description

(1)GO online and find 2 different structural engineering consulting firms: one from Alabama and one


from anywhere else. If you cannot find the required information, choose another firm until you do! Each


answer should be labeled (a1 ..etc…) and they should be answered in complete sentences.


(a) You are to write a short description of firm1 that must include: (a1) the firm’s website, (a2)

how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (a3) how many people

the company employees, (a4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do, (a5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (a6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

(b) You are to write a short description of firm2 that must include: (b1) the firm’s website, (b2) how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (b3) how many people

the company employees, (b4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (b5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (b6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

(c) Write a short comparison between the companies explain differences and similarities (~3-5 sentences)

2- GO online and find 2 different environmental engineering consulting firms: one from Alabama and


one from anywhere else. If you cannot find the required information, choose another firm until you do!


Each answer should be labeled (a1 ..etc…) and they should be answered in complete sentences.

a- write to a short description of firm1 that must include: (a1) the firm’s website, (a2)

how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (a3) how many people

the company employees, (a4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (a5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (a6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

b- You are to write a short description of firm2 that must include: (b1) the firm’s website, (b2) how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (b3) how many people

the company employees, (b4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (b5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (b6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you


(c) Write a short comparison between the companies explain differences and similarities (~3-5 sentences)

(3) After completing 1 and 2, think about the two different types of companies: structural and environmental engineering and about how they present themselves. ~1/4 page (12 pt new roman 1.25” margins) discussing your impressions about differences and similarities between structural and environmental firms. Discuss anything you notices in terms of difference in the corporate culture they presented.page1image3239497808

Safety Program – Training Element

Question Description



  • Safety Program – Training Element

    OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard create an outline for the Respiratory Protection training you will need for Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing.

    1. From the standard, identify the training information that is required for your organization’s personnel.
    2. Create a training program outline of the training elements described in the regulatory standard.
    3. Create an evaluation of the program – test, activity, etc. as is required by OSHA.

    Be detailed in your research – your goal is to create a document that could be used to prevent a catastrophic event.Continuing with my example of Confined Space Entry Training…Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Training(1) The employer shall provide training so that all employees whose work is regulated by this section acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of the duties assigned under this section.(2) Training shall be provided to each affected employee:(i) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;(ii) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;(iii) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;(iv) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(3) The training shall establish employee proficiency in the duties XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(4) The employer shall certify that the training XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

    Identification of Safety Program Training Elements

    This rubric will be used to determine the level of competence in the learner’s ability to identify Safety Program Training Elements from the regulatory standard requirements.

    Levels of Achievement
    Criteria Novice Competent Proficient
    Element Identification Weight 75.00% 0 %Learner identified some training elements (less than 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 50 %Learner identified some training elements (over 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 100 %Learner identified all training elements of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements.
    Regulation Documentation Weight 25.00% 0 %Learner did not document the areas where the information was found in the regulation. 50 %Learner documented some of the areas where the information was found in the regulation. 100 %Learner documented the areas where the information was found in the regulation.
  • Assignment

    5CT2: Respiratory Protection Presentation

    Using the Respiratory Safety Program – Training Element, create a training presentation.An acceptable training presentation has the following elements:

    • References to the OSHA Standard for each area.
    • Keywords/points and graphics on the slides.
    • Use the notes section within PowerPoint to create the “dialog” or “script” that you would use when speaking to the audience about the information presented on each slide. (If you aren’t sure where the notes section is, I have included a presentation tutorial in the Information You Need to be Successful folder.)
    • Use Times New Roman font, and the slides should not contain a font smaller than 28 points. If you have to go 27 or smaller – you have too much information on the slide.
    • Cover Slide
    • Reference Slide – you should at a minimum cite the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard. Use APA formatting!

    Safety Training Presentation Rubric

Secondary Doc Annotations + Visual

Question Description

For this assignment, you will complete the preliminary steps for writing the data analysis of a contemporary ethical case. The final contemporary ethical case will cite a minimum of eleven references and include two visuals. You may include more references, but annotations are required for only five.

The Rationale for Secondary Documents
Although the inspiration for your case study should begin with the original article, you should not rely solely on the original article to imagine, explain, and analyze the ethical dilemmas that can be identified in your case. For example, an article may appear to be about immigration, but technology plays an important role in regulating and policing immigrants. You may also want to use articles about different subjects to help you reveal a new or surprising connection to your own. For example, you might read about how Facebook collects and uses user data to analyze how an company that manufactures autonomous vehicles might collect and use data.his may include peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters that offer a particular argument about one or more aspects of your case. If you are not sure what a secondary document is, please consult your professor or a librarian. For the purposes of this assignment, only social studies of science, technology, or medicine (i.e., documents written by historians, sociologists, anthropologists or philosophers about science, technology or medicine see (Links to an external site.)) count as secondary sources.

Visual Explanation
Explaining technical information in a way that connects with an audience is a skill and habit of a good engineer. Visual data can be far more effective than written or spoken language. To practice this skill/habit, create a visual that helps explain some aspect of your case. This may include utilizing open-access or creative commons images or clip art. If you are not sure what an open-access image is, please ask your professor or a librarian. Label this figure with a caption containing a brief paragraph describing the contents of the figure, and how it relates to your contemporary ethical case.

Submit the following:
1. Visual/ Figure
2. Annotation 1, 2, 3 ….5

    • Bibliographic Reference
    • Summary
    • Three bullet points They Say/I Say

    Writing an Annotation (150-200 words) One annotation should be approximately 150-200 words, including the bibliographic reference, paragraph, and three important points.Type the full bibliographic reference, in your preferred citation format, for this article or book chapter Use bullets to pull out three important points of scholarly argument and/or empirical data that help you to think about your research. VERY IMPORTANT: For each of these three important points, separate each bullet into two parts: what “They say” (e.g., a piece of data, a quote, a logical premise, etc. that you cite from the article) and what “I say” (your own assertion, original thought, or reflection about what they have said).

need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 2-3referenceseach with citations 300words at leaset

Question Description

1)Chapter Eight (8) – Value Sensitive Design of Complex Product Systems: According to Ligtvoet, van de Kaa, Fens, van Beers, Herder, and van den Hoven, (in press), full and comprehensive overview of all relevant components of a system increasingly continue to become difficult. The natural response to complex problems is to delve into details. The suggestion is that an opposite move towards a more abstract approach will gain fruition. The authors have also used the development of smart meters in the Netherlands for illustration. A more explicit focus on the values that play a role for different stakeholders avoids fruitless detours in the development of technologies. These authors continue to state that, policy-makers would do well by not only addressing functional requirements but also taking individual and social values into consideration.

Q1: According to research by Ligtvoet et al. (in press), Chapter 8, there are five (5) most important value systems identified and are associated with, and play a major role in the development of smart meters. Please name them, and briefly state their functions?

Remember to respond to at least 2 of your classmates.

2)Chapter Nine (9) – Stakeholder engagement in policy development: Observations and lessons from the international experience: Provides a starting point for a better understanding about how different approaches, tools, and technologies can support effective stakeholder participation in policy development processes. In addition, we have seen how participatory policy-making involves stakeholders from various stages of the policy process and can focus on both the substance of the policy problem or on improving the tools and processes of policy development. The chapter examined five (5) international cases of stakeholder engagement in policy development to explore two questions: (a) what types of engagement tools and processes are useful for different stakeholders and contexts? (b) what factors support the effective use of particular tools and technologies for constructive outcomes? The cases address e-government strategic planning in a developing country, energy policy in a transitional economy, development of new technology and policy innovations in global trade, exploration of tools for policy-relevant evidence in early childhood decision-making, and the development of indicators for evaluating policy options in urban planning (pg 177; para3 – abstract extract).

Q2: Chapter Nine (9) fig 9.1; illustrates Stakeholder Engagement in policy development. From this illustration please identify and name the six (6) critical stages of the policy process, and briefly state what happens at each stage?


Literature Critique ONE PAGE

Question Description

You MUST send your 1 – page literature critique in MS Word ( .docx or .doc) formats.

Literature Critique Format Instructions:

The only accepted font size must be 12 pt and Times New Roman font type is required. Critiques must be word-processed, single spaced and at only one page. Also, you must have a minimum margin size of 1 inch and a maximum margin size of 1inch on all sides of your submitted assignment. The paper should contain 4-5 well-written paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling. In the final paragraph, briefly discuss something from the article that really impressed you. Only the last paragraph can be written from the first person point of view, but not in any other location of the literature critique should 1st or 3rdperson be used (i.e., do not use ‘we’, ‘you’, ‘I’, etc.).

At the top of the assignment, please include the following:

Literature Critique #2
Date Due: Month Day, Year
By: FirstName M.I. LastName (suffix if applicable)
In addition, a proper bibliographic reference MUST appear at the top of the paper. Although many reference styles exist, the only style that will be accepted in this class is the APA-style as shown below:

First Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Second Author’s Last Name, First Initial.Middle Initial. (year of publication). Title of the article with only the first letter of the first word in title or sub-title as well as proper nouns and acronyms are capitalized. Name of Journal in Italics, volume in italics (issue number in parenthesis and not in italics if known), first page number-last page number.

Pay very close attention to the details of the APA citation format (such as the location of periods, commas, use of italics, etc.) This skill becomes very critical as you pursue your endeavors beyond the walls of MSU.

Sample citation with two authors:

Pitts, Jr., R.A., & Ventura, J.A. (2009). Scheduling manufacturing cells using Tabu Search. International Journal of Production Research, 47(24), 6907-6928.

Sample citation with >2 authors:

Jerald, J., Asokan, P., Prabaharan, G., & Saravanan, R. (2005). Scheduling optimization of flexible manufacturing systems using particle swarm optimization algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(1), 964-971.

System Engineering: Literature Critique ONE PAGE

Question Description

You MUST send your 1 – page literature critique in MS Word ( .docx or .doc) formats.

Literature Critique Format Instructions:

The only accepted font size must be 12 pt and Times New Roman font type is required. Critiques must be word-processed, single spaced and at only one page. Also, you must have a minimum margin size of 1 inch and a maximum margin size of 1inch on all sides of your submitted assignment. The paper should contain 4-5 well-written paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling. In the final paragraph, briefly discuss something from the article that really impressed you. Only the last paragraph can be written from the first person point of view, but not in any other location of the literature critique should 1st or 3rdperson be used (i.e., do not use ‘we’, ‘you’, ‘I’, etc.).

At the top of the assignment, please include the following:

Literature Critique #2
Date Due: Month Day, Year
By: FirstName M.I. LastName (suffix if applicable)
In addition, a proper bibliographic reference MUST appear at the top of the paper. Although many reference styles exist, the only style that will be accepted in this class is the APA-style as shown below:

First Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Second Author’s Last Name, First Initial.Middle Initial. (year of publication). Title of the article with only the first letter of the first word in title or sub-title as well as proper nouns and acronyms are capitalized. Name of Journal in Italics, volume in italics (issue number in parenthesis and not in italics if known), first page number-last page number.

Pay very close attention to the details of the APA citation format (such as the location of periods, commas, use of italics, etc.) This skill becomes very critical as you pursue your endeavors beyond the walls of MSU.

Sample citation with two authors:

Pitts, Jr., R.A., & Ventura, J.A. (2009). Scheduling manufacturing cells using Tabu Search. International Journal of Production Research, 47(24), 6907-6928.

Sample citation with >2 authors:

Jerald, J., Asokan, P., Prabaharan, G., & Saravanan, R. (2005). Scheduling optimization of flexible manufacturing systems using particle swarm optimization algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(1), 964-971.

need 1&2 in different copies please min 400-500 words apa 2-3referenceseach with citations

Question Description

1)Chapter 10 – Policymakers are tasked with making decisions on issues characterized as wicked problems because of controversies, unknown relationships between causes and consequences, and uncertain futures. From this perspective, Moody and Gerrits (2015) think that its desirable to get decisions mapped ahead of the possible outcomes prior to the actual decision-making because that would generate certainty in ambiguous situations. Looking closely at the Technological perceptions, technology is thought to revolve around humans. It reflects on questions of who drives technology.

Q: Please identify and name a few of those questions discussed in this debate and provide a brief explanation around your thoughts?

2)Chapter 11 – From the chapter, we learned that the pattern of behavior arises from fundamental psychology and in particular, the following: a) our capacity for habitual behavior, b) the difference between intelligence as the manifestation of the coping mode of cognition and understanding as the manifestation of the pervasive optimization mode, and c) the phenomenon of authoritarianism as the need for external authority through a lack of understanding of one’s living environment. On the same line of thought, Andringa (2015), stated that the combination of these phenomena leads to a formal definition – the Bureaucratic Dynamic – and this is where the prevalence of coercive formalization scales with what the author terms as “institutional ignorance” – a measure of how well workers understand the consequences of their own actions both within the organization as well as the wider society…

Q2: In conclusion, the author presents a view that most people may agree with – that “All human activities benefit from some form of formalization, and that formalization allows automating routine tasks, to agree on how to collaborate, determine when and how tasks should be executed, and when they are finished.” The author offers a key reason(s) why procedures should not be changed too often. What are those reasons? Provide a brief explanation.

need 1&2 in different docs please min 400-500 words each and 2-3references each with citations and please APA

Question Description

1)Chapter 15 – From the week’s chapter reading, we learn from the author’s case studies that, despite the alleged importance of scientific advice in the policy-making process, its evident that scientific results are often not used. Why? The authors proposed a science-policy interface that would be realized by the inclusion of information visualization in the policy analysis process. That way, the gap between both fields can be addressed based on the current challenges of science-policy interfaces with visualizations.

Q: According to Shneiderman and Bederson (2003), information visualization emerged from research in human-computer interaction, computer science, graphics, visual design, psychology, and business. With this revelation in mind, identify, and discuss the benefits?

2)Chapter 16 – Following the chapter reading, the authors assert that the twentieth century is considered as the century of population explosion and fossil fuels burning, environmental policies and the transition to effective use of renewable energy sources as a priority with a strategic focus on specific countries around the world. In addition, this move has created several different projects whose main focus is to formulate policies associated with climate change and energy governance. Many of the policies and projects identified aim to support the energy sources switching between fuels like fossils and nuclear power to renewables like solar, wind, and or water. Specifically, the chapter provides the foundations of policy implementation, and methods as well investigations of five policy implementation case studies through a comparative analysis.

Q2: Looking further into the chapter, theoretical grounds of policy implementation, Buse et al., (2012) argue that policy implementation is the execution of a formulated policy – turning theory into practice. When turning theory into practice, the authors stated that it was common for certain observations. What are those observations? Briefly identify, and provide a brief discussion for each observation.
