Labor Relations Week 6 presentation

Question Description

Assignment Content

    • Hiring and selection practices
    • Training and Development
    • Compensation and Benefits
    • Performance Feedback
    • Employee engagement

Top of Form

Research a non-union company on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list.

Describe at least three of the following items in a 15- to 20-slide presentation that includes speaker notes:

Analyze these practices to determine if they help to create an environment that does not need a union.

​Please answer both parts completely

Question Description

Please answer both parts completely:

Part 1: What forecasting tools and techniques are the most valuable for your Strategic Plan? What assumptions are you making?

Part 2: Consider your Strategic Plan Part II: External and Internal Assessment assignment. Describe a few key sources of information used for locating vital external information. What value do external assessment tools have on formulating strategies?

Attached is the project used for these questions.

Using a search engine such as Google, locate one MS Word project management related template, one MS Excel project management template, and one MS PowerPoint project management related template. Share with the class which ones you found and discussion wh

Question Description

Using a search engine such as Google, locate one MS Word project management related template, one MS Excel project management template, and one MS PowerPoint project management related template. Share with the class which ones you found and discussion which one would be most useful and why?

Your post should be at least 250 words and demonstrate full understanding of the concepts covered this week.

7-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Foreign Currency Transactions and Statements Assignment In your final project, you will imagine yourself as an accountant at a certified public accountant (CPA) firm

Question Description

-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Foreign Currency Transactions and Statements Assignment

Inyour final project, you will imagine yourself as an accountant at acertified public accountant (CPA) firm. The CPA partners have requestedyou write a white paper about a few different accounting situations thatcustomers ask about. In Milestone Three, you will lay out the keyissues regarding international business transactions.

Please note

This assignment will be posted in Turnitin for originally.

Traditional research mapping and topic

Question Description

Write a short paper (5 pages maximum excluding non-content pages) on the process for choosing the topic – “How E-Commerce uses agile project management methodology in its workplace.”

  • Include detailed information on how you were able to narrow down the theme onto this topic
  • Create research map for the topic

    Paper should be in APA format and should have a reference page as well.

Anti Discrimination & EEOC – discussion question response

Question Description

Answer the following questions in 300-500 words

Researching, what are the major anti-discrimination laws enforced in the U.S.? What are biggest legal and ethical related to employment law issues in general? What is the biggest legal and ethical issue in healthcare employment, specifically?

APA Style for reference , 300-500 word count is for all question not individual. ( total work count for assignment is 300-500)

Week 2 Post ENT586

Question Description

Research and review one or more peer reviewed journal articles to support this response.

DUE THURSDAY: Respond to ONE of the following in a minimum of 250 words:

▪︎Competitive Advantage – Explain why competitive advantages are temporary. Include a specific example.

▪︎ Adding Value to the Value Chain – Demonstrate how a company can add value by using Porter’s value chain analysis.

Discussion Board #4 – Week 7

Question Description

How does a traditional adversarial relationship with suppliers change when a firm decides to move to a few suppliers? Using Darden Foods, which has multiple supply chains, explain why one of their supply chains might use a few suppliers, while another uses many suppliers.

Attention: no more than 600 words. Plz don’t use too much website or book’s material. Just write what you think about this topic.

Complete Part 2 of the Strategic Plan assignment according to the directions in the Part 2: External and Internal Assessment section of the “Strategic Plan” resource.

Question Description

For the Strategic Plan assignment, you will work throughout the course to create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan that seeks to increase your organization’s competitive advantage.

Complete Part 2 of the Strategic Plan assignment according to the directions in the Part 2: External and Internal Assessment section of the “Strategic Plan” resource.

Respond to the following question in a minimum of 175 words

Question Description

Respond to the following questions in a minimum of 175 words

Business decision-makers often talk about “first mover” advantages. They are referring to a strategic advantage that a company often benefits from by being the first to enter a particular market. This could refer to a country market or a product market. Does the first mover advantage always hold true, class? Explain why or why not.