In 150 words write about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Please provide an example of ERP systems

Question Description

Discuss the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Please provide an example of ERP systems, specifically Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Evaluate the ways Enterprise systems can aid in developing strategy for capturing and sustaining competitive advantage. Please provide some examples and be sure to justify your response.

It should be in APA format with references and write it in Very high level

Have to solve two questions using excel sheet and write a summary on both of those problems. the summary should not exceed two pages.

Question Description

Please answer all of the following questions. You must email me the excel spreadsheets with one spreadsheet per question where applicable. A (at most two page) printed answer sheet / summary should be submitted on the due date (along with the emailed spreadsheets). Please include the names of all the people in the group in the email and the summary.

The questions are in the file attached below.

Positive Cross-Cultural Experiences in the Workplace

Question Description

Describe at least two positive cross-cultural experiences you have observed int he workplace, or would like to observe. Take an expansive view of cross-cultural experiences to include many types of demographic factors such as wheelchair use, visual status, and ethnic, racial, and age groups. After you have completed your brainstorming, attempt to draw conclusions from the findings. Discuss this among other class members on this discussion.

Personal risk management

Question Description

  1. Explain vicarious liability.
  2. Explain the difference between hull insurance and P & I insurance.
  3. What is the purpose of an umbrella policy?
  4. Explain underwriting profit.
  5. What are earned premiums?
  6. What are incurred losses?
  7. Explain the two ways that an insurance company can grow along with the advantages/disadvantages of each.
  8. What is root cause analysis (RCA) and common cause analysis (CCA)?
  9. Explain what reunderwriting is and when it should be used.
  10. What does credit scoring mean?

Assignment 2: Cost Benefit Analysis

Question Description

Please see the attachment as it provided detail instruction on how to complete this assignment, please not that this is a two part assignment. First part must be done via an excel spreadsheet or via Microsoft word document., the 2nd part you must write and executive memo that provide information regarding the 1st part of the assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions.

business 120 homework

Question Description

I have homework through website “Connect” for class: Business 120 financial accounting

for me and my friend together

  • Chapter 11 & 12 Concept Overview Videos Assignment (unlimited attempts)
  • Chapter 11 &12 Homework (unlimited attempts)
  • Chapter 11 & 12 Quiz (one attempt only)
  • Chapter 11 & 12 SmartBook (one attempt only)

Please only send offer if you think you can have it all done with a grade of A

Due 1 December. 2019 at 11:00PM

Give a recent example of a public relations campaign (or propaganda campaign) and explain its success or failure.

Question Description

The assignment … Please apply two or more of the class readings toone or more media sources. This short observational essay need to be 1200 words only, double-spaced. Be concise. You may begin from oneof your discussion board posts. Please provide a definite thesis andincorporate proper citations. Citations needs to be MLA format the paper does not need to be professional on Language. more analysis appriciated!

Real Estate Investment vs. Stock Investmet

Question Description

Real estate and stock investments are very common investment vehicles once you have extra money to do investments. Real estate investments can take advantage of tax exclusions in the primary residence and tax deferrals in like-kind exchange. Stock investment can pay less tax if you hold stocks for longer than one year. If you have $100,000 to invest, which option will work better for you?

Advanced Corporate Finance

Question Description

The role of financial information and analysis

Make detailed notes in preparation for a meeting with your mentor. You should:

Examine and explain the factors that guide and drive business decision-making

Assess the significance of financial factors in business decision-making

Identify the characteristics of business risks that impact on financial and business decisions

Summarise the financial priorities that need to be considered when making financial decisions.

Read the research Paper thoroughly and write down a comprehensive report highlighting following Points: a) Role of information technology and Knowledge management systems in managing knowledge. (1 Mark) b) The components of knowledge management systems.

Question Description

Read the research Paper thoroughly and write down a comprehensive report highlighting following Points:

  • Role of information technology and Knowledge management systems in managing knowledge. (1 Mark)
  • The components of knowledge management systems. (1 Mark)
  • Paragraph on “Knowledge management success factors” highlighted by the authors in this research paper. (200-300 Words) ( 1 Mark)

Summarized report on success stories of Siemens AG and Titan Industries. (400-500 Words)