Business managerment

Question Description

Please note: Each screenshot is labeled by around of decision result from CAPSIM simulator.

Please use the screenshot file below to create a power point slide that explain Summary of your overall performance (based on metrics such as ROA, Sales, Stockprice…etc).

please note that our team is ANDREWS, others are our competitors.

Please provide speaker note too.

About 2-3 slide is good.

please let me know if there is any question.

Presenting Data Analysis Results Effectively

Question Description

Hello! Everything will be attached. If anything is missing please let me know. I have also included the rubric to see what the grading scale is. As always I am shooting for the distinguished column. THANK YOU!!!! This one is not needed until 26 days from now but it only allowed me to choose 23. I’ll add more days as it gets close to extend it.

I need 4 PPT the paper is already written and i have attached it

Question Description


Type of service:
Power Point Presentation

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of slides:
4 slides

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

I will uploadthe paper that is already written. I want 4 PowerPoint slides with 8-10bullet points on each slide that reflects the substance of the paper. Iwill also upload the PowerPoint template that I want you to use. Pleaseuse the references from the paper.

Business Studies

Question Description

Attached are the files for Assignment 10. Please complete the assignment and save the final file as your name10 for submission. This assignment must be completed by Midnight November 24, 2019.

Please note: This assignment is NOT found in the book. It is another assignment that is meant for review and combines numerous concepts learned in this course. Below, you will find the instruction file and the starter file.

Complete Short Managerial Accounting Discussion (SNHU)

Question Description

Companies can choose from different costing methods: process/product costing and activity-based costing. Think about a company you know and answer the following:

  • What are the differences between the two costing methods, and how do these apply to your company?
  • What are some ABC cost drivers the company might use?
  • How could the costs differ if one method is chosen over the other?
  • Which method would you recommend for your company, and why?

download the annual report of one of your favorite products

Question Description


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
1 source

Paper detalis:

download theannual report of one of your favorite products (e.g. Apple or Dell).Search through the report and look for the section regarding “Managingrisk” (it may be under a different name, but it is in there). Describehow this company uses hedges or contracts to manage currency risk.

GBA 498 Strategic Management Powerpoint presentation

Question Description

I need a powerpoint presentation on the company Netflix. For Group Project (Presentation) prepare a PowerPoint presentation (narrated for online classes) explicitly including the information presented below. The project is to be fully APA compliant. For PowerPoint slides, text or graphics must be readable and slide titles must conform to those in the template. Ensure proper writing mechanics. DO NOT combine sections. I have uploaded the instructions.

Emergency Protective Actions, Volunteers

Question Description

1- Document your I&R (Implications and Reflections) which is summary derived from your reading assignments.

2- Bonus Question – Need two extra points?

Provide a synopsis of the Volunteer Protection Act. What protection does this act provide? Any major omissions in coverage from the volunteer’s perspective? Does participation in a NVOAD agency provide any benefit to the volunteer? Any benefit to the Incident Command organization? 500 words should be plenty.

Marketing for small business

Question Description


This assessment task addresses the following learning outcomes from the module specification

  • Critique the crucial role of marketing and its strategic and tactical application within small firms.
  • Critically appraise conventional marketing principles when applied to the smaller enterprise
  • Develop a practical understanding of the contemporary marketing and business issues that affect smaller firms.
  • To demonstrate the sympathetic application of marketing models and analysis to the SME or entrepreneurial SME.

Project 5 pages

Question Description

The topic is ((how to open store))

The is Production and Operations Management . So please when u do the project do like Production and Operations Management not like English class. I put file about project format

You must use the format in file.

You have to use across the supply chain book. 3 or 4 Ed.

Is not English class it’s managing operations class