Enterprise Analysis

Question Description

Reports: Year 2025 :https://ww5.capsim.com/capsimplatform/annualreport?simKey=389145&round=6&teamKey=2314651&historyKey=0&teamName=Baldwin&token=BAFB86FA0D719BAB4187B803B7E4A7E6

Year 2026: https://ww5.capsim.com/capsimplatform/annualreport?simKey=389145&round=7&teamKey=2314651&historyKey=0&teamName=Baldwin&token=DBBB4BFA34E918D6AD3998B6A2EFACA6

Year 2027: https://ww5.capsim.com/capsimplatform/annualreport?simKey=389145&round=8&teamKey=2314651&historyKey=0&teamName=Baldwin&token=4E577BAC1993AE6066F7D5D032F74B05

1) Using the statements provided as outcomes feedback for your company, your competitors and the sensor industry, do a financial analysis and assessment of your company’s relative financial strength and cash flows over the past 3 years?

2) Summarizing your analyses above, do the numbers suggest financial strengths or weaknesses as your firm moves forward? Explain your conclusions.

Car Fuel Economy

Question Description

(see the attachment)


  1. Create a chart of important values

2.Determine what type of graph best fits the available data (exponential, linear, logarithmic, polynomial… etc)

3.Create a plot using the correct values and determine which variable goes on which axis

4.Fit a line to the graph and show equation

5.Use the equation to predict a future value

6.Use the equation editor to display equations

7.Plot on a secondary axis

8.Change the bounds of an axis to take a closer look

Changing an organization

Question Description

Just need a couple paragraphs. Need sent to me by wednesday before 9pm.

Imagine you are all the senior management team at Sears. At one time, Sears was one of the most well-known brands in America. Today, they are teetering on the brink of ruin. Research the company, and applying what you have learned about organizational change, discuss as a group how you would change Sears to return it to economic health.

Memo Access to health care

Question Description

Review the article that you select from the above resources and write a 375-500 words memo that explores the specific issues that are discussed in the article. You are required to cite the article that you selected and add a Reference at the bottom of the last page of your memo in APA form and style.

Be prepared to present the content of your memo 2-3 minutes Orally in the Module 13 classroom.

Old and new SIPOC-R OF SEARS to make it better

Question Description

I’m Working on my paper about sears the stores. This paper is for My business class. The file is what we did so far. All I want you to do is to talk about the old sears SIPOC-R and make what should be the new SIPOC-R if we need to re-open the store(10pages). Our virtual project is to reopen the store. We need pictures included as well. APA style

memo style

Question Description

write what are the benefits, experience or what you learned in this class on the business strategies in general. the class is about writing memos in business and making research in business. and give reflection about the class and rate the class ( write good rating)


6 pages

memo style

double space

font size 12

write on top of the page topic, date, from, and, to

the class sylybus is attached just in case

YO16_AC_BU02_GRADER_PS2_HW – Painted Treasures

Question Description

The Painted Treasures Gift Shop sells many products for the resort patrons including jewelry, clothing, and spa products. A database has been started to keep track of the customers, purchases, and products. There are no reports, forms, or queries built yet, so the staff feels like the database is not easy to use. You will create reports, forms and queries to help the staff better manage the data in the database.

ESCI 501 Introduction to Oceanography. I need some points to do the introduction overfishing power point

Question Description

The course is Introduction to oceanography. I am writing the Power Point the topic is overfishing, can you provide some points to me. I am doing the introduction part, like what is overfishing, and some data. I want to know can I connect it with the zooplankton? or the phytoplankton? or there are other topic I can focus on except the environment effect, human effect, those topics cover by my teammate.


Question Description

Address the seven questions associated with the chapter eight Opening Case Application: Southwest Airlines on page 269 in a three to five page paper (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages). Completely review the company website noted in the case. Include at least three peer reviewed sources found in the Potomac Library properly cited and referenced. Assignment should be APA compliance.

3–5 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)

Management Information Systems-Software Solution

Question Description

Software Solution

Using tools and concepts learned this week to design a software solution to a problem in your life.

Your response should include at least 350 words and have a drawing, flow chart or mind map that documents your solution.

Create your assignment as a document that could be given to a programmer to write the application to perform the task you describe.

Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.