Select a local Government social program that has attempted to provide benefits for the citizens and describe it. Examples could be tuition waivers for a local community college or a sliding scale for use of a public pool. How successful was the program?

Question Description

Select a local Government social program that has attempted to provide benefits for the citizens and describe it. Examples could be tuition waivers for a local community college or a sliding scale for use of a public pool. How successful was the program? What went right or wrong? How would you have handled it?

Write a 200 word (minimum) essay in APA format with at least two sources.


25% – word length
25% – APA and sources
50% – supported answers to listed question

Discussion week 5 project integration

Question Description

Please answer each discussion with 250 -300 words, APA style. DO NOT FORGET THE CITATION!!!! Then write a response to 2 students for each discussion week with 100 words min, and directed at them in a positive manner not in 3rd person! The other students discussion posts can also be used as an example on how your initial post should be done. So by the end of this assignment your should have done 1 discussions and 2 responses!!!

Executive Summary of a Show line Expansion Project

Question Description

For this assignment, as part of the project closing steps, write an executive summary for the WAG project. Your executive summary should include:

  • Scope statement
  • List of team members and stakeholders
  • High-level budget information (include the costs associated with the project)
  • Project milestones
  • Lessons learned from the project
  • Project outcomes

This must be in a word document, in APA format and have references.

I have attached my last 3 previous assignments that are linked to this one. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Management 5100

Question Description

For the first 3 please answer them with the knowledge(no plagiarism please). Then ford question 4 please read the attached files and read them and do question 4

1)List and describe the steps of the rational approach to decision making(4-5sentences)

2)explain the importance of having a code of ethics in an organization(4-5 sentences)

3)discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization(4-5 sentences)

4)Case study analysis- please analyze the following case from the text provided in the attachment .(10 sentences or so)

IMS 418 LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Question Description

For FedEx’s B2B Business, provide the following:

1. A LinkedIN Content Marketing Strategy that FedEx B2B should follow, in your opinion. Describe the strategy in 2-4 paragraphs.

2. A sample post, that would be made by FedEx B2B on their page. Provide a title and description of content.

3. A link that FedEx B2B might share on their page (along with what they would say about it in the post.)

4. Which paid LinkedIN Ad product would you recommend they use and why?

quick discussion

Question Description

Many companies devote significant resources marketing products to children. Please find an advertisement picture or video online that was intended to market a product to children. Provide a link to the video/picture, or post the picture directly to your response to the is learning activity. Thoroughly discuss the ethical implications of this advertisement. Is there anything about this advertisement that is unethical in nature? Doe companies have a duty to the public when they advertise products aimed towards children?

quick question

Question Description

Many companies devote significant resources marketing products to children. Please find an advertisement picture or video online that was intended to market a product to children. Provide a link to the video/picture, or post the picture directly to your response to the is learning activity. Thoroughly discuss the ethical implications of this advertisement. Is there anything about this advertisement that is unethical in nature? Doe companies have a duty to the public when they advertise products aimed towards children?

Short answer

Question Description

The HR area of Informational Systemshas budgeted for a new HRIS system that is sorely needed. HR managersare considering their options: purchase an system based on therecommendation by the Director of IT, purchase a system based on anevaluation by an IT workgroup, or purchase a system based on a jointevaluation of both IT and HR employees.

Task: What decision-making process shouldHR managers employ to come up with the best way forward to decide ontheir new HRIS system? Why?

cover letter and résumé for a position advertised on Career360° or another online job board

Question Description

For this assignment, write a cover letter and résumé for a position advertised on Career360° or another online job board. Choose a job you are qualified for and that can accommodate your university schedule.

Follow the format discussed in class for your cover letter and use whichever résumé format—chronological or functional—best presents your relevant qualifications. In class, you will learn about which format works better in different circumstances, and you will need to apply that instruction when making your choice.

Hcs 380 week 5

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation in which you:

    • Identify the principles of internal control.
    • Explain the use of cash and internal controls to prevent fraud.
    • Explain why corporations invest in stocks and debt securities.
    • Describe how debt and stock investments are reported in financial statements.
    • Evaluate the effects of unusual or irregular items on financial statements.

    Create a 1-page handout to accompany your presentation. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your presentation.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.