make a powerpoint

Question Description

  • Group Project Case #14 pg. 300 (A)
  • The book references a WIRELESS.htm file to look over the top wireless companies, problem is most of them have been merged or acquired with another tech company. Instead, please use the following link from CIO magazine and pick ONE of the twenty wireless companies from the website. You will be creating a slide deck answering the questions on pg. 301. Each of your slides should address each of the questions.

Visual eBook

Question Description

You will create an eBook (short story) that provides an overview of security, organized in similar modules as the course, and provides tutorials and references for each module. The course has six modules and for each module, you should have 4 tips/strategies with supporting images and hyperlinks.

Each module and tip should have:-

1-Explanation / Overview of the tip – emphasizing why the tip is beneficial for security and college students.

2-Relevant module/tip.

3-Screen capture.

4-Supporting reference.

This assignment must be on PDF files.

business paper

Question Description

read page 405 case and answer the following questions only using chapter 7

must be two pages and follow directions

1.What are the sources of conflict in this case?

2. What approaches to conflict management are used by the actors in this situation? How effective was each?

.3.Based on the behavioral guidelines for the collaborative approach, how did Dan perform in his roles as the initiator, as the mediator, and as the responder, and how could he have done better in those roles?

400word Read Article Attached Answer Question Using Rubric for Best Results

Question Description


How do profits and cash flow differ from each other, and why is it important to understand both ‘profits’ and ‘cash flow’ of your company? With regard to profit and cash, what should you be keeping an eye on as a technology manager and why?

Your responses to this discussion prompt should be more than 400 words. Your response must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical.

12 page formal report APA 3000 words

Question Description

12 page formal report,

we’re pretending that Midwestern State University has received a windfall donation of a considerable

amount of money that must be spent on meaningful improvements within the University’s

sphere of operations. To help them decide how best this money should be spent, University

officials have requested proposals that identify problems on campus and make compelling

cases for how those problems can be solved using some of the money that is newly available to

the University.

cover letter and résumé for a position advertised on Career360° or another online job board.

Question Description

For this assignment, write a cover letter and résumé for a position advertised on Career360° or another online job board. Choose a job you are qualified for and that can accommodate your university schedule.

Follow the format discussed in class for your cover letter and use whichever résumé format—chronological or functional—best presents your relevant qualifications. In class, you will learn about which format works better in different circumstances, and you will need to apply that instruction when making your choice.

give a real life example or episode, where guidelines for giving comfort are violated. (2-3 pgs.)

Question Description

there is a rubric attached below.

-format has to be APA

-be familiar with the guidelines in communications about giving comfort

here are some notes i have from class notes to be included:

Person-centeredness: Is the extent to which messages acknowledge and validate the feelings of the distressed person

Phases of comforting

1. Support activation

2. Support provision

3. Target reaction

4. Helper response

Guidelines for giving comfort effectively

  1. Don’t rely on diversions or advice
  2. Focus on he other person, not yourself
  3. Stay neutral and seek information
  4. Buffer face threats as much as possible

1 paragraph discussion

Question Description

Executive Compensation”

  • Use the Internet to research common components of executive compensation plans. Next, examine these components and identify one (1) component that you deem essential to motivate executives to lead companies toward competitive advantage. Provide support as to why you chose that component.
  • Popular press and media accounts generally suggest that executives are overpaid. Discuss two (2) principles underlying the argument in favor of high executive compensations and determine whether these principles are sound. Provide examples to support your response.

help in doing a MEMO

Question Description

You are going to need to read the attached paper to understand the assignment. There are 2 articles you need to go over with BOTH ARTICLES IN THE SAME FILE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE SECOND ARTICLE. And then you are going to take 3 take-aways from the articles and relate them with the chapter.




Project Plan

Question Description

A project plan is based on research and organizational goals.

Company: Walmart

Use the provided Project Plan template to create a project plan that outlines the operational steps needed to meet each project objective determined in Wk 3 – Apply: Project Metrics.

  • Use the textbook and other available resources to fill in the appropriate content.
  • Summarize the justification for your project plan.
  • Cite all sources following APA guidelines.

Paper needed for this assignment (week 3 Project Metrics) has been attached.

Project Plan Template has been attached.