​The first step in this process is to go to the website of a publicly-traded US company and select the most recent 10-K Form​

Question Description

The first step in this process is to go to the website of a publicly-traded US company and select the most recent 10-K Form (legally-required document publicly-traded companies must submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission – SEC – on an annual basis. Among other things, this document contains the opinion of the CPA firm regarding the company’s financial statements and adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – GAAP). The contents of this form will be the basis of the team assignments

Popular business expansion thoughts/suggestions

Question Description

This is a discussion board, no length requirement. Provide sources. Need sent to me before 10 PM Eastern time tomorrow.

Starbucks has become a household name, with thousands of stores across the United States and the world. Yet, they have generally operated within a fairly narrow market: Coffee Shops. Recently, Starbucks has begun initiatives to diversify. As a group, analyze the business, discuss your thoughts and suggest areas into which Starbucks could expand based on your assessment of their core competencies and competitive advantages.

memorize and make a ready summary to study from it

Question Description

This is the basic information of your Third and Final Essay Exam. please review the entire Emissions Gap Report 2019 (EGR Report), published last week by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

I am most interested in you reading closely Chapter 1 (Introduction, pp. 1-3), Chapter 2 (Global Emissions Trends and G20 Status and Outlook, pp. 3-20), and Chapter 7 (Bridging the Gap, pp. 56-62).

Here is the link to the EGR Report:

https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/30797/EGR2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Links to an external site.)

business discussion

Question Description

Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, or communication styles among employees.

Since you have a paper due this week, choose an article and any topic about Diversity in the workplace that you want to discuss. Perhaps you want to look at the most pressing and significant concern(s) about Diversity in today’s workplace. Why did you choose this topic and why do you think it is important?

Pay Scales – discussion

Question Description

Imaginethat you manage human resources for a small business. You have recentlyprepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and thecompany’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannotafford this level of pay, and furthermore, paying that much would causesalespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers. Why isthis a problem? Should managers automatically be at the top of the payscale? Suggest three possible measures the company might take to helpresolve this conflict

( Import & Export Cars)

Question Description

Hi dear,

I want you to write 15 pages about Import & Export Cars from United States to Saudi Arabia this is my business plan and I want you to write how are we going to do this business. I want five powerpoint slides with few sentences on each slide about the topic. Please cite the work in the last page by itself also be professional, simple, and understandable. I want very good quality of work no copying from the internet thanks!

Need help completing an Excel Exam!!

Question Description


I need help completing an Excel Exam. ONLY ACCEPT THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU ARE GREAT AT EXCEL. The attached images show how to navigate the online portal, and what the test looks like. Additionally, you will be provided with the class’s textbook and can use the internet/other resources to complete the exam.

Tips will be given for completing it with a high grade AND as quickly as possible from when I submit this question.

Feel free to ask any questions and good luck!!

200 Words Paper

Question Description

  • If for example there are 18 critical members of my 1st and 2nd tier supply chain (customers and suppliers and me) and another 1,218 other companies on my extended supply chain map (e.g. the complete map), how many S&OPs are there?
  • How often do I create a new S&OP?
  • Who approves the final Supply Chain Plan?
  • What are the steps that I should take AFTER the S&OP is complete?
  • Why is the reverse of outsourcing so much more difficult, time consuming and expensive than outsourcing?

Collective summary(200-300 words)

Question Description

Choose a subject from the list and explain what it refers to and why it is important for the course (200-300 words). You can use the authors and readings from the syllabus, as well as your notes from lectures and sections.

Use a written example, a picture or a conceptual map to support your answer (creativity and sense of humor will be highly appreciated).

For subject I already choose the Communication. And I also give you some slides about communication in our lecture.

Answer The question with one page and half easy maximum , using examples and management concept.

Question Description

Strategy helps determine the success of cellular organization.A. Briefly outline the six stages in the strategic management process.B. Explain the Boston consulting group(BCG) Matrix and describe how this model can help managers in setting strategy ? C. Describe Michael porter’s model of competitive strategy and explain what he might suggest to the senior leadership of Walmart as they try to establish themselves in e-commerce.D. Why are E business customer service and innovation strategies so important to today’s businesses? please use examples.