The Attributes of Friendship

Question Description

Think of the significant friendships you have experienced in your life. In Chapter 7 of Intimate Relationships, the following “attributes of friendship” are presented for our consideration: Respect, trust, responsiveness, capitalization, social comparison, and social support.

  • Which of these attributes are most important in your friendships and why?
  • Are the attributes you have chosen as most important now the same as those you would have chosen earlier in your life?
  • Please describe how or if what you value in friendship has changed or developed.

Week 5 FIN575 post

Question Description

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Firms often make decisions that involve spending money in the present and expecting to earn profits in the future. Firms often need raise the financial capital to meet various needs that include projects, equipment, staffing, expansion, and more.

  • Discuss the top three sources for companies to borrow money from, for a new building purchase, what are the typical lending interest rates, required collateral, and repayment terms at each of the three sources.

3. As per the article “Saudi Arabia is facing several challenges in its economy and human resource development (HRD) programmes” What are those main challenges? Identify them and also give your own suggestions to combat these challenges.

Question Description

Read the Pdf file about Gauging the unique developmental strategies towards human resource at Saudi Aramco then answer the Question in the word file

1) Highlight the major Training and skill Development Programmes initiated by Saudi Aramco for Human Resource Development.

2)Describe Human Resource Strategies of Saudi Aramco. {

3)As per the article “Saudi Arabia is facing several challenges in its economy and human resource development (HRD) programmes” What are those main challenges? Identify them and also give your own suggestions to combat these challenges.

Analyzing marketing problems = (3 points max) = Reason for score (at least one paragraph)

Question Description

In this assignment I only have to analyze this three points that Team Ice Cream gave in its assignment and give it a rating and the reason for that score.

  • Demonstrating knowledge = (3 points max) =
    • Reason for score (at least one paragraph)
  • Analyzing marketing problems = (3 points max) =
    • Reason for score (at least one paragraph)
  • Demonstrating willingness to engage = (3 points max) =
    • Reason for score (at least one paragraph)

Total points = (please add the points given in each of the three categories above) =

Read the attached and answer questions

Question Description

Assignment Questions: (Marks 05)

1.Read the attached article titled as “Creativity – A Cognitive Trick for Solving Problems Creatively” by Theodore Scaltsas, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: [5 Marks]

  1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 600-700 words)
  • What do you think about the article in relations to what you have learnt in the course about becoming a critical thinker for developing problem solving skills? Use additional reference to support you argument. (In 300-500 words)

Transportation and logistics

Question Description

Transportation plays a vital role in the business logistics/supply chain management process. Compare and contrast how regulation versus deregulation has impacted transportation. Ask yourself what were the major influences on both regulating and deregulated the transportation industry. What effects has globalization had on regulations? How have customers benefited by regulation or deregulation?

Your work should be supported by peer-reviewed articles from the University library, Government websites, and/or GAO reports. The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words. APA format should also be used.

process mapping

Question Description

Assume you drank a cup of coffee or tea this morning. Did you make it yourself or did you buy it? Draw a detailed process map illustrating the activity involved in making/obtaining your beverage. Use the appropriate process symbols. Be sure to take into account decision points and input and outputs. Explain the decision points and processes involved.

The link below is to an article that will be of assistance to you in completing your week five project on creating a Process Map.

question for strategic management

Question Description

ETHICS and the LAW

Read the following FORBES article ( Consider the following situation:

Your company has been hacked. Your IT/Cyber Specialist corrected the issue. BUT he is also a Gray Hat Hacker and he tells you he has been able to trace back to the source and he can send a virus back to the source.

QUESTION: What do you tell him? Defend your answer with sources.

300 words minimum

zero plaigiarism

references at least 3 and citation on each paragraph

no copy and paste

MGT322 – Critical Thinking

Question Description

  • The Assignment must be submitted on (WORD format only).
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Management Information Systems- Computers Making Decisions

Question Description

Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.

Computers Making Decisions

Imagine that you are a shirt sales person and you just heard from your boss that a computer program is going to start telling you how many red, green and yellow (or whatever colors) shirts you are supposed to sell each week.
What are your thoughts?
Now that you know how computers are used to make decisions, how do you think a program could make these decisions for you?

Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.