​Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Question Description

Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal online and provide answers to the following questions:

  1. What caused this crisis?
  2. Did Facebook violate any rules/laws? What are the consequences of these violations?
  3. What should Facebook do now to better protect user privacy and prevent data abuse in the future?

Module 6 Assignment 2

Question Description


What are non-tariff barriers? Why are they used? Give a few examples (refer to Ch 17) (Ch 17 from International logistics: The management of international trade operations, Pierre A. David, 5th edition)

Submission Instructions:

Complete your task on a word document – maximum 1-2 pages.

Strategic management based on ethical situations

Question Description

Assume you work in the accounting department of a large software company. Toward the end of December, your supervisor tells you to change the dates on several executive stock option grants from March 15 to July 30. Why would she ask for this change?

General Discussion – Marketing Management _ Marketing Communications

Question Description


Avoid plagiarism, I want original text answer & not copied, matching ratio should not exceed 5%.

Word-count minimum 120 words.

Marketing Communications

1/ What types of media do marketers use for marketing communications?

2/ What determines which media should be selected ?

Support your answer with examples & evidence.

Describe the Kuhn Cycle and evaluate an example of a scientific revolution

Question Description

Describe the Kuhn Cycle and evaluate an example of a scientific revolution that led to a new paradigm that better explained phenomena than the prior paradigmatic explanation did. Can the Kuhn Cycle concept be used to explain changes in management thought as well?

250 words.

Create a power point

Question Description

I uploaded a research paper and a presentation outline.

Please refer to the presentation outline and make a Powerpoint. I think it is enough to write a summary of 2 to 4 lines for each point.

And please make a script for the presentation.

please answer this discussion

Question Description

Choose three code sections from page 639 in your textbook. Using the Code of Professional Conduct, research your chosen code sections and provide a one page discussion.

Searchable tool




Points will be deducted for poor grammar and misspelled words.

summarize the given essay in 3 pages

Question Description

make sure these questioned are answered

Product and Place Strategies

  1. What products are available?
  2. Diagnostic Product Profile
  3. New Product Development (Hint: You may choose to answer the questions in section C for your entire parent company, not just your brand).
  4. Channels of Distribution (Retailers and Wholesalers)

Accounting of financial instit

Question Description

Q1. Define interest rate risk and discuss methods to reduce it.

Q2. explain methods of accounting for loan losses in banks and give a numerical examples.

Q3. list criteria to classifying lease contracts and pass journal entries on the records of lessee.

Report: Audit Problematic area within Netflix 2018

Question Description

Please help me write a 2 page, double space summary/report on the problematic area within the company Netflix in 2018. Do not include Netflix background info! Just list and explain the key risk factors that will be useful in doing audit planning.
