business reply 1


takeholders are individuals or organizations that are actively involved in a project whose interests could positively or negatively impact the project’s deliverables. Stakeholders are identified in the early stages by the project manager to ensure all involved parties are present when the project is executed to avoid delays and miscommunication. 

Capital Budgeting


This week’s overarching topic is capital budgeting cash flows. Please share your observations and takeaways of this week’s learning objectives as they relate to your job/role (CLINICAL ANALYST). How does capital budgeting cash flows impact you personally and/or what impact does capital budgeting cash flows have on your professional role?

analyze the case of Silicon Valley Business Ecosystems


Answer the following questions in essay form and then analyze the case of Silicon Valley Business Ecosystems in California.

1) What is the business ecosystem?

2) What theories and models explain the business ecosystem? Your answer must include at least three.

3) What is the Importance for entrepreneurs?

4) Explain the Silicon Valley ecosystem?

Weekly report: financial updates


create one template that include all the required of business updates and financial updates. A VC asks us to update them weekly on the progress of our start up company, so we need a professional template to work on that include kpi’s, okr’s, weekly progress, tasks, financial updates, etc.


Managing Perform for Results Saudi electronic university Reply 2 to discussion (The Performance Management System)


Reply to discussion (The Performance Management System)

Q – Please read the discussion Attached and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

The reply needs to be substantial and constructive in nature. it should add to the content of the post.

Current Event Summary


Research a current event regarding supply chain and logistics legal considerations. Resources such as LexisNexis and West Law, which you have access to through the Bellevue University Online Library Database System, are excellent sources to use in this regard. After reading through the event, provide a summary.

chapter 7 question


based on Hill, Charles W. L., Hult, G Tomas M (2018) Global Business
Today. 10th ed. McGraw-Hill: New York;
ISBN: 978-1-259-68669-6.


Do you think governments should consider human rights when granting preferential trading rights to countries? What are the arguments for and against taking such a position? 

Discussion Question: Homegrown Violent Extremism and Domestic Violent Extremism.


Discussion Questions: Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized and conducting terrorist attacks within their own nation. Also, address at least one radicalization model that you feel accurately describes the process by which individuals become extremists.



Based on your reading for this week, discuss one of the topics below:

Forecasting in service: find a case study and share its summary with the class. Reference your material properly.

  • Forecasting in manufacturing: find a case study and share its summary with the class. Reference your material properly.

MKT 607 week 8 discussion 1


Southwest Airlines and Whole Foods are businesses that practice Conscious Capitalism. Conduct research on either company. Identify, summarize, and defend three characteristics of either company that are consistent with Conscious Capitalism ideals. 


  1. Recommend ways to overcome obstacles in service marketing.
  2. Relate the service challenge to specific industries.