Interpersonal Skills


Assignment Question 

What are the interpersonal skills of a manager? What is the importance of interpersonal skills of a manager? How can interpersonal skills be improved?

Assignment Guidance  

1- To answer the assignment questions, write an essay no less than four pages excluding cover page.

2- Students ought to use references rather than the course textbooks.

Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability


Regarding Task 2, please complete the task and develop the PPT presentation slides, give me 3 things, the answer of word document, PPT and scripts( make it easier to present- – I don’t want competitive words to present)

Like previous task, read the case study first, and do the task

CW1 Report: company marketing analysis in the UK market.


You need to select a company based or operating in the UK (please note this company should not operate in the BICS (Brazil, India, China and South Africa) countries and then conduct a full internal analysis.

You will highlight their current key marketing activities.

  • Present a justification as to why the firm should expand overseas.

Extended Abstract



  •   Read the article through once without taking notes or even thinking about the abstract.

  Write down words and terms you do not understand. Define these terms.

  •   Read article again.

  Write summary. Show me that you understand what you are reading and that you understand the context.

  •   Do not go paragraph by paragraph and rewrite the original article.

discussion board mgt 324


3.2 Action Required:

Watch the video at the following link

3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

What do you understand by human resource management?

What are the various concepts associated with human resource management?

3.4 Instructions 

Answer both questions in the test your knowledge section.

Post your answer on the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week3:Interactive learning Discussion)



2.2 Action Required: (Read)

Chapter 1. Organizational Structures

Textbook: Thomas Pyzdek & Paul Keller: The Handbook for Quality Management, Second Edition: A Complete Guide to Operational Excellence, McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition (December 18, 2012). ISBN-13: 978-0071799249

  • 2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Explain the idea of the transaction-cost theory.

Discuss two to three limitations of the hierarchical structure.

Complete Assigmnet 2


Complete Project 2.1 using the dataset from the Chapter 7 exercise (Section 7.14 Data file: ch7ExerciseTrain.csv

There are two parts to the Assignment:

Complete the “Build a Model” tutorial.

Compare the performance of each tested model.

Follow the instructions provided in Project 2.1 Model Performance Evaluation.pdf

discussion board mgt 321


1 Learning Outcomes:

Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows.

Understand why governments sometimes intervene in international trade.

7.2 Action Required:

  • The purpose of this interactive activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned lessons by responding to discussion questions.
  • 7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):    

Critically discuss Infant Industry Argument.

Financial balance sheet


Question # 2:

Create your own balance sheet (for two following years ) and income statement (for the last year only)

Question #3:

Review the two balance sheets’ elements in your created balance sheet and classify whether the difference in account between the two years Use or Source of cash. See the book page. 78

301act .mohammed


do a correct solution without mistakes, without similarities, without
plagiarism. Put the answer in the file and make sure to solve all the
paragraphs. If you do a good job, I have many assignments that I will
ask you to do. Check yourself and do your best.