Week 2 Discussion Post


Review in Module 2 course materials the items on Alger and Real Estate ETF’s. From the information(Morning Star and other asset ratings companies) how are the 2 investments performing today in the current economic environment, how have they performed in the past, and what do you think they will do in the future.

Discussion answer questions, then respond to 2 peoples posts.


Discussion: Chapter 6 – Different Messages

In business, all 3 of types of messages are used regularly: positive, negative, & persuasive.

(at least 100 words for this part)

Write about a time that you have used one of these types of messages.

What was the message about?

How did you organize the message?

Was it effective?

What would you do differently next time?

BUSI528Discussion Thread: Marketing Mix


Assume that a multi-specialty medical group has decided to segment the market in the community by income level. The group has decided to target a small niche of middle-aged, white-collar professionals who are married, with both spouses working outside the home. Discuss how this medical group might tailor its marketing mix to appeal to this segment. 

Week 7 Marketing Strategy


You will write a Marketing Strategy paper based on the company you selected. Each section of the report will be reviewed in-class lectures.

Company Selection:

Choose the current or previous company your work for OR choose a local company (be sure to let the company know you want to use them for this assignment).

Reply 1 to discussion (Competitive Advantage)


Reply to discussion (Competitive Advantage)

Q – Please read the discussion Attached and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

The reply needs to be substantial and constructive in nature. it should add to the content of the post.

Please provide the references you used.

MGT401 strategic management SEU


The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.

Avoid plagiarism, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. 

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.

MGT 670 – Short summary of leadership/management style



Choose a leader you would like to learn about.

Write a short summary of their leadership/management style.  You may incorporate what interests you, qualities you admire, challenges they face and what you would like to incorporate in your career.  You may also include how a contrasting leadership style can be a contemporary issue in management.  

Create a slideshow on the cost control in the hospitality industry and relate the answers to the article


Article link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/crucial-role-cost-c…

1st slide: What is cost control

second slide: How is cost control used in the hospitality industry?

3rd slide: Will implementing a strict cost control affect the customer experience?

4th slide: (answer the question on slide 3) by discussing all the pros and the cons to the question.

5th slide citation 

Long and Short Term


This week’s overarching topic is long- and short-term financial planning. Please share your observations and takeaways of this week’s learning objectives as they relate to your job/role (CLINICAL ANALYST). How does long- and short term financial planning impact you personally and/or what impact does long- and short-term financial planning have on your professional role?

Reply to Question (Gender and Leadership)


Hello dear

Based on the attached discussion, I received this comment, followed by this question.

Thank you for sharing your thinking on how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness,

This is an important area and you have made some interesting comments.

How do cultural considerations in Saudi Arabia impact female leaders of virtual teams?