MGT422 Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility Saudi electronic university MGT422-


Action Required:

Write at least 2 paragraphs (100-150 words per paragraph) responding to item in test your knowledge.

Test your Knowledge (Question):

Question 1

Some believe that a company’s only responsibility is to maximize shareholder value. Others feel that an organization has a responsibility to a larger group of stakeholders. State which views you support and justify your position?


1-Answer the given question in your (own word) – 

HRM Competencies


Consider what you learned about the SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge in this week’s reading and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Which HR competency do you feel is your strongest based on your work experiences?
  • Based on your work experiences, which competency would you like to improve upon?
  • How could you improve on your weakest competency? What experience might help?

please respond to question below


Give an example where culture can cause a misunderstanding through nonverbal communication.

Think about gestures, proxemics, physical appearance and touch as areas of cultural differences.

For your posts, you must:

Demonstrate thoughtful well-formulated responses to a minimum of two peers and support your argument with at least one source other than the text.

Support your work with in-text citations from your textbook and at least one outside source. 

Presentation group work


can you please do 4,5 and 8 conclusion for this presentation

) Introduction (Mandy)

2) Address Ethics and Privacy Findings for Individuals (Mandy)

3) Implications and Recommendation of Data Collection: Individuals (Mandy)

4) Address Ethics and Privacy Findings for Social Groups

5) Implications and Recommendation of Data Collection: Social Groups

6) Address Ethics and Privacy Findings for Business (Fon)

7) Implications and Recommendation of Data Collection: Business (Fon)

8) Conclusion.

Project 4 Discussion


Discussion: Answer the following questions:

Discuss the concepts that were most challenging for you in the readings and review material. How did the practice exercises help clarify these?

What did you learn that will help you determine which assets to invest and which assets to disinvest to help LGI improve its operations and generate cash flow to improve its bottom line? 

discussion board mgt 425


2.2 Action Required:

What is Modeling? Write the different types of models.

List the five Benefits of Business Models.

2.4 Instructions 

  • Answer both questions in test your knowledge section.

Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week 2: Interactive learning Discussion)(( PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS AND WRITE THE REFERENCE))

D2: Chapter 8 Discussion


Identify three essential training needs you would implement for a group of entry-level workers as an HR Manager of a fast food restaurant.

Explain why you chose the identified skills and how the training will be implemented (e.g. 2-week period at the restaurant; off-site at a training facility, etc.)

  1. Support your post with examples from your experience with customer service in a fast-food restaurant

Organizational Behavior-Employee Motivation


Employee Motivation

Select any four of the following motivation theories you read about this week:

Self Determination Theory

Goal Setting Theory

Self-Efficacy Theory

  • Equity Theory/Organizational Justice
  • Employee Involvement
  • Job Design
  • Based on research using the course text and other scholarly materials, write a paper that describes how you would use each theory to motivate your employees. Be very detailed and support what you say with research. 

week 1 reading


How does the textbook suggest that you prepare for and deliver your first speech? Which suggestions are new for you? Which might be the most challenging one, and why? And how do the student speakers in the sample videos compare in their speech organizations and deliveries?

Connect what you see in the self-introductory videos with what you read in this week’s assigned text.

4-1 Discussion


In this discussion, you’ll share with your classmates a brief summary of your deal research conducted to date. In your post, include the following items:

  • Identify your sports organization and two to three examples of its existing sponsorships.
  • Share your prospective partner and a brief summary of their business objectives.
  • Explain how your sports organization can help the prospective partner achieve its business objectives.