Capstone Project.


For this assignment, you will submit Chapter 1 of your Final Capstone Project

“What is the relationship between college students’ exercise habits and mental health outcomes?”

.  This chapter provides an overview of the final capstone project. This chapter should include a discussion under the following headings:

  • Introduction

Background of the Study

Problem Statement

Purpose of the Study

  • Research Questions
  • Advancement of Scientific Knowledge and Significance of the Study
  • Definition of Terms
  • Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study

Presentation of business ethics about Citigroup


You just need to finish part of the presentation that I post below for in ppt format.

Q: Consider the behavior of this company as described in the article linked below (and
please find other articles or sources to further learn about the actions).
a. Does this behavior reflect, or is it against, the company’s culture? How/why not?
b. What message(s) are the leaders sending by having taken this action?

push and pull


Write a questionnaire that contains the following:

No more than 2 open-ended questions about what forces help your population reach the ideal situation and what forces hinder them from reaching the ideal situation

Write a 1-page analysis that explains why you chose those questions. Your explanation should answer the following:

  • How do the questionnaire items relate to the problem or gap in practice?

How will this questionnaire help you get the information you need?

BUS 698 Research projects


Each student is required to submit 3 project proposals related to Busness of a maximum of 2 pages for each proposal for the idea of their

research which should include the following:

1- A Preliminary research title.

2- One research question.

a. Sub-questions if applicable.

3- Research objectives maximum of 3 objectives.

4- Research framework which is formed by:

a. 3 independent variables.

b. 1 dependent variable.

5- Research hypothesis maximum of 3 (one per variable/objective)

6- General methodological approach.

Mgt311 – intro to operations management


2.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link

  • 2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
  • Q. Explain the role of Supply chain Management in the modern business

Week 3: Interactive activity 

3.1 Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate process-flow analysis, process design solutions, operations strategies,

  • Inventory Control System and customer services in the business operation.

3.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link

3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Q. Write note on: Project, Job shop, Flow shop and continuous flow

Zoom fatigue


For this discussion forum, you will need to research a credible article regarding Zoom fatigue.

Explain how listening, active listening, and feedback have changed with the advent of so many methods to communicate using technology.

Identify two issues that arise in video conferencing due to Zoom fatigue and connect this with active listening and feedback. 

  • Explain how the referenced issues can be mitigated. 
  • Use at least one source to support your key points. 

P&G Marketing Strategy


Instructions: Review the lecture slides on Topic 2 – Introduction to Marketing Research, and then answer the following questions.

  1. What brands are produced by P&G under each of the following product categories? Please list as many brands as you can think of.
    • Laundry Detergent
    • Dishwashing Detergent
    • Shampoo
    • Tissue
  2. Why does P&G compete with itself – i.e., why do they produce brands that compete against one another?
  3. How does marketing research help in this strategic planning process? 

Case study Question – Introduction to International Business (MGT 321)


Please after reading the Case study answer the following questions:


Explain the proposed benefits of the TPP.

What were the potential drawbacks of the U.S. entering the TPP? What would be the drawbacks to other nations? Discuss.

Is the CPTTP a threat to American economic interests? Discuss.

Why do you think the 11 remaining signatories went ahead with a revised deal after the United States withdrew? Give logic in support of your answer. 

Supply Chain Management


In week three, we conducted a literature review. This is the week for a draft report on your research paper. One of the issues under consideration in your draft is analytics methods. Either descriptive, inferential, or predictive, provide a summary and the data requirements. Note that after the report, you may incorporate recommendation received from your professor.


Label your Word document as follows: yourlastname.doc (ex: Johnson.docx)

DHA804 Conflict Management


This is another reading by Wheeler (2003). Four Key Concepts: Your Starting Points addresses the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), Reservation price, Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA), and Value creation through trades. These are specific pieces of your framework for a successful negotiation. Select two of these concepts and offer your narrative on the challenges associated with arriving at your estimates.