Business case financials & weighted scoring model



1) Complete Exercise 1 (begins with the first sentence “Perform a financial analysis for a project using the format provided in Figure 2-5.”). Use the “business case financials.xls”. At the end where the instructions say “write a paragraph”, you can just place the paragraph in the same Excel file.

2) Complete Exercise 2 (begins with the first sentence “Create a weighted scoring model to determine which project to select.”). Use the “weighted scoring model.xls”.

compare and contrast leadership styles


Compare and Contrast Leadership Styles, Communication and Influence: Profiling, Analyzing, comparing and contrasting2 real-life Organizational Leaders (two persons in leadership roles that you know and a brief reflection with yourself)

  1. Analysis of the Leadership Styles, communication styles, traits, Behaviors 
  2. Analysis of Influencing techniques, leader’s relationship with stakeholders, and use of Power (what is the leader’s relationship with others, how he/she influences at all levels and with stakeholders, usual response from followers, getting things done etc.) 

BUS 665 university of saint joseph Control chart project


the first attached is the project question and instructions.

the second attached id the report that I need to create a powerpoint slides out of it.

I attached the question to see the requirement for the presentation, and attached the report answer to use the information in the slides.

make sure to but the charts each one of them after each paragraph to be related and did not confuse the reader.

Accounting case study


Hi, Please find attached the case study the question is in the first paragraph ( What should Li do to solve the problem? ), plus another few questions that will add to the solution and analysis and should be answered:

– What was the main factor for the company’s high AR and receivable turnover?

– ?What did they make wrong with its AR policy?

– ?What specific method for quantity management of AR would resolve these issues?

discussion board mgt 325


1 Learning Outcomes:

Familiarize with the factors firms use to evaluate the collaboration opportunities.

Identify and explain the various forms of collaboration and the tradeoffs associated with each of them.

Establish the factors that are crucial to a successful collaboration

  1. 7.2 Action Required:
  2. Watch the short video in the following link
  3. 7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

List the many types of collaboration, their tradeoffs, and an explanation of each type of collaboration.

7.4 Instructions 

Answer the question in test your knowledge section.

Discussion – McGregor Theory



McGregor developed the Theory Y and Theory X. These define how managers view their employees. This was not covered in the lesson. Do your own research about McGregor’s theory and answer the following questions:

1. Contrast McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about people.

2. What types of managers have you dealt with in your organization?

3. Assess why there is a predominance of Theory X or Theory Y managers in your organization or industry?

Case: Adhikar


1. Based on the data provided in the case, what’s your analysis of the situation at Adhikar? Is the organization in trouble? If so, how big is the problem? Is the organization “doing fine?”

2. Design the feedback meeting. What’s the purpose of the agenda, how will you present the data?

3. What activities do you believe the Adhikar organization should take? What problems do you think these actions would solve? 

MGT 520 Discussion



The performance management system is one tool that manager’s utilize to effectively manage people. With that in mind discuss the following:

Discuss two specific examples of where an effective performance management system will increase organizational performance.

Discuss how an organization can best implement these strategies to ensure performance management is best utilized by the organization.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Palm Beach Atlantic University Global Business Strategies The Business Strategies Behind Chick-fil-A, Costco, Starbucks and More


Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Ikea, crocs, Costco, dollar general, Sephora, target, Airbnb, Home Depot 

1. Please provide a two-paragraph per company, double spaced, summary of the firms that I give you  

3. Please select which firm in the group you believe has the best business model for doing business internationally, and why. 

4. Please provide an example of a recent buying experience with one of these firms and why it is memorable, positive or negative. 

Capstone Project.


For this assignment, you will submit Chapter 1 of your Final Capstone Project

“What is the relationship between college students’ exercise habits and mental health outcomes?”

.  This chapter provides an overview of the final capstone project. This chapter should include a discussion under the following headings:

  • Introduction

Background of the Study

Problem Statement

Purpose of the Study

  • Research Questions
  • Advancement of Scientific Knowledge and Significance of the Study
  • Definition of Terms
  • Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study