case analysis


learning Goal: I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

please finish all the questions in the attached excel, making sure you read attached excel first and knowing how to answer all questions.

Make sure you are good at doing case about public fund and private fund

Ensure to include the calculation process (data cleaning steps, formulas, pivot tables, etc.). Feel free to insert rows, columns, charts, and tables, or use additional tabs if necessary.

Journal Article Review


Choose a journal article related to project status reporting, budgeting, or risk analysis (do not re-use a journal from a prior course).  

The review should contain the journal article title, author’s name and year of publication. 

Your paper should contain the following headings:


    Summary of the article

  •     Relevant points made by the author
  •     Critique of the article
  •     Application of the concepts in the article
  • You are going to review a single journal article, therefore your reference page should only contain the information from the article you reviewed.

DBQ MKT640 2


Module 02: Discussion

Social metrics

An abundance of metrics are available to professionals, which makes landing on the “right” metrics all the more challenging. 

  • Discuss the two different groups of social metrics identified in your text, Digital Marketing Analytics, Chapter 2. 
  • Choose both an Owned and Earned social metric from different social channels and consider a real or imaginary company and discuss the social metrics that you would pick to align with the behaviors you are trying to change with this marketing tool. 

analysis report


Today you will meet with your team to discuss the reasons for LGI’s reduced operational efficiency. The reduced efficiency has raised questions about the company’s income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Answer the questions in the Project 1 Questions Report Template document. Prepare your analysis report including recommendations for how the company can improve its financial situation.

To complete the analysis report for the project:

Download the Project 1 Questions Report Template

Read the instructions.

management and leadership


Provide the following in a 4- to 5-page paper:

An evaluation of each employee’s performance based on KPIs.

An explanation of how you would address this situation with each employee. Be specific about how you would begin the conversation with this employee to provide motivation yet emphasize that the current situation is not sustainable.

  • Submit a corrective action plan for each employee. The plan should include:
  • How the employee becomes compliant with the relevant KPIs
  • How you will support the employee to become compliant

FIN3403- MOD 1 Discussion and Reply


Initial discussion question:

How do the fundamental financial principles discussed in Chapter 1, such as risk and return, time value of money, and the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth, translate to making sound personal financial decisions? How do you apply these principles for your own financial planning, investments, and goals?” 

  1. Keep the discussions focused on a primary thesis and less than 300 words to avoid hyperbole and puffery. Just the facts, please.  Long-winded compliments, off-topic meandering, and puffery do not count.

HRM533: Week 11 Discussion Question


When differences in pay occur within an organization, it may be due to unintended bias within the system and is often not intentionally unethical, even though it occurs often. It is essential for human resources professionals to learn how to research and ultimately determine pay equity and rewards fairness.

  • Define “pay equity” and explain what this term means for professionals, society, and organizations.
  • Explain what a pay gap is and what causes most pay gaps.
  • Recommend one way to close pay gaps

Biotechnology Question


write a 4 page paper on a company.


company’s strategy, market segment(s), stage of development, key products and any unique characteristics. Include a brief assessment of the firm’s financial capacity to execute the strategy.

Antibody Drug Conjugate

Chimeric Antigen T-Cell Receptor

Checkpoint inhibitors (e.g. PD-1, PD-L-1)


Other gene-editing methods

Rare Pediatric Disease Designation

Orphan Drug

Breakthrough Therapy Designation

Priority Review (Voucher)

Accelerated Review

Emergency Use Authorization


Contract Manufacturing

Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC)

Contract Research Organization

Decentralized Clinical Trials

Phase I, II, III, (IIIb), IV

Pre-Clinical Drug Safety (GLP)

Lead Optimization

Price gouging



Strategic Partnership


Project Management Continued


Review the Course Project Guidelines—Part 5 located in the Course Project Overview page in the Introduction and Resources module for instructions and details on this week’s assignments: what to complete, how to submit the assignments, and additional grading information.

The Week 5 Course Project assignments are as follows.

Earned Value Analysis

Project Status Communication

To familiarize yourself with MS Project, review the tutorials accessible in the Microsoft Project Training section at the bottom of the Course Project Overview page.

strategy planning and analyze


Strategy Planning 

Review vision 2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning stated below. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria. 

Clear and consistent long-term goals

Profound understanding of the competitive environment

An objective appraisal of resources

Effective Implementation

  1. After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?