1.How should Kraft Canada make the brand messaging of Kraft Singles compelling to Canadian millennial moms?

2.What product innovations should the company bring to Kraft Singles, coinciding with the new messaging?

3.How should Kraft Canada ensure that, in pursuing Canadian millennial moms, it will not alienate its traditional customer group—Canadian families?

4.What are the contextual and organizational factors influencing the process of retargeting a brand like Kraft? How?

5.How does Kraft develop a messaging framework?

6.How does Kraft use the customer profile research to make mid-course corrections?

Marketing Expenses Versus Rival Firms for Southwest airlines


Marketing Expenses Versus Rival Firms

Create a data table to illustrate the marketing expenses vs. rival firms by doing the following:

Step 1: Go to the Investor Relations page on Southwest’s website as well as two of its primary competitor’s websites and download the three form 10Ks for the respective firms.

Step 2: Look in the Table of Contents of each Form 10K to find the pages that reveal the three firms’ marketing or advertising expenditures.

Step 3: Prepare a comparative data table to consolidate this information.

Read an article and then think deeply about some question


Based on examples from one of the recommended articles selected by you, the lecture notes, the text, and other sources, discuss one or several of the themes: judgmental heuristics, common biases in managerial decision making, bounds of human judgment, strategies for making better decisions.

1.How to Minimize Your Biases When Making Decisions, Wolf, R., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023

2. Outsmart Your Own Biases, Soll, J. et al., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023

3.Before You Make That Big Decision, Kahneman, D. et al., HBR June 2011

Post an analysis of the role of balanced scorecards in an organization, to include the following:


Describe an example from your professional career, current or past, in which the use of a balanced scorecard might have had a positive impact on your understanding of how the performance of your department, area, or team contributed to the achievement of the organization’s overall goals and objectives.

As a manager, analyze how you could utilize a balanced scorecard to ensure your department, area, or team was meeting the organization’s goals and objectives. What measurement(s) might you consider and why? 

Human Resources Training and Development


Identify and briefly discuss the important steps leading up to the design of a training program and which include designing the training program.

Identify and briefly discuss three criteria to use in selecting instructional methods.

Identify and briefly describe three factors that contribute to the success of online training programs.

  1. What are synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods?  Which type is best to use in online training?  Explain.

Discuss the process approach to designing a training program.

  1. Explain the challenge of conducting a cost-benefit analysis.

Leadership Intagibles


Reflect on the significance of leadership intangibles in navigating the complex and turbulent environments of public health and healthcare. Considering the diverse intangibles discussed by various authors in the book, how do you believe leadership coaching and 360-degree feedback contribute to the development and refinement of these intangible skills? 

Further, discuss the role of academic programs in public health and healthcare leadership in fostering these essential traits. 

How can emerging leaders leverage these educational and feedback tools to enhance their effectiveness in leading change?

PIP. Explanation


The PIP is fine , but On the VCM, you have the scores for the price intervals reversed.  Prices in the lowest cost interval should have a score of 5, not 1.   Why?  Because a lower price is more desirable so it should receive a higher score.  The quality rating system is fine.  What does the percent represent for Reliability?  You need to define what the percentage is and how it’s calculated.  The same goes for Reputation.  

Keiser University Article review


Topic Paper/Peer Reviewed Journal Article review instructions:

  1. Using the exact Sample Article Review format, write a review on 3 articles relating to your final research topic. Use the Library database or to find the 3 peer reviewed journal articles relating to your final research topic.
  2. My final research topic is on the following: The Impact of Data Driven Operations on Supply Chain (2018 – present) – Choose one of these (Smart Cities, Internet of Things (IoT), Coronavirus,) as a sub topic.

Mini Assign 1


Perform about a 250-word SWOT analysis using yourself as the product. Be candid about your resources and the strengths and weaknesses you possess. Based on the opportunities and threats you see in the environment, discuss where you stand in terms of your ability to earn a Ph.D. (if you are interested), get a job, begin a career, or change careers.

Also, please summarize in the SWOT Matrix (refer to Exhibit 4.5 and Exhibit 4.6) with at least 3 items for each box.


  • Opportunities:


  • Threats:

Business Intelligence, Data Science, and Data Analytics


Apply IT Concepts to Business Decisions.

Qlik offers a complimentary e-book entitled “Turn your Excel Reports into Stunning Dashboards.” Download the e-book. Write a report about what you learned.

Visit the website of software provider Microstrategy at

Click on “Solutions.”

  1. Click “By Industry.”
  2. Scroll down to choose an industry that interests you and click on that Industry.

Choose a business application that interests you such as Distribution Center Operations, Digital Loyalty Card, Vendor Portal or Customer Analysis.

Click “Watch the Video.”

  • Write a report describing what you learned.