Group Project (MGT 308)



1-Each team needs to interview an entrepreneur or a business owner.

2-Business age of the company 5 years or less.

3-Each team should shed light on and analyze the following:

– how did the business start?

-How did they generate their entrepreneurial idea?

– What are the challenges that entrepreneurs face?

– How the early days were in their entrepreneurial firm?

– Success stories? How their life changed after their business?

– How their business helped them to develop their personal and professional skills? …. etc.

4-Your reflection and lessons learned from the interview should be reflected.

Leadership and gender


You have been asked to create for your Board of Directors best practices for the role that gender plays in leadership style and leadership effectiveness

Discuss 5  specific points you would like to share regarding how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness

Consider now that this is a virtual team what 5 best practices for leading a virtual team with considerations of what females should particularly focus on when leading virtual teams in KSA

  1. Directions:
  2. Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from the slides attached. Cite 3 sources.

Wedding Planning Work Breakdown Structure


1. Create a simple scope statement: The simple scope statement should be no more than 1-2 paragraphs distilling the essence of your project.

2. Create a work breakdown structure for your project. The WBS contains only scope or deliverables–no activities, resources or milestones. Remember that the remainder of your course project plan will be based on this WBS–so make sure that you include all deliverables.

3. Feel free to use Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or combinations thereof to create your scope statements and WBS.

University of California – Irvine Exercise 3 – Global Sourcing Wire Harness Decision


Read the case study: Exercise 3 Global Sourcing

  1. In the provided Excel template, provide your cost calculations and the answers for each of the five questions included in the case study.
  2. Show your calculations in the spreadsheet. Do not just copy paste values into the template.
  3. Refer to Chapter 10, the lecture, and your notes for assistance in answering the questions if needed.
  4. Make sure to include your name and the course number/section at the top of your submitted spreadsheet.  Add your initials to the Excel file name before uploading.

Market Disruption


While the market for electric vehicles is growing each year, there are still many concerns among the general public about the fate of their conventional cars and the ability of any charging station manufacturer to build out an infrastructure that will serve the needs of vehicle owners who do more than just run local errands.

REvolt needs to strike a delicate balance between differentiating themselves from aggressive competitors while not being so disruptive that they scare off the general public. What might that balance look like?

UCI Personal Mission Statement


Developing a personal mission statement is arguably one of the most important things that you can do to bring more focus to your future, both professional and personally. So, please do some soul searching and develop a personal mission statement for yourself that can provide such a focus and guidance. Obviously, these mission statements can be very short and are very personal but we do hope that you take this last individual assignment seriously enough to spend some time on it.

Write memo report promoting business not tourism


Does the message clearly and comprehensively address all questions in the assignment?

Do you present ideas in a clear manner and with strong organizational structure? The message should include and introduction, content, and conclusion and should also cover facts, arguments, and conclusions in a logical and consistent manner.

Is this assignment based upon appropriate and adequate sources? Do you support your arguments with evidence and facts and not only opinion statements?

The message is well written and easy to read with no egregious grammatical or spelling errors.

Interview/Research an Entrepreneur


Either complete an interview with an entrepreneur, or research an entrepreneur, and share that entrepreneur’s story and any lessons learned about that entrepreneur’s journey. In this assignment, you have the freedom to choose which questions to ask. We would encourage you to spend a little time thinking about this, and write the questions down before interviewing or researching your entrepreneur. As you begin to think of a business idea for the class projects, you may wish to choose an entrepreneur in the same industry.

Managerial Accounting – ACCT 322


First, adhere to the instructions of the word file in full.

Secondly, the solutions must only be in accordance with the slides attached to you do not use other resource

Thirdly,  a solution model for the assignment will also be attached. The  solutions must be identical, but the method must be changed to avoid  similarity, but the answers must be identical according to the method of  the slides and the model.

Answers must be correctly and  solutiona acording to my slides or I will not accept

Read an article and then think deeply about some question


Based on examples from one of the recommended articles selected by you, the lecture notes, the text, and other sources, discuss one or several of the themes: judgmental heuristics, common biases in managerial decision making, bounds of human judgment, strategies for making better decisions.

1.How to Minimize Your Biases When Making Decisions, Wolf, R., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023

2. Outsmart Your Own Biases, Soll, J. et al., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023

3.Before You Make That Big Decision, Kahneman, D. et al., HBR June 2011