real 190 ai



CHAPTER 14 – Introduction to Taxation

1.    Who is the County Assessor for San Diego County?  Who is the County Tax Collector for San Diego County?  Yes, you must name the two names !

2.    What is an Ad valorem tax? 

3.    Describe in detail what Proposition 13 is and how property taxes are figured from it.

4.    What is the fiscal year for San Diego County?  When are property taxes due?  When are they delinquent?  (For both installments).

5.   What are the special assessments, listed on the property tax bill ? Be Specific.  Who or what is a Mello-Roos ?

Business Plans Question


This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing, logistics, metrics, suppliers, and risk.Create a diagram of the supply chain plan using one of the following tools:


  1. PowerPoint



  • PDF
  • Other faculty-approved platform
  • Write an analysis of the supply chain. Include the following:
  • Value chain and flow of structure
  • Inputs
  • Outputs, including customer service structure
  • Inventory points and forecasting

Sourcing activities

Week 3 make or buy


Class let’s start this week’s discussion with short 5-minute video about making vs. buying an item. After checking out the video, talk about your company, one you have worked for in the past, or pick one (your choice) from the internet. Answer the following:

  1. What is the company and what do they do?
  2. What are some of the major items purchased?
  3. After watching the video- is the strategy Reactive, Stable, or Efficient Reactive?
  4. Where does the company fall in the supply chain- Supplier, Manufacturer, Distributor, or End Use Customer?
  5. Where do you fall in the process (if applicable).

AI Utilization in Brazil for Financial Services and Investing Firms



Brazil as a hub for Science and Technology (S&T), with an emphasis on the market’s interest in General AI. Utilize the following reports as a foundation for your research. It is crucial to incorporate updated data, considering sources such as PwC, BCG, McKinsey, and Bain reports (reliable industry sources). Additionally, create graphs and tables to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation.  Below are some links that might be useful for starting your research. Keep in mind they are outdated, so further updating and research on each will be necessary.…

Project Mangement


I will attach all previous week completed parts and complete course project review once the tutor will match.

Review the Course Project Guidelines—Part 5 located in the Course Project Overview page in the Introduction and Resources module for instructions and details on this week’s assignments: what to complete, how to submit the assignments, and additional grading information.

The Week 5 Course Project assignments are as follows.

Earned Value Analysis

Project Status Communication

To familiarize yourself with MS Project, review the tutorials accessible in the Microsoft Project Training section at the bottom of the Course Project Overview page.

Staffing/HR Plan


Human Resource Management

[Provide a summary of hiring, training and staffing plans here. Include hiring, training, and staffing costs for the store within the project cost estimate appendix.]

store details:

TCS store: plumbing and electrical supplies; building materials; hardware and tools; seasonal, garden, and yard items; and paint, flooring, and wall coverings.

Each TCS store has a store manager, assistant store manager, bookkeeper, information systems manager, a manager for each of the five major product groups, customer service employees to assist with purchases on the store floor, cashiers, receiving and stocking employees, and maintenance and janitorial employees.

intro to entrepreneurship


(work based on my idea-‘CROWN’ a luxury cookware design and manufacture company.)

-Focus on continued research for your project. Speak with industry experts and a group of users this week. Write up a paragraph about what you learned from this research. 

– Choose 3 articles on business topics in your industry. These articles could be any of the topics we have discussed so far (financing, marketing, research, trends). Write up a bullet point list of what you learned from the articles and how you will apply them to your project.  

DBQ MKT640 7



Identify a social media influencer in Saudi Arabia and discuss their impact on a specific brand or product. Discuss the influencer’s content, engagement numbers, and audience demographics to assess their effectiveness in driving brand awareness and sales. What metrics do you think are best for measuring influencer marketing? Do you have any ethical concerns with this influencer? Why or why not?

This is a post first discussion, you must post before you see others discussions.  Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Help with product


Assignment 1 

do some research on one of a products or companies and learn about their innovation process. You will complete a summary of no more than two pages covering the following topics: the company is apple and product is apple headphones 

Describe the product and talk about what makes it innovative

Identify how the product came to be and what the background story is for how it got created

Talk about the market and industry and the potential opportunity

What are three things you can learn about innovation from the founders or company that made the product

Organizational Behavior-Week 2 Discussion


Based on this week’s  from your assigned readings, respond to one of the following questions:

Research three different decision making models. Compare them in your post. Propose a practical application from your study of the models.

Select three of the motivational theories discussed in this week’s material. Compare their similarities and differences. Propose a practical application from your study of the theories.

Research “framing” (within the context of decision making and problem solving.) How might framing affect organizations? Analyze how perceptual biases may occur. Propose a practical application from your study.