MGT324, 325, 421, 422 Discussion questions



Week 6:

Define new public management as an approach to performance management

Define new public service as an approach to performance management


Week 6: 

Discusses how managers should select and balance their R&D portfolio, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of some of the most often used tools for project evaluation.

Week 7:

List the many types of collaboration, their tradeoffs, and an explanation of each type of collaboration.


Week 7:

Discuss the strategies for managing digital message overload. Also, discuss the ethical use of social media for work.

MGT 422:

Week 6:

Brief about the concepts related to organizational ethics.

Week 7:

Identify some contemporary ethical and compliance trends affecting corporations.

Investment Portfolio


Understanding different investment portfolios is important to investors to maximize the return on investment and minimize the risks.

Imagine that you just inherited $100,000 from a family friend and would like to invest it with a focus on long-term growth. You are thinking of investing it in various equities and bonds options that are traded in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Prior to attempting this discussion forum,

need help with 4 paragraphs for international business


Post a  minimum of  4 paragraphs  explaining the religion and business etiquette within your assigned country. (25 points)

Document all sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.

Include the following:

The different religions practiced and the percentage of the population affiliated with each religion.

Briefly summarize the beliefs of each of the religions.

Explain as a US based business opening operations in your country, if the religious breakdown would affect your business in any manner. Would product modification be needed? Would there be employee related considerations, due to possible religious affiliations.

  1. Explain the  common business etiquette practices within your country.  

D5: Servant Leadership & Inclusivity


(Chapter 10 & 12)

There are social implications that servant leadership (Servant Leadership, Chapter 10) is inclusive (Inclusive Leadership, Chapter 12) by empowering diverse employees and fostering equitable and more humane workplaces, as well as by being more sensitive to various societal expectations (Gotsis & Grimani, 2016). Gotsis, G. & Grimani, K. (2016).The role of servant leadership in fostering inclusive organizations. Journal of Management Development, 35(8): 985-1010.

In one or two paragraphs, give an example of how these two leadership styles can work together.

Be specific in your example and provide in-text citations and source(s) as done in the instructions.



Provide an overview of an IMC plan for a Saudi Arabian company of your choice. Discuss the following components:

Briefly share the company’s current marketing communications activities and their target audience, including a Question of the company’s primary and secondary target audiences.

Discuss at least two trends that you think they  should include in their marketing communications, provide specific examples of how the trend can be leveraged to achieve the company’s marketing objective.

  • Textbook: Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 5th edition Published by Pearson (February 28, 2019) © 2020 by Kevin Lane Kelle, Vanitha Swaminathan  

Sports analytics homework


we did a single variable regression with some data for one season, using a statistic (like Runs Scored or Runs allowed or Runs Differential) to predict the number of wins a team would get over the course of the season.  I also asked students to do a brief write-up of their results, so you should tell me what league/sport you were examining, write out the equation implied by the regression output, and then calculate the predicted number of wins by a team for a few (3 or so) data points that are reasonable*

Marketing communication


Public Relations Case Study

Your friend owns a restaurant and a false rumor about the business has circulated, claiming the head chef has a very contagious disease. Many customers are scared and stop going to the restaurant, and sales are down.

Since you are taking a marketing communications class, you decide the help your friend. In a 3 pages report, address the following:

Explain what public relations (PR) is and the different types of PR.

What are some ways to handle a rumor?

Prepare a statement on behalf of the restaurant to the public.

Select one traditional and one digital media for this statement.


SNHU Limitation on Ownership Rights Condo Association Bylaws Discussion


  1. Choose one limitation on ownership rights to research more in depth. These could include:
    • Zoning ordinance
    • Condo association bylaws
    • Easement
    • Police power
    • Eminent domain
    • Taxation
  2. Discuss the limitation on ownership rights that you chose, demonstrating your understanding of the limitation.
  3. Then, find an article online or in the Shapiro Library that discusses a real-world example of an owner’s property rights being restricted by the restriction that you chose, and discuss what happened while incorporating the principles of the reservation of rights you chose. The article should show a practical application of the limitation on ownership rights that you gave an overview.

Solve Question


1-International Market Intelligence

2-Decision support systems for business intelligence

3-International Decision Support Systems

4-Global Ai international market 

5-Decision support system how help business intelligence 

6-discusses how you design data base access 

7-how to integrate data base how to know data bases 

8-how to integrate global data bases through the internet 

9-questions if you have two company one have data and information and the anthoer one no any data and need to Marge between two companies how can do that and how can decision support system merge together and how two systems will work together 

10-took about international Decision support system – world data- world decision

real 190 ai



CHAPTER 14 – Introduction to Taxation

1.    Who is the County Assessor for San Diego County?  Who is the County Tax Collector for San Diego County?  Yes, you must name the two names !

2.    What is an Ad valorem tax? 

3.    Describe in detail what Proposition 13 is and how property taxes are figured from it.

4.    What is the fiscal year for San Diego County?  When are property taxes due?  When are they delinquent?  (For both installments).

5.   What are the special assessments, listed on the property tax bill ? Be Specific.  Who or what is a Mello-Roos ?