PowerPoint: Organizational Mission and Vision


Week 2 PowerPoint

Based on your reading this week, create a PowerPoint addressing the following key points:

What is a mission statement?

What is a vision statement?

  • How do mission and vision relate to the organizations strategy? 
  • Why is creativity relevant to mission and vision? 
  • Directions:
  • The PowerPoint should be between 8-10 slides of content and include an additional cover page and reference page. 

Include notes in the note section of your PowerPoint – each section should be at least 150 words.

In addition to content, your grade will be based on your PowerPoint appearance. Create a professional appearance by including graphics, voice recordings, and/or pictures on your slides. 

International HR Issues


Management liked your team’s presentation about expanding the organization to your recommended country and would like to learn more about identified issues with that country. 

Using your resources and recommendation from Week 3, identify 3 human resource considerations with your selected country, such as labor laws and safety. Provide a recommendation for dealing with the identified issues. For each identified issue, include the following:

  • A Question of the issue
  • An explanation of why that issue could arise if Southwest were to expand into the chosen country
  • A recommended strategy for dealing with the issue, including enough detail that specific tactical actions could be developed

Use a browser to search for trustworthy fact-checking sites, and pick two. Explain why you chose the websites you used.


Research This:

  • 1) Use a browser to search for trustworthy fact-checking sites, and pick two. Explain why you chose the websites you used.
  • 2) Visit each fact-checking website review some of the top headlines or other areas of interest.
  • 3) For each site, make a list of three recent real rumors, headlines or facts and three recent false rumors, headlines or facts circulating on the Internet. Explain the origin of each, and what the impact of each rumor or threat might be. Compare the list from each website. What conclusions did you reach about current threats or hoaxes?

TESC Fraudulent Financial Reporting Case Study


Perform library and Internet research on a recent fraudulent financial reporting case. In a paper of between 750 and 1475 words (3 to 5 pages), do the following:

FTX or any other case

Provide a summary of the company’s history and background.

Describe and then analyze the fraud committed.

Discuss how the fraud was detected and reported.

Present information about the damages/losses caused by the fraud.

Analyze the internal control deficiencies that allowed the fraud, including any applicability of SOX or the COSO internal control framework.

Recommend strategic planning that the company could execute that would result in remediation and corrective actions to correct internal control deficiencies.

Retrospective Sprint


Please be familiar on using sprints. An agile team holds a retrospective meeting after discussing international travel plans. Your the scrum master you need to address your own sprint retrospective in regards how you would you address the following, unplanned massage for 20 travelers, proximity test so that events, transportation for the travelers are close in nature, security verification and review check. Explain the following. 1. What worked well during your sprint? 2. What did not work well? 3. What did your team learn in this sprint they can take forward to the next sprint and use hopefully to improve performance?

Excel Question



The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice for the concepts learned in this module.


At the end of each chapter in the textbook is a section titled “Application Exercises.” Complete two (2) application exercises for each module (two exercises from any of the three chapters assigned for that module) using Excel and/or Access as appropriate per exercise.

Excel Assignment should be built from start using the text for guidance.

Ch 7 Excel Solution (mp4 file)

Ch 7 Access Solution (mp4 file)


TLMT 313 AMU Supply Chain Analysis on Tehindos Case Study


Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following:

– Problem

– Identify and describe alternative solutions

– Justify your recommendations for EACH question

Part II: In addition to the Power Point presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint. This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study. 

UW UML Diagram and BPMN Diagram Questions


In this project, you will undertake the analysis of a common activity such as answering emails, going to the bank, scheduling homework or shopping for groceries. This activity should include 5-10 steps to complete. You will develop a report that describes the process you took including the deliverables and a conclusion. Note: spelling, grammar, and sentence structure will be marked.


  • A process narrative/storyboard of the activity being considered
    • Include 4-6 frames
  • A Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) diagram of the process
    • Include at least 2 lanes
  • A Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram for this process
    • Include at least 1 primary and 1 secondary actor

I need you to write two separate discussion


write 1st discussion topic answering these 2 questions this topic must be up to 180 words max:

What are the differences between the general environment and the industry environment? Why are these differences important? These questions are for topic 1

write 2nd discussion answering these questions this topic must be up to 180 words max:

What are the differences between tangible and intangible resources? Why is it important for decision makers to understand these differences? Are tangible resources more valuable for creating capabilities than are intangible resources, or is the reverse true? Why? These questions are for topic 2

Individual report on supply chain situation for country


       The report is focussed on the country—-South Korea, examining the current supply chain situation, with particular reference to recent developments or issues that are significantly impacting the country, including both domestic supply chains and international (export/import) logistics. 

Be sure to list all sources of information in a reference section at the end, using a consistent referencing approach (your choice but must be consistent), and use in-text citations in main body to give credit to those sources. References and exhibits do NOT count in page limit. 

  • The report should also include a brief summary at the start, involving roughly a paragraph.