Part 1 Action Plan and Part B Spreadsheet Analysis


You are the new business analyst for Cunningham Holdings. The CEO of the Cunningham Holdings subsidiary, Oscar Cunningham has assigned you the task to conduct a statistical analysis of the current accommodation business data (see CHL Accommodation DATA.xlsx) and prepare 800 word report summarising your findings addressing the five issues below.

Issue 1: Determine current average pricing of the accommodation by brands, states, and locations

Issue 2: Determine whether price differentiation exist among the accommodation brands.

Issue 3: Determine whether price differentiation exist between state among accommodation brands.

Issue 4: Determine whether price differentiation exist between location among accommodation brands.

Issue 5: Determine if the introduction of the Comfort brand has increased internal competition among the other accommodation brands

unit 4 discussion minimum two paragraphs


Assignment Details

A firm’s capital structure determines its actual cost of capital, which is a critical measure in its valuation.

  • Evaluate the capital structure of the two firms that you have chosen as well as each firm’s riskiness. Discuss why the cost of capital must be used as the hurdle rate in all investment decisions.

In your replies to others, share stories related to the companies discussed, and evaluate the riskiness of their capital structure.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board, and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Please prepare balance sheet


I. Using Excel, prepare comparative financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the two most recent years (2022 & 2021). Round amounts to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. This section is worth 7 points.

II. Using Excel, prepare common-size statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the two most recent years (2022 & 2021). This section is worth 7 points.

III. Using Word, discuss the findings of the comparative and common-size statements.  What changes seem relevant or significant? How is the company doing?  What do you think the comparative and common-size statements are telling you?  Is the company doing better or worse? Explain, in detail, your analysis. This section is worth 6 points.

Quality Management: BADM370


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Library Research Assignment

Discuss the following points regarding the evolution of total quality management concepts:

  • Prior to the advent of the total quality management concept, what was senior management’s typical approach toward quality?
    • In your discussion, provide an example showing management’s typical approach toward quality.
  • What has led to the more comprehensive strategic view of total quality management?
  • What are the benefits of a more comprehensive strategic view? Please support your discussion with an example
  • .…

Exercise 2 – Managing Supplier Quality: Tiger Devices


Read the case, answer the questions and upload your answers to questions 1-10 using the attached Answer Sheet.  You must use the attached Answer Sheet to receive credit.  You must also add your initials to the file name of the Answer Sheet before uploading back into Canvas.  This is an INDIVIDUAL effort assignment and by adding your initials to the file name you are certifying it as your own work.

Your submission will be graded on a 50 point scale with each question being worth 5 points.  Presentation, grammar, punctuation and spelling are considered in grading.  I will be using Turnit Similarity software to protect the integrity of the assignment.

Extreme Engineering – Widening the Panama Canal


Watch the entire video and write a summary

A brief history of the building of the original canal.

What are the 3 main parts of the canal?

Briefly explain how the ships are moved through the locks.

What’s the greatest danger that threatens the canal and the ships and how do the engineers address that?

  • What was the width of the old canal and what is the width of the new widened canal?
  • Briefly explain the involvement of Army Corp of Engineers in building the canal.
  • What was the solution learned from Germans that was used in Panama Canal?
  • Conclusion: 
  • What was the main reason for the second attempt to build the canal successful?
  • What management lessons do we learn from that?

Labor Market Analysis


The chosen organization is Cisco.

In this assignment, you will evaluate a chosen labor market for your organization and assess the professional competencies and training needs of a labor market.

In your paper,

Assess the labor market from which your selected organization may draw candidates for open positions.

Explain the population, including its demographics and education levels, and how much training may be required to prepare new workers from this pool for five positions in the firm.

Use regional economic corporations, U.S. Department of Labor, or other sources to provide data.

Explain the pros and cons of allowing for remote or international employees.

Discuss at least two ways the labor market may impact the process for determining employee compensation.

Write a response that addresses the following:


Using the manual on Tourism and Poverty Alleviation as well as the chapters from Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals for support, critically assess the Tourism and Poverty Alleviation Recommendations for Action paper. Explain what the paper did well, what it could have done better, and where its weakest points were.

In addition to the manual and two chapter readings from this unit, refer to at least 3 key concepts of sustainability and other systems presented earlier in this course, to back up the points you make in your critique.


Length: minimum of 350 words (you will probably need more in order to adequately respond to the provided prompts)

New energy-wind energy market research industry research


Based on methods such as industry research and company research, combined with quantitative and non-quantitative data, we will conduct an industry research on new energy-wind energy market research based on the Tebong CRM we are currently doing, as well as new energy subsidiaries.

Wind power (clean energy) industry analysis

1. Macro overview of the industry

2. Policy environment analysis

3. Analysis of the economic and social environment of the wind power industry

4. Analysis of technical barriers

5. Analysis of the development status of the wind power industry

6. Prospect prediction

7. Distribution of wind resources in China

8. Competitive Landscape Analysis

9. Industry Analysis

10. Wind power generation operation and maintenance market analysis

11. Investment value evaluation…

Discussion #3: SWOT Matrix (M2.L6)


The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in performing SWOT analysis for a company. You will practice the following skills: Problem-solving and analytical thinking skills by compiling information to propose alternative solutions; examining multiple points of view, defending your position by using evidence to support your position; you will also practice writing skills. 


Select a company that you are familiar with. List two examples of Strengths and two examples of Opportunities (SO) within the organization. Provide an example of SO strategy and explain how an internal strength can be matched with an external opportunity to create a strategy.

List two examples of Weaknesses and two examples of Threats (WT).