Need help writing a marketing research pitch


Your final project is a video in which you will provide marketing recommendations based on your mixed-methods research for either a new product/service or extension of an existing product. 

A      brief company background 

Your      idea for a new product/service or a new extension for an existing      product/service

A      QUESTION – QUESTION of your research problem

  • Your      questions for your interviews

A      summary of the results of your interviews

  • An      overview of your survey questions

A      summary of your survey results to include descriptive statistics

  • Your      recommendations for the new product/service or a new extension based on      your research results

Include at least 3 credible or industry specific references such as business publications in addition to the course textbook.

  • I’ll provide the info of the company, idea, survey..

Job analysis and job question-sample


Go to the CBS Undercover BossLinks to an external site. website and search for a full episode of the show. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.

Write a paper in which you:

  • Provide a detailed comparison of two job positions from the episode.
  • Provide a clear, detailed Question of your method of collecting the information for the job analysis.
    • Examples include one-on-one, interviews, or surveys.
  • Create a detailed job Question from the two positions you analyzed.
  • Provide a clear, conclusive rationale for why the job analyses and job Questions comply with state and federal regulations.
  • Support your propositions, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate sources synthesized in a coherent analysis.

BCU Walmart A Comprehensive Analysis Questions


Company: Walmart
1. Briefly provide an overview of the company.

a. What do they do?   Length in business, organizationaltype, locations, markets, etc.

2. define the company’s strategy and mission statement

3. What is their Value Proposition, Competitive Priorities, and Core Capabilities?

4. Who are their key customers? 

5. What does the supply chain look like between them and the customer? 

6. What type of omni-channel services do they provide?

7. For your industry and company what has been the impact of the pandemic to their supply chain?   Please be specific and provide as much detail as possible.     

8. What was the effect on businesses and consumers?   Why? 

9. As of today, what is the status of the industry? 

10. How is the recovery process coming and what does it entail?

The Nature of Change


Case 8 Eastman Kodak’s Quest for a Digital Future

Discuss the key factors that drove the evolution of the photography industry, and how did these factors impact Kodak’s business model?

Based on your understanding of the industry life cycle, discuss the stage the photography industry was in during Kodak’s quest for a digital future.

Discuss the strategies that Kodak employed to adapt to the changing industry environment, and how effective were these strategies?

Discuss what strategies would have been most appropriate for Kodak to pursue at that stage?

  • How did Kodak’s organizational ambidexterity, or lack thereof, impact its ability to manage strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies?
  • Directions:
  • Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from The slides attached . cite at least 3 sources. 

UIW The Meaning of Cultural Diversity Among Staff as It Pertains to Employee Motivation Synopsis of The Article


The “Sign of the Times” (SOTT) is like doing a current event. However, this will be relative to Workplace Motivation and the chapter(s) we are doing that particular week. You will do a SOTT in class each week. The preparation should include finding a periodical on the Internet, copy the URL and paste it into a Microsoft Word document, and typing a two-paragraph synopsis on the same document. The synopsis should summarize the article and explain how the article is relative to multicultural issues and the chapter(s) we are covering that week. Please be sure to use the APA format (APA 7th Edition) when writing your response. 

BAI329 Lab Application


Lab Insight: Apply the same steps used in Lab 4.1 Excel (and continue using Lab 4.1 Data.xlsx), but now compute the profit margin (Sales price per pound minus Cost per pound) and profit margin percentage (margin divided by sales price per pound). Then use Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak to compute the descriptive statistics (mean, median, maximum, minimum) for the profit margin percentage.


Compute the profit margin and profit margin percentage ratios.

Summarize the profit margin ratios using descriptive statistics.

  1. Create a visualization showing the margin percentage. Include chart title and axis titles.
  2. Data: Lab 4.1 Data.xlsx
  3. Analyze the Data: Refer to lab 4.1 in your text for additional instructions and steps.

Answer the following questions based on the details computed.

Discussion Board #12


Describe a conflict that you have been in that did not have a successful resolution for you. Please describe in detail. Do not chose a scenario where you can’t describe the conflict management style used.

Identify the conflict management style you used and then describe what you could have done differently in this conflict. Please bold and underline the conflict management style you used and then also bold and underline the conflict management style you could have used for a better resolution.


Then please respond  to another classmate’s post as required for all Discussion Board posts. Remember, that responses to classmates must also be two paragraphs.

HUM186: Issues and Ethics in News and Social Media


Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media in American news media. You will also reflect on these organizations’ responsibility to provide accurate information. 

Write a paper in which you answer the following:

What role do the following play in contemporary American society?

Traditional news media

Social media

  • What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public?
  • Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

AI in Brazil for financial services and investing firms


Dear freelancer, please update the attached doc file paper using the attached pdf and the teacher’s comments:

“You start going off to the wrong direction to talk about number of cities for McKinsey Bain and BCG that’s NOT what we asked for. Don’t compare number of citations please – we need hard facts, numbers on S&T related – you don’t even need to talk what report said what as long as you have that information cited, essentially we want to own our work. Please consider this structure attached and the link. Pure focus should be Brazilian S&P hub sorely- please don’t compare number of source on different research institutes like last time”

Link to use:…

Purdue Global Logistics and distribution Management 4


Recommend how logistics can be coordinated to ensure customer value.

Iceberg Effect

How is the Iceberg Effect an illustration of a factor of judgment?

  • Perception versus Reality
    How does the concept of Perception versus Reality impact the interaction between stakeholders that need to work together to get results within the professional career field of logistics?

Focus on Accuracy
Review these two concepts and include a comparison of the Iceberg Effect and Perception versus Reality principles. With a focus on accuracy, describe how these concepts would aid an employee in making a recommendation related to a purchase decision. In particular, consider how an organization with values of diversity, equity, and inclusion would approach the business process of making this recommendation.