Business negotiation


Can you help me please?

This is designed to explore the evolving landscape of global negotiation practices in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You are required to investigate how AI technologies are transforming negotiation strategies, techniques, and outcomes in international business contexts.

The work aims to foster an understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in negotiations, encouraging critical analysis and thought leadership among future global leaders.

Review at least 3 sources (academic articles, industry reports, and case studies) focusing on the use of AI in negotiations in your area of interest be supply chain, marketing, sustainability….. Your should cover aspects such as AI-driven negotiation bots, machine learning algorithms for negotiation analysis, and AI’s role in facilitating cross-cultural negotiations in your field of interest.

Responses to Requests


HW # 1  response
One question that arises in a claim is whether or not a company should apologize. For me, I ask, does an apology further our goals? Does it raise new problems? Consider the responses offered in the video, and by Lego, and tell me what you think about apologies. As always, in MLA format, please submit 1 page below. 

HW # 2  response

Assume that you are Joseph Morgan, the Regional General Manager of ProCar Rentals, and you received a complaint (check back to last weeks assignment for this). You decide to call back that dissatisfied renter. You want to retain him as a customer,   per the 3 goals discussed prior – be reasobale on #3 and what you offer.

Homework 6 Supply chain management calculation questions


Suppose you are the procurement manager for a pharmaceutical company and you are responsible for procuring the ingredients of a tablet that your company makes. One of the ingredients comes in totes and each tote cost $3,500. This ingredient has a fairly high holding cost because the strength of the ingredient seems to dissipate over time. Based on the production schedule for the next 12 months, you believe that you will need 180 totes. The order cost for a single order is $1,200 and the holding cost is 60% of its purchase price per year.

  1. What is the Economic Order Quantity?
  2. Given this EOQ, what is the average inventory on hand throughout the year?
  3. How many times throughout the year should you place an order?

An inspired leader who occupies the top management position


Prepare an essay Support your paper with four citations and corresponding references to support your thinking. Include an Introduction, Main Ideas, and conclusion.
Topic: An inspired leader who occupies the top management position often relates to poor performance and slow response to change, especially if the CEO remains in the position for a long time and can challenge the Board of Directors.

Steve Jobs led APPLE to great success and left, only to return to provide renewed direction.

What happened? 

Your paper must have three parts:

Review of articles

Opinion and commentary


Prepare a (6) slide MS PowerPoint/.pptx Executive Presentation of your paper. Four in-text citations and references are required in the slides. Slides include – Lead slide, four content slides, and one reference slide.

Please answer the below questions.


See attached refereces as well


Prepare a document that answers the questions below. Use and cite at least two sources for each answer and explain why you found that information trustworthy:

1. What is the size of the US healthcare system? 

2. What proportion or percentage of GDP does it make up?

3. What proportion of that expenditure is by the government (federal, state or local)?

4. How does the US Healthcare system rank in comparison to other countries in health outcomes?

5. Who is not covered, poorly covered or bankrupted by the current system and why?

6. Which of the highest-paid CEOs in US businesses are involved in healthcare or related industries (insurance, pharmaceuticals, etc).

Find an image of the complexity of the healthcare system in the US.

real es 190 ai


Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed.


CHAPTER 7 – Encumbrances, Liens & Homesteads:

1. Define an Encumbrance and explain the two basic categories of an Encumbrance.

2. Define an Easement and name the 5 ways in which an Easement can be created.

3. Name and define the 5 ways to terminate an Easement.

4. Describe and write an example of each of the following: Voluntary Lien, Involuntary Lien, General Lien and Specific Lien.

5. Regarding mechanic’s liens; if an owner files a Notice of Completion what is the filing time for the general contractor (for a mechanic’s lien)? For a sub-contractor? And for all mechanics if the owner did not file a notice of completion?

The impact of AI on global negotiation practices


This assignment is designed to explore the evolving landscape of global negotiation practices in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You are required to investigate how AI technologies are transforming negotiation strategies, techniques, and outcomes in international business contexts.

The assignment aims to foster an understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in negotiations, encouraging critical analysis and thought leadership among future global leaders.

Review at least 3 sources (academic articles, industry reports, and case studies) focusing on the use of AI in negotiations in your area of interest be supply chain, marketing, sustainability…..  Your should cover aspects such as AI-driven negotiation bots, machine learning algorithms for negotiation analysis, and AI’s role in facilitating cross-cultural negotiations in your field of interest.

Research a Professional Organization


Review the following professional organizations.

(Note that these are only suggestions; if you have a different recommendation or belong to another professional organization that is not listed here, feel free to it in this assignment).

ILEA: International Live Events Association

IFEA: International Event Association

PCMA: Professional Convention Meeting Association

Select the professional organization that best meets your needs as an event professional.  Answer the follow questions.

  • Which professional association did you choose and why?

What is their membership dues for a student? (Note that joining a professional organization as a student is more affordable.  Membership fees can be as low as $25.00.)

  • When and where is their national conference? 

Sports Management Question


Bibliography : Conduct a literature search and list 6-8 references Make sure you use awide variety of sources (Internet, books, journals, video, interviews, etc.) Keep recordsand copies of all the information you obtain. Get all the bibliographical informationwhile you are researching so you do not have to go back. Make sure you also make noteof where you found the information in case you must retrieve it later.The Bibliography you submit on 3/14 should include each reference in APA format,including: Title of the article or book Date it was published or copywritten Author(s) and publishing company Pages usedAlso, include a sentence for each source summarizing the reference/source. My research paper will be about athletes benefiting off of Name, IMAGE, Likeliness. The NIL!

mgt 3320 chapt 13


Chapter 13-At the end of Chapter 13, under Problems and cases, do case question #7.  This case has to do with trying to rescind a sale based on a mistake involving the price of a baseball card. Give legal reasons for your answer. 

The important cases for this chapter are the Olmstead v. St. Paul Public Schools case and a case known as Sherwood v. Walker.  The Sherwood case is an old case and is the leading landmark case regarding mistake. This case is not in the textbook, but you need to  Google this case and read it and write a short synopsis about the main issue.   It is about the sale of a cow that both parties mistakenly thought was barren.