What is the role that futureless languages play in constructing perceptions of time?


1.      In your answer,

·         Present the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (relate to the two versions); two paragraphs

·         Discuss four studies which examined the given question. Please relate to: the purpose of the studies, the procedure, the main results and the significance of the findings. Provide a concluding paragraph relating to all the studies.

2.      Your answer must rely on at least four academic references (see course website with related articles). You may use any (additional) academic sources of your choice.

Please note:

·         Pay attention to correct citing within the text and writing of references at the end of the paper (= 10% of the grade).

·         Write the answer in essay form, with an opening and a conclusion.

·         Include a cover page (see sample on website).

·         This is an individual assignment.



Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar.

  1. Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?
    2. How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?
    3. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?
  2. Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:
    1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
    2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
    3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Kindergarten Math lesson plan format


Student  One –  Autistic

Student Two – ADHD

Part 1

You are conducting Lesson 1. You can upload any lesson plan format that you are using in the schools. If you are annotating, please make sure that you are annotating keeping your success criteria in mind. 

Part 2:

Please make sure to add in a section at the bottom how you are scaffolding for your two focus students and identifying how you will be informally assessing through the lesson in order to inform your instruction. 

Suggested Format:

Part 1: Lesson Plan:  Created and Informal Assessment (I suggest something simple such as a checklist with students name listed on the left and success criteria at the top that can be checked off)… 

Part 2: Scaffolding for 2 identified students  – Student  One –  Autistic. Student Two – ADHD.

Financial Analysis Project: Cash


Please be reminded – this project is to be done as a regular paper, with a header page – PLEASE DO NOT USE MEMO FORMAT

Using the same two companies that you identified in previous assignments, analyze cash conversion cycle and free cash flow.

Submit any Excel templates you use and prepare a 2-3 page analysis of what you have learned about the company regarding its cash conversion cycle and free cash flow (the page count does not include references or the header/title page).

Reminder: Again. This assignment is analyzing the TWO companies you have chosen in the industry of choice (10-k files attached below). So there should be separate files of submissions for each of the companies, meaning 2 excel spreadsheets of the calculations, and 2 analysis files(docx) for each company.



Part of being a good manager is staying up to date on the latest news, trends, laws, financial happenings, and international situations impacting business. If you look at your newsfeed, you will see many articles that directly relate to the material we study every week. Make it part of your daily habits to check in and review the top business-related articles.

Identify an article in the media within the last six months that relates to a topic from this week’s assigned reading. You can look at reputed newspapers, journals, online publications, and other sources. The APSU library is an excellent resource.

Once you identify an article, submit it along with a paragraph that addresses the following.

  • How do you relate this article to the material we covered in the course?

Formal Business Report


Conduct research regarding the manner in which varying domestic and foreign governments can or have taken action to impact Global Logistics and Transportation. Resources contained in the Bellevue University Online Library Database System are highly recommended.

Create a formal business report for your current supervisor (or a past supervisor). This report will identify, compare and contrast one instance each where domestic and foreign governmental action impacted Global Logistics and Transportation. Conclude your report with your thoughts as to what your organization can learn from your report.

If governmental action over Global Logistics and Transportation issues is not a topic of consideration for your current or past organization, complete this assignment as if you did work for an organization for which governmental action over Global Logistics and Transportation was relevant.

inventory Planning and control


Using the above data, answer the following questions (show your work):

  • Calculate Q* (economic order quantity).
  • Calculate ROP (reorder point) with and without safety stock for Reorder Point Model.
  • Model.
  • Calculate T (target order-up-to level) for a Fixed Period Model.

Calculate P (time between orders) for a Fixed Period BUS 364 Supply Chain Management

Chapter 4: Inventory Planning Homework

Directions: Using the provided data, answer all the questions. SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. Upload a copy (Word, PDF, or Excel) or a photo (GIF or JPG) to the drop box in Brightspace by the due date.



Weekly Demand

2000 units


# weeks per year

52 weeks



Setup or Order Cost




Holding or Carrying Cost

10% per unit per year



Cost of the Item

$10 per unit



Lead Time

2 weeks


Z (.90)

Desired Service Level of 90%



Standard Deviation of Demand During Lead Time 

200 units

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 5


ssigned Readings:

Chapter 5. Strategic Management and Corporate Public Affairs

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Describe the corporate public affairs function today. What are the three opportunities for PA executives in the future?

Accounting task


1. Click on the MyLab accounting link on the left. Then click on the Assignments link.

2. Complete the Chapter 1 Exercises assignment. The exercises in this task are related to the introduction to managerial accounting. 


To complete this task, you must:

1. Click on the Mylab accounting link on the left. Then click on the Assignments link.

2. The test in this task is related to the introduction to managerial accounting.

Select one of the videos contained in the “Watch this” area in MyLab.

Write here a reflection stating which video you chose, and say how watching the video helped you better understand the whole chapter contents.

Business negotiation


Can you help me please?

This is designed to explore the evolving landscape of global negotiation practices in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You are required to investigate how AI technologies are transforming negotiation strategies, techniques, and outcomes in international business contexts.

The work aims to foster an understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in negotiations, encouraging critical analysis and thought leadership among future global leaders.

Review at least 3 sources (academic articles, industry reports, and case studies) focusing on the use of AI in negotiations in your area of interest be supply chain, marketing, sustainability….. Your should cover aspects such as AI-driven negotiation bots, machine learning algorithms for negotiation analysis, and AI’s role in facilitating cross-cultural negotiations in your field of interest.