This project allows you to use your creative skills and also to get you set up for a format to “fill in the blanks” for your final project in which is delivering a marketing strategy for Audio Partners. The G-StIC model will be used to develop a marketing strategy. This includes:

G – developing a set of goals,

S – developing a strategy to meet the goals,

T- determine tactics to accomplish the strategy and then

I – implementing the plan and

C – developing the measurements and controls for the strategy. to an external site.

Submission Requirements:

Cover Page (develop a creative design for the page that intrigues the reader, this can include developing a logo and finding the right font for your company.

Table of Contents

Goals for Audio Partners 



Strategy (2-3 pages)

Target Market

Value Proposition

Tactics (5-6 pages)




  • Price
  • Communications
  • Distribution

Implementation (2-3 pages)

  • Organization
  • Processes
  • Schedule

Control (2-3 pages)

  • Evaluate
  • Monitor



Your reading this week has opened your eyes as it relates to program management. You realize now that your organization does not clearly understand the difference between program management, project management, and portfolio management.

To help educate your organization, create a memo that explains the differences between program management, project management, and portfolio management.

  • Use the Purdue OWL Memo FormatLinks to an external site..
  • Your memo should be at least one full page but no more than 2 pages.
  • Your memo should be created specifically for the organization you work for (If you aren’t employed, you can use DeVry University or use an organization you worked for in the past or an organization you want to work for in the future).

In addition to our reading, find 3 other scholarly sources to help you build your memo’s argument.

workforce planning and employment


Biblical Integration Essay Assignment Instructions


In the Biblical Integration Essay Assignment, the student will integrate the Bible with multiple course topics.


The essay will be a minimum of 2 pages of original analysis and discussion, excluding the title page and reference page. Specific Scriptures must be cited and discussed, as well as the course textbook. A title page and reference list are required. Approved sources include the Bible and the textbook. 

A main topic per week is age discrimination (week 1), planning and rewards (week 2), recruitment (week 3), metrics (week 4), internal selection (week 5), and decision making in week 6. But you may use the topics that are incorporated with the main topic. Please do not copy and paste but display your ability to discuss the term or concept in your own word’s aka paraphrase. 

levels of management found in a company



What are the three levels of management found in a company? 

What types of decisions are made at each level?

Define transaction processing systems, and describe the role they play in a business.

Define decision support systems, and describe the role they play in a business. 

What is artificial intelligence?

ANALYSIS: What Level Are My Decisions?

For each of the following decisions, determine if it is operational, managerial, or strategic. (1 point each)

5. How many employees are out sick?

6. What are the sales forecasts for next month?

7. What was the impact of last month’s marketing campaign discount on the primary product?

8. How will an increase in the interest rate over the next year affect sales?

9. How will changes in health insurance laws impact the company over the next 5 years? 

10. How many paychecks were incorrect during the last payroll run

Business OMP 430


Week 2: This week we will discuss Chapter 3 & 4. In Chapter 3, we will examine how each of the issues relating to business ethics and the key players involved. We will then examine how the practice of business ethics affects an organization daily.In Chapter 4, we will explore the topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR) where we change from the internal perspective of the organization to an external one and look at how an organization should interact with its stake holders in an ethical manner.

Please answer the following questions for the discussion.

How would you describe the culture of your company ? What values beliefs and norms do the employees share? If you do not have an occupation, use your home or church as the organizations.

List the five key functional areas within an organization.

DB Q MKT610 9


For this discussion, assume you are the marketing manager for a chain of 8 clothing boutiques that targets 18-30 year old females with current fashion trends. 


What is Direct Marketing?

Direct Marketing Tips (Mail)

Watch each of the videos taking notes as you watch. Identify points made in the videos about direct response marketing. 

  • Discuss how the information in each video would apply to direct response marketing for the clothing boutique specifically:

Discuss the direct marketing methods presented in the textbook and prioritize the list of methods for the clothing boutique from highest priority to lowest with justification for your ranking.

  • Find and share an existing direct mail piece that works for females in the 18-30 age group. Based on what you learned, which tips are followed in this ad? Did they use urgency or scarcity? Why?

Marketing Problems and Research Questions


Instructions: Imagine yourself as an employee in a marketing research company involved in a consultation project. Select a company, product, or brand (Cannot be Nike) as your client for this assignment. Your responsibilities include:

Conducting preliminary research on your client and identifying three significant marketing problems.

Note: For each problem, provide detailed Questions and justifications explaining why it poses a challenge to be resolved.

Next, based on the identified marketing problems, formulate five research questions to guide your consultation project and assist your client in overcoming these challenges.

  1. Ensure to include a “References” section that lists all the sources cited in your paper.

Deliverable: 2-page paper, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, utilizing Times New Roman font.

  • AI Tool Usage Policy

Strict Prohibition: The use of AI tools, including but not limited to ChatGPT, is unequivocally prohibited for all assessment activities outlined in this course.

Case discussion operations management


Company Name: Erewhon Company URL: This is the company to use for the below prompt. I have also attached the slides from class for reference to use

STEP 1: Discussion #4 – Posting (Due by 10 PM on the day stated in the course SCHEDULE). Answer the following questions:

  • List company name and URL

List one production process and provide the following QUESTION – QUESTIONs: (a) steps involved in the process, (b) which of the five process strategies characterize the process and why?

List one service process and provide the following QUESTION – QUESTIONs: (a) steps involved in the process, (b) which of the Service Process Strategies characterize the process and why?

 In case of pure service business, list/describe two service processes & In case of pure manufacturing company, list/describe two production processes]

Business and IT discussion


Module 09: Discussion

Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

  • Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What       strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its       advantage?
    2. How has       the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market       share?
    3. What       risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using       e-commerce technology?
  1. Discuss      how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses.      Consider the following questions:
  2. What are       some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile       technology to create new commerce opportunities?
  3. How does       mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new       products or services?
  4. What are       some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for       commerce?

Discussion Questions – 2


Discussion Questions – Week 2

How do organizations create a culture of honesty, openness, and assistance?

What are different ways in which companies can eliminate opportunities for fraud?

What is the purpose of adopting a code of ethics throughout a company?

Why are good internal controls important?

In what ways can organizations discourage collusive fraud?

Why is it important to inform outside vendors of company policies concerning payments to buyers?

How can organizations monitor their employees?

In what ways can organizations conduct proactive fraud auditing?

How does a response hotline for anonymous tips help to prevent fraud?

What is implied by the phrase “just about everyone can be dishonest”?

What are some nonstandard ways of trying to detect dishonest employees in the employee hiring process?

How does the Pygmalion effect relate to fraud prevention?