Writing Assigment & Reflection


Assignment Overview

To enhance your understanding of the content in Chapters 9-11 and to help you in encouraging an athlete to manage their stress.


Please read chapters 9-11 in the book. Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

1) Explain the inverted U relationship between arousal and performance.

2) List two techniques you might use encourage an athlete to manage their stress and discuss a specific scenario in which they might be useful.

REFLECTION Assignment 

Reflection is an important part of the learning process. Your task is to keep a course journal in which you’ll write a short paragraph summarizing what each content area means to you and how you can use the knowledge to guide your future professional practice as a coach.

For example, consider the following questions in your reflection:

What were the most important and/or interesting things you learned?

What were the most confusing or difficult ideas or tasks?

How could you incorporate this knowledge into professional practice?

Marketing Strategy


Should be exact and your own words

Foot Locker, the New York-based specialty athletic retailer, acquired Atmos, a Japan-based premium athletic retailer, for $360 million in November 2021. Richard Johnson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Foot Locker, said, “We deeply value Atmos’s unique brand, innovative, experiential stores, premium offerings, collaborations and understanding of sneakerhead culture. Atmos expands our global reach in the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific market, establishes a critical entry point in Japan.” After this acquisition, Atmos will maintain its brand name, preserving its identity, and unique value proposition as part of the Foot Locker brand portfolio in the Japanese market.

Consider the global retailing entry strategy framework, what are the rationales behind this acquisition (3 pts)?

In order to market to the Japanese customers, which type(s) of brand images would be more effective for Foot Locker in Japan? Which type(s) would be less effective? Explain why (4 pts).

Marketing research


“DRINKS” is a beverages brand. The relevant market is very competitive with both international and national players.

In the context of its new product development strategy, the management investigates the launch of a line of energy drinks range based on natural ingredients.

They want to investigate what would be the impact of the new launch in the brand image of DRINKS, if there will be any cannibalization, what is the purchase intention of the new products, what would be the most attractive flavours for the new range, and if natural ingredients is a persuasive claim.

They have hired you to design and lead the relevant marketing research projects

Develop a Marketing Research Brief addressed to Marketing Research agencies in order to receive relevant proposals.

Which research design would be most appropriate to address the following question: “How satisfied or dissatisfied are existing customers of DRINKS with the current range of products of the DRINKS brand?

Project Retrospective Meeting


Your team holds a project retrospective meeting with the goal of building consensus about your team’s successes and challenges and identifying improvements in arranging international travel for 20 people.  Your team carried our sprints in the following areas such as destination selection and proposal, accomodation booking and transportation arrangement. Your team discusses what things could be carried out in the future if this agile team continued to work together on additional projects. Like any sprint retrospective, you are evaluating your team’s efforts in implementing agile practices. All team members should take their own meeting notes. While you will report some of the meeting’s findings you need to address the following:

Provide a succinct summary of the discussion that took place at the meeting. Include major areas of agreement, disagreement, and particular challenges to consensus building. Include an evaluation of how the “Evolve Way of Working (WoW)” process goals worked within the team.

Axichain Project


Please prepare an Income statement, Balance Sheet, and statement of cash flow for the Axichain. While there is not a lot of data out there use the Axicain Pitch deck document for most of the information. I have below attached the Axicain Pitch deck document and draft from another student for reference. Please do not copy from the student because some of the numbers might be true. The prof said to add where the impact lies the most. So for the balance sheet, what areas of the balance sheet is going to be impacted the most by this type of technology, is it on the asset side or will it be on the liability? For the income statement, will it be in the revenues or expenses? For Cash flow the operating, the finance, the investment look for the impact. Just summarizing the areas of the impact.

business #4


Check Your Understanding:


What are the marketer’s basic components of the new product development process?


Where does our textbook suggest new product ideas come from? Can you think of others that are not mentioned in our textbook?


Describe the basic components of the Kproduct Life Cycle (PLC).


Describe the basic components of the “Diffusion of Innovation” Life cycle. Think of a technology that has come and gone. What disruptive technology/technologies superseded and replaced it? Example: 8-Track Player replaced by cassettes, then cd players, mp3 players, online music


Keeping an eye on how the world is changing around us,  what are some emerging trends you’ve noticed firming up?


Describe the basics of demand elasticity?  Why are some products more elastic than others?


What is break-even analysis? How is  derived? 


How does scanner data provide useful information for product pricing?


What is price discrimination? How does price discrimination differ from segmentation pricing?


Describe and contrast pricing for market penetration versus market skimming.



Community Engagement Research Paper AND Abstract

A. 1–2-page research paper on “Community Engagement involving Pharmacist.”

B. I need an abstract summarizing. 

      A. The paper needs to include research on: 

  • People of color, specifically African Americans 
  • Education on what drugs do to the body, drug interactions, etc?

How people have a lot of confidence in Pharmacist 

Name up to 2 “studies” that include Pharmacist involvement. 

  • Explain how community leaders, like pastors, principles of schools/organizations, and even political leaders lean on pharmacist for guidance concerning their health.


Introduction-(1-2) sentences – Comprehensive to lay person, then (1-2 sentences should understood by someone in the healthcare field.

  • Identify “Gap” in Knowledge (1-2 sentences) limitation in literature, issue that is present at the moment, Ex-Despite the importance community engagement ………..
  • Methods-(1-2 sentences) is this quantitative, qualitative surveying, what are the main results?
  • Results (2-3 sentences)-What’s the main story/points?
  • Conclusions 2-3 sentences Ex. This is a very important target that should be used to lead 

comprehensive project product/service selection



Think carefully about this selection as you will be working with this product/service for the entire course culminating in a presentation. There are a number of idea websites that you might use to help provide a product/service business idea such as: Springwise | New business ideas, trends and innovation and Entrepreneur.com. You may also choose to imitate aspects of a company that is already doing business (but you may not directly use an existing company for the project) in the marketplace or you may have your own business or business idea you wish to work with. The key is to use that product/service business to apply the lesson concepts and terminology to develop key components of a marketing plan.

Briefly describe your chosen product/service business. Provide some rationale for your choices. This means tell me why you wish to explore this business during our marketing project.

Supply Chain Question



In this assignment, you’re required to make a presentation using PowerPoint slides for Procurement for the following subjects. 

Steps to analyze the Profile Spend of a project sent to Procurement. 

How to evaluate Requirements in the received PR (Purchase Request) to Procurement. 

  • How to do a market analysis for a list of requirements before floating an RFP (Request for Proposals). 
  • How to assess a supplier base for a project before floating an RFP (Request for Proposals). 
  • Steps for determining the Sourcing Strategy. 
  • Importance for Tendering Timeline. 
  • Procurement role in the technical stage after receiving the proposals from bidders. 
  • How to do a UPL comparison. 
  • What’s Total Cost Ownership (TCO), and what are the steps to calculate it. 
  • Steps to conduct a successful Negotiation with a supplier (approaches/tactics/tips). 
  • The most effective way to use BATNA, WATNA, and ZOPA.. etc 
  • How to calculate the savings 
  • What’s the purpose of LOA and LOI? 
  • How to finalize /close the contract’s deviations sent by bidders. 

Fitness Program


Read the article Physical Activity Recommendations for Public Health: Development and Policy Context

Design an effective personalized fitness program for both men and women. Be creative! Use graphics and links where necessary, as well as cite all sources used. Create a PowerPoint presentation to showcase your fitness program.

Answer these questions in a Word document:

For what type of person is this exercise program designed? Can everyone do it, or just a particular type of person?

Can the exercise program be done alone, or does it require more than one person?

Is any special equipment needed for this exercise program?

  1. What type of limitations might prevent a person from participating in the exercise program?
  2. What are some ways that access to participation in this exercise program could be improved?
  3. What are the benefits of participating in this exercise program (be detailed and specific..this is where you can discuss any policy implications to fitness programs)?