Print Media Question


Every year Reporters Without Borders analyzes the degree of freedom that “journalists, news media, and netizens” have in 180 countries around the world, based on factors such as media independence, self-censorship, transparency, and violence against journalists.


Go to “2023 World Press Freedom Index” Links to an external site.

Click on a specific country for its rating. To learn more about that country, click on “See country fact-file”. 

Links to an external site.Analyze 3 countries:

1 country in the top 10,

1 country in the bottom 10, and

the United States.

For each of the 3 countries, discuss:

What country did you pick and what are the ratings? You can compare its 2022 rating to past years as well.

  • How did it get it’s rating? (Read the summary on the Reporters Without Borders website – click on “See country fact-file” for more information). Discuss for each country you selected (3 total). Response must be 2-4 pages double spaced

MGT 3320 CHAPT 14


Chapter 14-  Google the case of Star Chevrolet v. Green.  This is one of the leading U.S. cases regarding contracts with minors.  Read the case synopsis and  1) summarize the issues in this case, and; 2) explain how the court held in the case and why the court held as it did.  Relate the information contained in this chapter  to the issues and holding in this case. (minimum 200 words)

Also at the end of Chapter 14, under Problems and cases, do case question # 4.  For this case Google State of Kansas v. Kristina Bishop.  This case also discusses the concept of lack of capacity to contract because of age.  Answer the questions posed about Ms. Bishop’s argument about why her prior DUI conviction when she was 16 years old was invalid because she was a minor, and could not enter a diversion (arguing that the diversion was a contract).  Did this argument hold up?  

FIN 496 AAU Comparing Oil Company Taxation and Fines for Environmental Damage Questions


Notes from professor: 

” I just wanted to clarify few things about the assignment.

(1) The first question is an open-ended question, even though it seems like a multiple-choice question: Be sure to choose one or multiple as your answer, and be sure to back it up with reasonings we discussed during class or with any other external references/sources you found compelling and useful. When using other references, just make sure to cite them. 

(2) On how to cite the references, just putting a web link would be more than enough. No need to follow formal citation styles.

(3) Also, you should feel free to use any writing styles to your liking (e.g., short paragraphs, some bullet points, graphics, tables, etc.) as long as they help you get your points across.

(4) The article attached for the first question is just for your information. No need for you to feel obliged to exclusively use this article in your answer. “

Please answer question below.



Please answer the following questions from the readings, citing your sources using APA style.

Healthcare Allocation: an ethical framework for public policy:

1) How are ‘health,’ and ‘healthcare’ defined in this text? Do you agree?

2) Explain ‘basic goods,’ ‘positive moral norms,’ ‘negative moral norms,’ and ‘moral virtues’ and how each of these terms applies to healthcare.

3) What is the concept of community? What kinds of communities are included? How does this relate to the Common Good?

Human Dignity and the Common Good

4) Explain in your words Human Dignity as the reading from the Catechism presents it.

5) The common good is not the same as the sum of individual preferences (CSDC 164). Explain the difference, using an example.

6)  What are the basic rights presented as belonging to the common good?

Health Care as a Social Good

7) What are the ‘moral languages of healthcare” in the US?

8) What is the difference between a private and public good in economic theory?

Case Write Up



In order to do this case, there is a little bit of prep work before reading the material. 

So first, review the elements of the case here first on NPR.Links to an external site.

Then read: Vioxx Case (Presley)Download Vioxx Case (Presley)

MerckLinks to an external site. is a major pharmaceutical companyLinks to an external site. that depends on patents and innovations.  The patents of Fosamax and Zocor expired in 2006.  Merck had planned Vioxx to be its next Blockbuster drug. 

What might Merck have done when information came out that Vioxx caused Cardiovascular problems?

Was it ethical for Merck to withdraw sponsorship of researchers who took issue with Merck’s marketing of Vioxx? And was it good strategy?

Compare Merck’s actions in influencing reported research results on Vioxx to the strategy of the tobacco companies in the 1950’s as they countered research that established a link between smoking and cancer?

OSU Everpixs Demise Case study


This week we’re discussing Everpix. Please briefly answer the following questions based on the written case PDF, additional research and the video provided.

(1) In the context of this chapter, list three takeaways from the EverPix story that you can learn from / avoid if you attempt to solve a problem with a new business venture.

(2) How large of a role do you think EverPix budget for advertising and promotions played in the venture’s eventual failure?

(3) Venture capitalists typically try to invest in companies that have huge – home run – income possibilities. Do you think EverPix had potential to hit singles, doubles, triples, or a homerun? Explain.

(4) Based on today’s market, competitive landscape and technology how could you turn this idea into something successful? (discuss this in 2-3 paragraphs)…… I just want to mention that I don’t want notes or draft, i want you to do it for me and i will tip you

Our Ancestors Evolution


Our last discussion will bring into focus a lot of the elements that we discussed throughout these last few weeks. For example, think back to the beginning of the course when we learned about the finer points of evolution and how natural section plays a major part. How non-human primates adapted to their environments through physical or behavioral adaptations. Finally we are learning about how our earliest ancestors became bipedal. This leads us to discussion number three.

This discussion revolves around our earliest ancestors. What set them on the direction to the Genus Homo? How did the environment effect these changes? What are some of the physical adaptions (think about our hands, feet, pelvis and overall body proportions)? Finally, what are some of the ways this adaptation helped these species become successful?

For discussion posts, you are to write out your thoughts on the topic—about 1 or 2 paragraphs—and post it in the discussion forum.

BU664-8 Unit 2 Discussion


Go to Yahoo FinanceLinks to an external site.

Review the financial statements of a public company Under “Get Quotes”, type in the symbol of a public corporation. For instance, F is Ford Motor Co. Symbols can be looked up as well on Yahoo!. Then hit “Get Quotes”. After you’ve gone to the company’s webpage, take a look at the financial information on the company. Discuss your thoughts as to how well the company is run from a financial standpoint.

Consider corporations in more than one sector of the economy. For example, you might look at FPL (Florida Power and Light, GF (General Foods), CVS (CVS Pharmacy), etc. The more diverse your companies are, the more others can learn from your research. The “Users must post before seeing replies” setting has been enabled for this post. This means you will not see your fellow students’ posts until you have posted your initial post!

UCLA E-commerce question


Currently about 80-90% of all search queries in the US start with Google. And let’s be honest, we “google” and we don’t yahoo or bing something. Googling has now become synonymous with using a search engine. That being said, I’m interested to see what type of results you get from Google vs. Bing.

Conduct a Google search on a product, service, or company of your choice. What type of ads (paid search ads, product listing ads, etc) show up for the search result and where are they located? Make sure to check the top, bottom, and sides of the page as they might not always be located right at the top of the search results. Share what you find.

Now do a search for same word on and discuss those results. What’s the same and what’s the difference? Which results page do you prefer? Be specific and detailed. Include any interesting observations you find.

Aggregated Demand and Supply


Between 2007 and 2009, the United States experienced a severe financial crisis and economic downturn commonly known as the Great Recession. Starting in 2006, housing values fell 30%, causing losses in mortgage-backed securities for families and financial institutions. The recession was marked by a drop in aggregate demand that caused a decline in GDP and an increase in unemployment.

In your initial post, draw or find an example of an aggregate demand and aggregate supply (AD/AS) model that illustrates the general trends of the U.S. economy during the Great Recession. (The example may be from your own research or from the textbook.) In addition to your image, provide a response to the following:

How did the AD/AS equilibrium change over time? Support your claims by referring to your AD/AS model.

Select an economic factor (GDP, unemployment, price level) and explain what impact any shifts in AD or AS (or both) had on your chosen factor.