Business Law Case Study


Scott Restaurant Company purchased a commercial freezer from Big Refrigeration Company. The written contract between Scott Restaurant Company and Big Refrigeration Company provided that Scott Restaurant Company would pay Big Refrigeration Company $5,000 for an Arctic Air commercial freezer and an additional $1,000 for delivery and installation of the commercial freezer. Write a case study that considers the questions below. 

– Is this contract subject to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? Why, or why not? Does it make a difference if Scott Restaurant Company or Big Refrigeration Company are merchants? Why, or why not? 

Next, consider that Big Refrigeration Company delivered an Admiral Craft commercial freezer to Scott Restaurant Company on the date the contract required but, before the freezer was installed, a representative of Scott Restaurant Company recognized that the freezer that was delivered was not the brand that the contract specified. 

Include responses to the questions below in your case study. 

– Did Big Refrigeration Company breach the contract? 

– Why, or why not?

– If there was a breach of contract, what can Scott Restaurant Company do about the breach of contract? 

Week 2 Discussion Board


Background: The company you chose in Week 1 has decided to offer a new product/service line that takes advantage of the internet of things (IoT). The IoT can transform the products/services of a company by embedding products with sensors, software, and internet connections to collect and exchange data with other devices and systems.

Discussion: This discussion aims to identify how the internet of things (IoT) could be used to create a new product line and influence the business strategy. 

Using the company you selected in Week 1, research any IoT products/services already offered by your company. Determine whether any major competitors are offering products/services that take advantage of the IoT. 

Identify a new IoT product/service line that is different from any IoT products/services that your company may already offer. Describe the details of the new products/services and any similarities or differences with IoT products/services offered by competitors. 

Determine the data security and privacy requirements for the new IoT product/service line. Examine any risks and how your company can mitigate those risks. 

Specify how the new IoT product/service line might influence your company’s business strategy.

Student Case Study


Develop your own case study based on an ethical situation you have encountered. This may be a situation you experienced with a past or current employer, as part of a volunteer experience, or within a community group. In this situation describe the role played by any of the key areas discussed previously in this course, including:


goals and expectations;

  • organizational culture; and
  • training and communication.
  • Prepare a 2-3 page paper on this ethical situation you faced in your workplace (corporate, small business, non-profit, government agency, etc.). Identify the ethical issue clearly and discuss a DETAILED plan to best correct the ethical issue.
  • Writing a Case

A well-written case provides an opportunity for others to learn from your experiences. The focus of the case is on the challenge faced at the critical decision point. Organize your paper into the following sections:

Describe the situation (the key is to include all relevant details and avoid irrelevant information).

Explain the challenge.

Describe the outcome.

Propose an alternate solution(s).

It is important, in your analysis, to describe the outcomes potential solutions will have for each of the relevant stakeholders.

mrk 3600 db


Brand Archetype Exercise
For your post: 

Pick one of the Archetypes/Brands from the Archetype Wheel (figure 8.3) in the textbook- Don’t Use M&Ms or Nike

Look up the brand’s website, social media accounts, and TV ads on the brand’s YouTube channel or 

Evaluate the following:
1.    Do you think the motivation of the archetype is accurately categorized? Why or why not?
2.    Does the content created by the brand fit the personality traits? Why or why not? Give at least two examples.
3.    Do you think the archetype and the content created help’s the Hero on the consumer journey? Explain.

Your initial post should include these questions AND your response:

Company name

  1. Link to brand website

Link to the social channels you reviewed

  1. Link to the firm’s YouTube channel; Specific link(s) to any video you will reference

Do you think the motivation of the archetype is accurately categorized? Why or why not?

Does the content created by the brand fit the personality traits? Why or why not? Give at least two examples.

  1. Do you think the archetype and the content created help’s the Hero on the consumer journey? Explain.

Business Ethics: MGT/PHL 248-205


Please follow all the instructions. and do not plagiarize anything.

book: Joseph Desjardins, An Introduction to Business Ethics, 7th edition (McGraw Hill, 2024)

– Read comments on the proposal document.

Additional explanation: ?In this step of the project, you will include your proposal/case QUESTION as the first section (see sections listed under “formatting” on the prompt).

??Your next 2 sections will be case studies applying two different ethical theories. The prompt tells you what to include in these and I have added an example of one in the link of examples above. Essentially, you will explain what kind of problem each theory would find with your situation and what kind of solution each theory might recommend. Do not use internet sources to define your ethical theories. You do not need to cite a source if you are drawing on your knowledge from the course and are not quoting. If you do want to quote a definition, used the assigned readings.

??You will then add an analysis section (explained on the prompt) that gives your own opinion about the results of the case studies.



Participate in a discussion with your classmates exploring the globalization of production.  Recall that different global markets have unique access to raw materials, specialized labor, and of course, labor costs. Therefore, based on the Discussion Rubric requirements, and your research and analysis, post your discussion exploring why the influential technology firm, Apple, might seek international production options, and the implication associated with such a decision.  Specifically, answer the following questions in your discussion:

What are the benefits to Apple of outsourcing the assembly of the iPhone to foreign countries, and particularly China?

In addition to Apple, who else benefits from Apple’s decision to outsource assembly to China? Who are the potential losers here?

  1. What are the potential ethical problems associated with outsourcing assembly jobs to Foxconn in China?
  2. On balance, do you think that the kind of outsourcing undertaken by Apple is a good thing or a bad thing for the American economy?
  3. The research material for this discussion includes the following sources (you are encouraged to research others on your own):
  4. The discussion of Apple in this week’s Review Lab textbook reading.

Health Info Technology and strategic planning


W2 Assignment 1: Health Information Technology & Preparing for Strategic Planning

Instructions: Imagine you are the CIO of a new healthcare system. You have been asked to create a strategic plan for HIT needs within the organization.  In order to create the plan, you have decided to do some pre-work to help you prepare and think about the planning process. Your pre-work involves reflecting on how you will align the HIT strategic plan with the organization’s own plan and what types of information you would like to include. 

Prepare a “pre-work” document by answering the following questions. Each answer should consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs. 

What factors should be considered when developing a consistent HIT strategy?

Should the HIT strategy be developed with the HIT department in mind and then aligned with the organizational strategy, or should the HIT strategy be developed with the organizational strategy in mind? Why?

What will be your approach to the strategic planning process? For example, will you assign committees? Should you bring in consultants?

What will be some of the key categories/sections in your strategic plan?

Protection of an Employee’s Rights in the Workplace – DB


Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:

AIU Student Mobile app view

Desktop view

Assignment Details

An employee was fired for visiting non-work-related Web sites after his supervisor used an application to extract his Web browsing history. The employee subsequently sued, challenging his termination on several grounds, including invasion of privacy. Concerning this cause of action, he claimed his firing offended his right to privacy. The defendant had a policy that addressed the issue “Acceptable Use Policy.” That said, the employer could monitor the computer usage on company time.

In this scenario, explain if you believe the employer violated the employee’s “invasion of privacy” cause of action.

Describe a time when you felt your privacy in the workplace was violated.

Review and consider the thoughts on the scenario presented by others. Share your thoughts on the responses of other students and your thoughts on the scenario. To further the discussion, you could share a time when you felt your privacy in the workplace was violated, especially if it relates to the scenario.

Entrepreneurship Question


Brief Question

The first step in starting an entrepreneurial venture is to identify a problem and the second step is to shape a solution that creates a viable business model. In this assignment, students use primary and secondary research to support the identification/and or preliminary validation of the problem they feel is driving an idea identified in the Idea Journal assignment. For example, if a student felt there was a lack of access to healthy and affordable food for college students. Their research assignment should verify this is a problem –and describe the scope of the problem. After the problem is selected and researched, the students receive feedback evaluating how effective they were at creating a compelling analysis/discussion of the problem. Students conclude the assignment by providing a solution to this problem through the creation of a new business. This assignment is no more than 5 pages in length and should include links to survey data and results, questions, and secondary sources. This should include a bibliography of sources you used to gather the information.



Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process. 

2. Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact on organizational performance. 

3. Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of organizational development.

Assignment Question(s):

You are a management consultant at Miri & Co Partners; you receive an email from one of your long-term clients stating as follows: 

“Following an overhaul of the company and a shift from the conventional model to telecommuting, several challenges have emerged. First, the majority of the departments are not meeting their monthly targets. This follows an introduction of a policy that the most productive employees will receive a monthly bonus. Secondly, numerous conflicts are emerging from the finance departments. We need an urgent solution to increase the productivity of this department.” Answer the following questions: 

1. How can the company improve group awareness in the company? (3 marks)

2. State the process of using a microcosm group to address organization-wide issues. (3 marks)

3. What are the disadvantages of restructuring based on functional structure? (4 marks)